The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 850: Reward light group

After getting ready, they jumped down one by one at the place where Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong jumped.

 Except for Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong, sixteen people from Jiuyuan Continent came here.

Including Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong, eighteen people jumped down.

They didn’t care much if they jumped one or two, and would have doubts and hesitations in their hearts. However, so many people jumped in succession, and the hearts of everyone present were alive.

After all, they didn’t know that the people who jumped were all people from the Nine Yuan Continent, and they didn’t know that they jumped because of their confidence in the Ji family and the Human Emperor from their bones and souls.

Especially those who are at the **** level, fearing that they will be overtaken by a group of people whose cultivation is not as good as theirs, some people jump immediately.

  When someone takes the lead, the people behind can’t wait any longer. Those with low cultivation level and those with high cultivation level all go down. Those of them who are in the middle of the cultivation level have nothing to hesitate about.

 If you don’t go down, this trip will end here. Anyone who arrives at the entrance to the central place will not be content with not entering.

So there were fewer and fewer people on the field, and they all crowded to the place where Yan Xiangluo jumped, and jumped down.

If Yan Xiangluo knew that everyone came down from the place where she jumped, she would definitely be speechless.

She didn’t jump down from here after discovering something here, but after looking around and seeing no difference, she got down from here.

 There is really no need for them all to come down from here.

All those who jumped down were thankful that they followed down, otherwise they would really have missed the opportunity to enter the central place.

In fact, even if they did not finally enter the central land, they have gained a lot from the experience along the way. Without exception, they have improved their cultivation level, and the improvement has been quite a lot, even after they have practiced in their respective continents for more than ten or twenty years. It is a height that no one can reach, and some people cannot reach a height in their lifetime.

From the moment they saw the peaks of the Central Land, they were already in the Central Land. However, not everyone could enter the center of the Central Land.

Even if you jump down, there are so many roads below. If you choose the wrong one, you will still miss the most central place.

However, even if they have no luck and dare to jump down, their state of mind will be different, which is also a gain.

 This is also the main reason why people’s cultivation and state of mind improve so much after entering the central place.

  It is a real experience of human limits.

After Yan Xiangluo jumped down, her body was supported by a force, and she was surrounded by clouds and mist. Then she saw that the clouds and mist came out in many ways, and it was obvious that only one way was correct.

 Which way to go?

Thinking of those four sentences, Yan Xiangluo did not leave in a hurry, but pondered over the two words Jiuzhuan. Nine turns in the sky, what is the method of turning this nine turns?

How to turn it to the sky?

She saw clearly when she jumped down that she was dragged down by the force before she reached the clouds. If she went to the clouds above the clouds, she would have to go down.

She used her spiritual sense to check the conditions of several roads, and felt that there was no difference. It was difficult to choose.

At this time, she discovered that the clouds under her feet were getting softer, which meant that the force holding her up was getting weaker. She was heartbroken and had to make a decision before her strength could completely support her. In other words, after she jumped down, there was no more time to make a decision.

The thoughts in her mind lasted only a moment, and the clouds under her feet softened a bit. Yan Xiangluo squinted her eyes. She chose the path on the mountainous road with her eyes closed. Since there is no good way now, let's take a look. Is this trick easy to use?

Then she closed her eyes and thought about the roads again. Sure enough, there was only one road left.

She simply didn't open her eyes, and boldly took a step towards that road. Sure enough, the clouds under her feet became solid again. After she walked into that road, because she still had her eyes closed, she immediately saw what was ahead. The road takes a big turn.

Yu Xiangluo was speechless. Could this be what Jiuzhuan meant?

Although she had many ideas, her movements were not slow at all. There was nothing she could do about it. Whenever she stopped, the clouds under her feet would soften, forcing her to move forward quickly.

Soon she came to the first turning point. Just as she turned around, a ball of light about the same size as her height rushed towards her. Before she could react, the ball of light rushed directly into her Dantian. She was stunned. Stunned, I wanted to check what the light group was, but there was nothing in my dantian.

Looking at the golden silkworm cocoon, could it be that the light ball has entered the Nascent Soul?

However, the Yuanying is still in an unawakened state. She cannot sense the condition of the Yuanying, but she does not feel any physical discomfort. Is this light group a good thing?

Feeling her body sinking, Yan Xiangluo quickly continued walking down. This time when she came to the second turning, she was more careful. There was still a ball of light rushing into her Dantian. After entering, There is no trace.

She didn't feel any discomfort. In this case, Yan Xiangluo became cautious and sped up to the next corner.

 Yes, she uses running.

There is a time limit here. There should be a light group waiting for her at every turn. This is not a test, but a reward for her choosing the right path.

 Not just for her, but for everyone.

Yan Xiangluo was right. Everyone who chose the right path received a ball of light at every turn. However, what she didn't know was that the size of everyone's ball of light was different. Most of them were about the size of a palm. .

Because they were all above the **** level, they could clearly sense that it was a force that directly entered the Nascent Soul body in their Dantian.

Yan Xiangluo was unable to sense that power because Yuan Ying was still in an unawakened state.

 After nine turns, Yan Xiangluo harvested nine large light groups with the same diameter as her height, and the road behind her disappeared.

The surrounding area was still completely white, but the crackling thunder above her head told her that the thunder and wind in the phrase "Suddenly Encountering Thunder and Wind" were coming.

Just as this thought passed, an extremely strong wind blew in her face. If she hadn't been prepared, she would have used her spiritual power to stabilize herself, and she would have been blown away by the wind. I'm afraid this trip would be over. .

Just when she stabilized her body, a bolt of lightning struck down from above her head and came directly towards her. She wanted to move away but found that she couldn't move. She looked up in horror at the one that was thicker than her body. Ray came straight towards her.

  This is to take this thunder abruptly.

She heard that she would have to experience a thunderstorm when she finally ascended, but she was only at the Saint level. Is it certain that such a thick thunder wouldn't kill her in one blow?

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