The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 851: Step onto the golden plate

Yan Xiangluo wanted to curse others, no, curse Tiandao, this was the rhythm that wanted her life!

No matter how angry she was, she had no choice at this time. The lightning struck, and she could only bite the bullet and use her strongest spiritual power to resist.

 With a bang, lightning struck her.

The strongest power she had brewed was shattered with a single blow. The power from the lightning strike instantly penetrated her body without leaking anywhere. The bone-piercing pain made Yan Xiangluo almost unable to stand.

However, the wind that almost blew her away before magically blew her away, making her want to fall down and stand unsteadily, swaying and trembling with fear.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo had only one color, which was pitch black from head to toe.

 The most embarrassing thing is that she has no clothes on her body and her hair is disheveled. If she could see her image at this time, she would definitely be frightened.

  He is simply worse than a ghost.

However, the strange thing is that the clouds lying on her shoulders are still white, as if thunder from the sky has bypassed it.

“Yun Tuan, why are you okay?” Yan Xiangluo asked, enduring the pain.

Yun Tuan was speechless, "This is what the master has to go through. It has nothing to do with me. I can't move now and can't help the master. However, if the master dies, it has nothing to do with me."

Yun Tuan was helpless. He stayed outside just to protect his master when his life was in danger. But when lightning struck just now, it wanted to jump on top of its master to help him block it, but it couldn't move at all. It just watched. The owner was struck by lightning.

 It understands that this is an experience for its master, and even if it is the master's contracted spirit beast, it cannot help.

However, if the master fails to pass this level and dies, it, as a divine beast with a soul contract with the master, will have to be reincarnated.

 If that were the case, the work it had done with its owner in this life would have been in vain, and all the preparations made by the owner in the previous life would have been completely wasted. The price paid by the master's masters and brothers was all in vain.

Yan Xiangluo understood what Yun Tuan meant, that no one could help her, she could only get through it on her own.

However, Yun Tuan has his eyes tightly closed now. There is nothing he can do about it. Although the current owner is the same as Hei Tan, he cannot see it. It is worried that Ji Jiuzhong will strip him naked, beat his legs, and blind him when he returns.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo found that the painful feeling just now was gradually disappearing, and the parts of her body that were damaged by lightning were healing themselves. Not only were they healed, they seemed to be stronger.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the brewing thunder, her almond-shaped eyes flashed with determination. Every disaster experienced here was not in vain, but had a purpose.

 Along the way, she has experienced various experiences, whether it is combat effectiveness or experiences to improve various abilities, but she is the only one who has not experienced physical strength.

This experience that hurts to the core of her bones allowed her to experience her physical strength.

As long as you can survive it, even if you don't use spiritual power, the strength of a warrior alone is powerful enough.

 Understanding the effect of the power of lightning, Yan Xiangluo became more confident.

 As long as it's not for her life, she can bear any pain. Come on, chop it down hard.

What she doesn’t know is that people will indeed die. As long as you can’t survive it, you will really die. Another thunder struck down, more powerful than the previous one, but Yu Xiangluo still used her spiritual power to resist.

 It's just that this time the blow was harder than the last time. Even though the strength of the body increased, the injury was more serious.

But what Yan Xiangluo lacked most was perseverance. Therefore, when she had partially recovered from her injuries, she had already stood up. She found that the sooner she stood up, the sooner her body would recover from the injuries, so that she could be struck by the next lightning strike. When the body is fully recovered, it can better catch the next thunder.

However, a thunder is more powerful than a thunder. Although the physical strength is increasing, the consumption of spiritual energy is also very large. Even if Yan Xiangluo can absorb spiritual energy while consuming it, the time interval between thunder attacks is very short, and it is difficult to make ends meet. Her current state, therefore, is increasingly less powerful and imbecile.

She is like this. You can imagine what the situation is like for those who only output power.

At this time, some people who could not bear it had already fallen from the sky. There was only one such situation, that is, the person was already dead.

After Yan Xiangluo caught the eighth thunder attack, she reached the limit of endurance. When she got up, the next thunder arrived.

She wanted to curse God again. It really cost her life. How many more thunders are there?

After the ninth lightning struck, Yan Xiangluo lay on the ground and didn't get up for a long time. She thought her life was about to be decided here, but she realized that there was no lightning.

She felt her body and recovered a little. She endured the severe pain and climbed up. After getting up, her body recovered faster. After a while, all the injuries she suffered were recovered.

Yan Xiangluo was pleasantly surprised to find that now her body seemed to have been cleaned from the inside out, with no flaws at all. Her internal organs were definitely in the healthiest state in her life.

There is not even a single flaw in the whiteness of her skin. It is as smooth and white as a peeled egg.

The hair of different lengths that was struck by lightning has now returned to its original length. Not only that, it is silky and feels better than satin.

She glanced down at her perfect body and realized that she had never been wearing any clothes. She turned to look at the cloud on her shoulder and saw it lying on her shoulder with its eyes closed, not looking at her at all.

 It is quite discerning.

Hurryly taking out a dress and putting it on, before I could comb my hair, I felt the clouds under my feet softening again.

She was startled and quickly took a step forward. A golden light flashed in front of her eyes, and a gold plate with a diameter of two meters appeared in front of her eyes.

Thinking of four mantras, nine turns in the sky, suddenly encountering thunder and wind, stepping onto a golden plate, and meeting the mortal world again.

She has already experienced nine turns in the sky, and also encountered thunder and wind. Now is it time to step into the golden plate?

There wouldn't be any danger, but the softening clouds under her feet gave her no choice. She quickly stepped onto the golden plate without even having time to comb her hair.

As soon as he stepped onto the golden plate, even the hairs on his body were on guard. After all, there were no rules on the way to the center. Crisis was everywhere and could come out to kill you at any time.

 But when Yan Xiangluo stepped on the golden plate, she did not feel the power of the attack, but the golden plate started to rotate, not at a fast speed. It rotated slowly, and while rotating, it slowly moved forward.

Yu Xiangluo stood on Jinpan, steadying her body, not knowing where Jinpan was going to take her.

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