The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 853: Only she can enter

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. She looked like the statue of the gods enshrined in their home?

 This is something she never expected.

From what the little boy said, everyone in the village worships statues of gods, and they should be the same gods. I don’t know which **** they worship, but I am actually lucky enough to have the image of this god.

“It doesn’t mean they look alike.” Yan Xiangluo smiled gently.

“But there is a pet like this on the shoulder of the statue.” The little boy pointed at the cloud on Yuan Xiangluo’s shoulder.

Yu Xiangluo was stunned, is it such a coincidence? It would be understandable if it was just that she looked like a god. After all, she was a stunning beauty. Even her mortal enemy would not tell lies with her eyes closed.

 It’s not surprising that beauties all have similarities.

 But the fact that there is a spiritual pet like a cloud on the shoulder of the **** statue is not something that can be explained by coincidence. Could it be related to his previous life?

"I'm from out of town and I'm lost. Can you tell me where I am?" Yan Xiangluo said to the little boy with a smile before continuing the previous topic.

The little boy's eyes lit up, "We are here in Taoyuan Realm, and our village is called Ruyi Village. Are you really from outside Taoyuan Realm?"

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, Taoyuan Realm?

 Why does this name feel so familiar?

 “Yes, I’m from outside.” Yan Xiangluo responded.

She knew very well that lying was useless. There were too many differences between her and the people here. Children could not understand it at first glance, but adults could tell at a glance that she was not from here. It was better to be calm from the beginning. admit.

"Then you are a god." The little boy said with a very confident tone and an excited expression.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know why the little boy was so sure. He used his spiritual consciousness to communicate with Yun Tuan, "Yun Tuan, what's going on here? Can you tell me?"

Yun Tuan said, "The master will know what is going on when he enters the village. The master can recover part of the memory of his previous life."

Yan Xiangluo understood that this place was really related to her previous life.

She looked at the little boy and asked, "Why do people from outside have to be gods?"

The little boy took the other children seriously and knelt down respectfully and kowtowed to Yan Xiangluo. Yan Xiangluo didn't even react, so he hurriedly moved away to let them get up and talk.

How can you talk so well and kowtow to your head?

The little boy and the others got up and said, "The elders in the family told us that if someone comes from outside Taoyuan Realm one day, it must be the return of the gods. Because only gods can enter and exit Taoyuan Realm."

 Are you actually the **** they say you are?

 I understand immediately after thinking about it, there is no aura of monks here, they are all ordinary people who cannot practice. In the previous life, I should be very strong, and I have some magical powers, but I am not a god-like existence in their eyes.

Nowadays, don’t those with lower levels of cultivation also call those with cultivation levels above the divine level, “lower gods” and “higher gods”?

Although the little boy's words were a bit bizarre, Yan Xiangluo understood that it was probably her previous life that had done something to them, but seeing how respectful they were to her, it was a good thing.

Since Yun Tuan said that he could recover part of his memory by entering the village, there was no need to ask these children any more questions.

“Can you take me into the village?” Yan Xiangluo asked. The little boy said respectfully, "Of course, Grandpa Grandpa said that the Taoyuan world is a place for immortals, and there is no place where immortals cannot go."

 Is it her place?

Yan Xiangluo thought about the little boy's words and felt a little unbelievable.

Although Yun Tuan said that she could recover some of her past life memories by entering the village, she never thought that this would be her place.

 How strong were you in your previous life?

Yan Xiangluo is very curious now. From the time she entered the first training place to now, when she thinks about it carefully, it seems that every place is tailor-made for her.

But she knew very well that even if she or her master and brothers were powerful in her previous life, the first training place could not have been built by any of them.

 Because the first training place was left over from ancient times and was not built by any of them at all.

Then it can only be said that it was myself in the previous life or the master and brothers who arranged everything here with their strength.

Even so, the ability to arrange everything in the center of the training place is beyond what she can imagine now.

The group of children no longer acted like they were having fun just now, and formed two groups respectfully, walking on both sides of Yan Xiangluo, one step behind her.

Yan Xiangluo didn't say anything when she saw the actions of these children. This was their deep-rooted respect for the gods they worshiped, passed down from generation to generation.

 Whether she is the **** they worship or not, she is very touched by their respect.

 In today's world, it is difficult for anyone to have such a pious and respectful heart, but the reverence has been passed down from generation to generation for tens of thousands of years.

“Can you tell me why you are so respectful to the gods?” Yuan Xiangluojian was still some distance away from the village. At their speed, they still had to walk for a while, so they wanted to understand a little bit first.

The little boy who had spoken to him before shook his head and said, "We don't know much. We only know that our ancestors were saved by the gods. The Taoyuan world where we live was given by the gods. Because the gods gave us the Taoyuan world, we can be safe from generation to generation." We should be grateful for the joyful life.”

Yan Xiangluo understood clearly that Taoyuan World should be a small world-like existence. If it was really given to them in his previous life, then how many small worlds did he have in his previous life?

 After all, the two senior brothers had just returned her own small world to her. Did she have multiple small worlds in her previous life?

To people in the world, having a person is a person who has great luck. So what kind of person was he in his previous life?

Although Yan Xiangluo had some memories of her past life because of that time of being captured, they were only sporadic memories and it was impossible to pry into or even infer her past life.

  Juan Xiangluo was really excited when she thought that she would recover part of her memory soon.

Yan Xiangluo did not continue to ask the little boy anything. She would naturally know what she wanted to know when she entered the village and recovered some of her memory.

 Even if it doesn't work, you can go into the village and ask the adults.

Soon, they arrived at the entrance of the village. The little boy who was talking to him ran forward quickly, shouting as he ran, "Grandpa, the gods are here."

 The little boy’s voice was very loud. Everyone nearby heard his shout, and someone came out immediately.

And an old man with white hair and beard holding a stick came out of the room in the direction where the little boy ran.

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