The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 855: needs time

 “Did you hear that?”

“I heard it, I heard it, the gods are back.”

 “Yes, the immortal is finally back.”

“Hurry to the ancestral hall to pick up the gods’ things and send them to Ruyi Village.”

The leaders of each village immediately took action, especially those far away, and came on horseback to get the brocade boxes.

  After all, they are ordinary people with no cultivation at all, and their fastest means of transportation is horseback riding.

Yan Xiangluo also knew this. They were all ordinary people, and it would take a whole day to reach them from the farthest village.

In fact, it would be faster for Yan Xiangluo to get it by herself, but in every village she goes to, I am afraid that like Ruyi Village, she will have to experience countless bows from these people.

The power of faith poured into her consciousness like a raging wave at this time. This power of faith came from the residents of the forty-nine villages in Taoyuan.

It’s good to just accept the power of their faith in this way. There is no need for them to kowtow to thank themselves over and over again.

 Although she knew that she had given them a quiet and peaceful place to live, it was a great kindness to them and should be remembered from generation to generation. But for her at that time, it was probably just a piece of cake.

The person in charge of Ruyi Village is the old man whom the little boy calls grandpa. When the old man saw Yan Xiangluo and gave the order, he knew that Yan Xiangluo would stay in their village for at least two days.

“Gods, the yard next to the ancestral hall is prepared for the gods. No one has ever lived in it. From generation to generation, people will clean it every day. The gods can rest there.”

Yan Xiangluo also knew that he couldn't just let the people from Ruyi Village accompany him and stand at the entrance of the village waiting for those people to come.

“Okay, everyone, let’s go back and rest.” Yan Xiangluo said to the villagers in Ruyi Village.

 All the villagers shook their heads like rattles, "We want to stay with the gods for a little longer."

Yan Xiangluo understood their mood. Except for the generation of their ancestors who had seen her, they had gone through countless generations before they saw themselves again in their generation. It was normal for them to be excited and unable to calm down. They wanted to stay with themselves for a while longer.

She didn’t say anything else, and walked together towards the yard next to the ancestral hall, neither fast nor slow, just as fast as the old man walked.

 The old man was very moved. It turned out to be the immortal who saved their ancestors from suffering. Even though he was reincarnated, he was still kind-hearted. She noticed such small things.

When she arrived at the yard, the old man raised his hand and all the villagers stopped. Only the old man and the young man who had just gone to get her brocade box accompanied her in.

Entering the yard, Yan Xiangluo found that it was just as the old man said. The yard was spotless and had been cleaned with great care. Various flowers were planted in the yard. The small yard was simple and warm.

Yan Xiangluo said to the old and young people, "You don't need to accompany me. Go back and do whatever you need to do. Don't let my arrival affect your lives. Other villages can send brocade boxes and bring people here directly."

The old man knew that Yan Xiangluo didn't like to be disturbed, so he immediately said, "Shenxian, he is my grandson, his name is Zichen. He will be guarding the courtyard gate. If the deity needs anything, just give him an order."

Yan Xiangluo did not refuse. She really needed a messenger, and she couldn't use her spiritual power to shout every time.

Zichen helped his grandfather leave, and then he stood guard outside the courtyard gate.

This was an honor for them. Many young people looked at him with envy from a distance, wishing they could guard the door like this.

 The old man waved his hands to them, "Go back, don't disturb the gods."

  The person in charge spoke, and the villagers were very obedient and went home no matter how reluctant they were to leave. Yan Xiangluo walked into the main room, sat down directly on the chair in the main room, and then began to digest the memory she had just received.

This is why she chose to have the heads of each village deliver the brocade boxes instead of picking them up herself.

 It is not a pleasant thing to have memories crammed into her head all at once. She needs time to sort out these memories.

The light group that entered the cocoon in Dantian was the power left here in her previous life. She was too strong in her previous life, and it was only part of the power that had already made her Nascent Soul move.

The light group she entered into the golden cocoon at the ninth turn was also the power of her previous life. Now there is more and more power and spiritual power in her Dantian, but due to the suppression of the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique, she still cannot break through to the **** level. , Therefore, Yuanying felt a little uncomfortable, as if he had eaten too much and was unable to digest the discomfort.

Yu Xiangluo needs to stabilize her strength to make Nascent Soul feel more comfortable.

 Other brocade boxes will be delivered from the nearby villages in a while. There were only seven days left, but half of it has passed today. She does not have so much time to spend on absorbing the memories and powers of her previous life.

 And she was worried that she wouldn't be able to absorb them all, but there were forty-nine in total.

 One that has made her so uncomfortable, no wonder her previous life left so many copies of her memories and strength behind.

 One is for safety, so that if something happens, everything will not be lost. The second is that I am not strong enough to accept all the memories and powers at once.

Yan Xiangluo sat cross-legged, closed her eyes, sorted out her memories, and at the same time stabilized the strength in her Dantian to make Yuanying feel better.

  She feels uncomfortable when the Nascent Soul is uncomfortable. The Nascent Soul is herself.

There is no way, who makes their situation special? She doesn't know if other monks from lower continents have such a process, but she doesn't feel comfortable anyway.

 Fortunately, in about a quarter of an hour, the memory was sorted out, and Nascent Soul also calmed down.

Yuxiang sighed in relief. Fortunately, it didn't take too much time. Otherwise, she would have been worried when she thought about how many memories and powers she had not yet absorbed.

"God, the manager of Changfu Village has brought a brocade box." Zichen reported in a medium voice outside the courtyard gate.

Grandpa told him not to report in a loud voice, just a normal voice. Gods are different from them and can hear it.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard Yan Xiangluo's voice, "Bring people in."

Zichen immediately opened the courtyard door and came in with the manager of Changfu Village.

The person in charge of Changfu Village is a middle-aged man. He holds the brocade box in both hands, his head slightly lowered, and follows Zichen as he walks inside.

Zichen gestured to the person in charge of Changfu Village.

“The headmaster of Changfu Village bows to the gods.” The headmaster of Changfu Village immediately knelt down and kowtowed. When he kowtowed, he held the brocade box in his hand high above his head, showing how respectful he was.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the man kowtowing outside the door and sighed secretly. There was nothing he could do about this great gift.

However, the names of this village are quite auspicious.

 “Get up.” Yan Xiangluo quickly asked people to get up.

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