The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 852: Is he a god?

The golden disk was always spinning forward at a constant speed. After a while, there was still no danger, and the speed of the golden disk's rotation did not speed up.

But Yan Xiangluo still did not neglect her vigilance. On the contrary, she was more worried about sudden accidents.

 At this time, a small negligence can be fatal.

Yan Xiangluo looked around. If she was unprepared and Jinpan accelerated even slightly, she would be thrown out in an instant.

 You don’t need to think about the consequences of being thrown out.

Hence, Yan Xiangluo quietly tattooed a body-fixing mysterious pattern on herself, stabilizing herself on the golden plate.

With this guarantee, Yan Xiangluo let go of his consciousness to look around, but his consciousness seemed to be blocked by some kind of force and he was unable to see what was going on outside the golden plate.

Yu Xiang fell clearly, and your consciousness was cut off. Obviously, he didn't want you to notice any danger in advance so that you could be prepared.

Yan Xiangluo's heart ached. She knew that time was limited, the golden plate would not keep spinning like this, and danger might appear at any time.

Time passed little by little, and the golden disk seemed to continue to rotate and fly forward at a constant speed tirelessly.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo wondered if there was some mechanism on the golden plate. If the mechanism was not broken, the golden plate would keep spinning and flying like this.

She lowered her head and looked at the gold plate. There was nothing on the gold plate. It was extremely smooth, really like a big golden plate. She racked her brains but couldn't think of any mechanism on the golden plate.

  Not only did she think so, but many people standing on the golden plate thought so.

At this moment, Jinpan suddenly accelerated, doubling in speed. If Yan Xiangluo hadn't carved a body-fixing pattern on himself, he would have been thrown out in an instant.

The golden plate suddenly accelerated, making Yan Xiangluo feel dizzy. After a few gasps, a dazzling white light flashed in front of her. Yan Xiangluo instinctively raised her hands to cover her eyes. The golden plate suddenly stopped, making her sway with the rotation of the golden plate. His body followed suit and turned suddenly before stopping.

Yan Xiangluo put down her arm, resisting the discomfort of vomiting, and saw the golden plate suspended at the entrance of a hole.

Yan Xiangluo didn't think anything else and immediately stepped into the cave entrance.

 Because she felt that the golden plate under her feet was softening, and if she slowed down a little, it would fall, and everything would be in vain.

Sure enough, when she stepped onto the entrance of the cave, the golden plate disappeared. It was so suspenseful. Yan Xiangluo turned her head and looked at the clouds and mist behind her, with lingering fear.

  The time from jumping down from the top is actually less than an hour, but it is equivalent to walking on the verge of death.

Yan Xiangluo patted her heart, glad that she had come through.

Even though she knew that the chance of life was much higher than the chance of death when she jumped from the top, she still overcame her fear of death and her desire for life. Jumping down was equivalent to crossing a state of mind.

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo felt that she had never felt relaxed enough from the inside out, from her consciousness to her body, as if she could fly without being in the air.

 No wonder everyone wants to enter the central place. Even if they don’t reach the central place in the end, as long as they go back, the rewards are no longer what the outside world can give.

Yan Xiangluo turned her head and looked into the cave entrance, wondering what else was waiting for her in front.

It was pitch dark in the cave, and she couldn't see anything. She let go of her spiritual sense and felt it. The aura inside was very strong. She continued to use her spiritual sense to explore to see if there were multiple paths inside, and she needed to make a choice again.

As a result, her consciousness followed the entrance of the cave and looked inside for a long distance, but there was no fork in the road.

 It looks like there is only one passage. Thinking of those four mantras, nine turns in the sky, suddenly encountering thunder and wind, stepping onto a golden plate, and meeting the mortal world again.

Yan Xiangluo raised her delicate eyebrows. She had already experienced three of these four sentences. The last sentence was about meeting the mortal world again. Could this road lead to a place where ordinary people live?

 Isn’t this going to the center?

 Could it be that the center of the first place of experience is where mortals live?

Even though she was doubtful, she had no choice at this time. Yan Xiangluo walked into the cave without hesitation.

It was too dark in the cave. Although her cultivation strength was the lowest among those who entered the first training place, night vision was still no problem. After all, she envied herself for her powerful spiritual consciousness.

 While using her spiritual sense to check whether there was any danger ahead, she absorbed spiritual energy to replenish the previously consumed spiritual energy. The speed of her feet was not slow, it was the fastest she could walk in this situation.

It didn’t take much time. About a quarter of an hour later, we saw light in front of us.

Yan Xiangluo knew that this road was coming to an end. She wondered if the end of the road was the so-called mortal world.

Soon she came to the light. There was an arched door in the light, and Yan Xiangluo walked into the light without hesitation.

 After a moment of light, the scene in front of me changed.

Yan Xiangluo found herself standing at an intersection. She quickly turned her head and looked behind her. Behind her was a road extending into the distance. There was no opening anywhere.

 She was standing at a crossroads, and every road led to the distance.

 Turning back to look in the direction she was facing when she came out, there was a village there.

The smoke from the kitchen is curling up, and people are walking around the village from time to time. A group of children are playing by the stream outside the village. You can also hear the voices of adults calling the children to go home for dinner. There are still people working in the farmland not far away.

Such a breath of fireworks is really like a mortal world.

Yan Xiangluo looked further into the distance and could still see the scattered villages. Yan Xiangluo raised his head and glanced at the sky. The sun was in the sky and it should be noon.

 The villages in the distance were also filled with smoke, and it was obvious that every household was cooking lunch.

The spiritual energy here is very strong, but the strange thing is that Yan Xiangluo did not sense that the people in the village have spiritual power. They are really just a group of mortals.

 She can still absorb spiritual energy to practice, but she cannot fly in the air.

This place is so strange. Although it looks like a quiet and peaceful place where mortals live, it still feels inconsistent everywhere.

 Such a strong spiritual energy, but there is no cultivator, it seems very strange no matter how you look at it.

Yan Xiangluo walked towards the village closest to her that she saw earlier. She always had to see someone asking where she was before she knew what was going on.

If you want to enter the village, you have to pass by the creek outside the village. The children playing by the creek looked at her curiously when they saw someone coming.

A brave little boy said to Yan Xiangluo who walked up to them, "Are you a god?"

He actually used honorific words for you. Yan Xiangluo laughed and said, "Why do you think I am a god?"

 The little boy said a little embarrassedly, "Because you look like the statue of the **** enshrined in our home."

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