The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 854: two light groups

"Small pillars, gods are for worship. You can't make fun of gods. It's disrespectful. Go to the ancestral hall and kneel down to confess to the gods." came the old man's old voice.

The old man had just finished scolding the child when he saw Yan Xiangluo coming in a red dress.

The old man was so excited that he threw away his crutches and knelt on the ground. He said in an excited voice, "Little old man, I bow down to the gods."

Before Yan Xiangluo could react, people from each house came over and knelt on the ground.

 “The villagers of Ruyi Village worshiped the gods.”

 The voices were different in pitch and pitch, but they were equally excited and pious.

The movement of these people finally alerted the whole village, and people kept running out of every house.

Someone shouted loudly from behind, "Come out, the gods are back."

 I worry that people who live far away cannot hear the sound and cannot come out to pay respects to the gods in time.

Yan Xiangluo did not stop them from worshiping her, because she had already sensed the vigorous power of faith pouring into her consciousness.

Yan Xiangluo knows very well that only those who truly believe in the power of faith can receive it. Since he has accepted it, it means that he is really the **** they admire in their hearts.

 Such a scene feels inexplicably familiar.

  Until the entire village came out, men, women, old and young, including bedridden people and newborn babies, were all carried out and carried out by their families.

This situation made Yan Xiangluo feel very uneasy. Even if she had not recovered the memory of her previous life, just by the scene in front of her, she knew that she would not regret helping them.

"Everyone, get up." Yan Xiangluo raised her hand.

 “Thank you to the gods.”

There was another burst of sounds, and then the villagers in Ruyi Village stood up and looked at Yu Xiangluo excitedly.

They really didn’t expect to see the return of the gods in their lifetime. What a blessing it was.

The old man who was called Grandpa by the little boy earlier took a few steps forward with a cane.

“The brocade box that the deity placed in Ruyi Village has been enshrined in the ancestral hall. Would the deity want to get it now?” the old man asked respectfully.

As soon as the old man finished speaking, Yan Xiangluo immediately knew in her mind that the brocade box contained part of her past life memories.

 “Go get it.” Yan Xiangluo said.

The old man immediately called a young man and told him to be careful to get the brocade box.

The young man ran quickly to the ancestral hall, and soon he came back carefully holding a brocade box.

The villagers in Ruyi Village looked excitedly at the brocade box held in the hands of the young man.

 Because everyone in the Taoyuan world knows that this brocade box was originally placed in the ancestral hall by the gods. No one can move it without the permission of the gods. For such a long time, the brocade box has been in the ancestral hall and no one can take it away.

Now the young people took out the brocade box, indicating that the woman in front of them was indeed the **** they worshiped.

The young man walked up to the old man and handed the brocade box to the old man. The old man let go of his crutch, and the person next to him immediately caught his crutch. The old man took the brocade box with both hands and knelt down tremblingly, "Thank the gods for giving us a peaceful place."

Yan Xiangluo took the brocade box with one hand and helped the old man up with the other.

"After such a long time, you can still maintain your original intention. With such a character, I helped you in the first place."

What Yan Xiangluo said was true. Even without recovering her memory, she knew very well that when she helped them, she didn't want them to repay her with anything in return. However, the fact that they could be grateful for generations proved that she had not helped the wrong person.

You must know that they have lived in Taoyuan Realm for at least more than 10,000 years. Such a long time may only be a matter of a few generations for monks, but for those of them who cannot practice, it is already countless generations ago. Something happened.

He should have done a good deed at the beginning, but they, a group of ordinary mortals, a group of people whom he thought he would never be able to borrow from, actually repaid him with so much power of faith.

That is a power that you cannot cultivate no matter how talented you are.

"As long as we have descendants alive, we will not dare to forget the kindness of the gods." The old man stood up tremblingly, and the person holding the crutch beside him quickly handed the crutch to him, and then helped him stand firm.

Such a natural and simple behavior of respecting the elderly was very gratifying to Yan Xiangluo.

"You guys wait a moment." Yan Xiangluo felt that she should get her memory back now so that she could know how to treat the people in Taoyuan World.

  "Please, God." The old man raised his hand after saying this, and all the people in Ruyi Village consciously stepped back to make room for Yuan Xiangluo.

The old man whispered to the young man next to him, and the young man quickly ran to the old man's room, brought out a chair and placed it next to Yan Xiangluo.

 The old man said, "God, please take a seat."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, without being polite, and sat down on the chair, holding the brocade box in one hand, and her eyes fell on the brocade box.

The brocade box was made of white jade and was not locked, but she knew that even if it was not locked, only she could open the brocade box, because she had already sensed the familiar aura on the brocade box, which was the aura of her own soul.

 This is a soul mark. No matter how strong you are, you cannot get the contents inside. If you forcefully open it, the contents inside will be destroyed.

Yan Xiangluo gently placed her other hand on the lid of the brocade box and opened it easily.

There are two light **** inside, one is white and the other is purple-gold. As soon as the brocade box is opened, the two light **** float. The white light ball stops near her eyebrows, then flies into her eyebrows and enters. Her sea of ​​consciousness. The purple-gold ball of light landed on her Dantian and penetrated into the golden cocoon in her Dantian.

The white ball of light was the memory of her previous life. Yan Xiangluo ignored the ball of light that penetrated the golden cocoon and closed her eyes to accept the memory of her previous life.

 In about a cup of tea, Yan Xiangluo finished receiving this part of the memory, and slowly opened his eyes. Yan Xiangluo finally had a partial understanding of himself in the previous life.

At the same time, I also know that there is such a brocade box in every village in the Taoyuan world. Each brocade box contains a part of the memory of her previous life, and also a part of her previous life's power.

And the first time she came to Ruyi Village after entering Taoyuan Realm was arranged by herself in the previous life.

This memory contains all the information about Taoyuan World, and the Taoyuan World at this time is extremely clear in her mind.

“The forty-nine villages in Taoyuan Realm listen to the order and send my things to Ruyi Village as quickly as possible.” Yan Xiangluo added spiritual power to spread her voice throughout the Taoyuan Realm.

 The people in Ruyi Village immediately knelt down again when they heard the sound that covered the entire Taoyuan Realm.

 At this time, everyone in Taoyuan Realm ran out of their homes in excitement.

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