The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 856: balancing force

The person in charge of Changfu Village hurriedly got up and wondered whether he should deliver the brocade box himself or what to do.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him, but everyone else had come in. She immediately said to Zichen, "Zichen, bring the brocade box in."

Zichen was stunned for a moment, then happily took the brocade box from the head of Changfu Village and put it in respectfully.

The brocade box just now was delivered to the gods by grandpa. This time it is his turn, and it seems that no matter which village comes from the brocade box, he will be the one who delivers it to the gods. This is an honor that no one has. , enough for him to brag for a lifetime. If you still remember this in the next life, you can continue to brag about it.

Yan Xiangluo took the brocade box and said to Zichen, "After that, each village will send brocade boxes. You can just bring the brocade boxes in and put them at the door of the hall. Arrange the people who will come and meet them together after I'm done."

She doesn't want to meet them one by one, without wasting time, and she doesn't want to ask them to bow down one by one. If they want to bow down, just bow down together.

Zichen felt even more happy when he heard this, which meant that he was the only one who could see the immortal before the immortal finished his work.

 Suddenly I felt a little buoyant.

"Yes." He responded quickly, and then led the person in charge of Changfu Village out.

The manager of Changfu Village was also very lucky. Apart from the manager of Ruyi Village, he was the only one who saw the gods alone.

  Zichen was naturally ignored by him.

This is enough for him to brag for a lifetime.

After giving the instructions, Yan Xiangluo opened the brocade box sent by the head of Changfu Village. There were still two light groups, the white one flew into the consciousness, and the purple-gold one flew into the Dantian.

With this first experience, this time Yan Xiangluo directly began to receive and organize the memory, and at the same time helped Nascent Soul sort out its power.

Although it is still uncomfortable, it is better than before.

Before she finished tidying up, Zichen brought in a few more brocade boxes. Seeing Yuan Xiangluo sitting cross-legged on a chair with her eyes closed and not looking at him, Zichen brought a table and placed it outside the stewed lotus root in the main room. , put the brocade box on the table gently, and went out.

 Whenever someone brings a brocade box, he will arrange for the person to stay first, and then send the brocade box in so as not to disturb the fragrance.

But he had seen it, and every time he came in, there would be a few fewer brocade boxes on the table.

Yan Xiangluo put all the empty brocade boxes into her gift ring. These were all things from her previous life. Although she may not be able to use them anymore, she also knew that these were not ordinary white jade. There is absolutely no such thing as a higher continent.

In this way, Yan Xiangluo has been receiving memories and strength, and Zichen keeps sending brocade boxes in, until the forty-ninth brocade box is delivered, it is already the evening of the second day.

Zichen saw that there were only a few brocade boxes on the table. After he left, he went to tell Grandpa Zu to make preparations. The gods should be done soon.

 Then he returned to the courtyard gate and continued to guard it.

 At midnight, Yan Xiangluo finally accepted all the memories and power.

 The memory is okay. After sorting it out, it is her own memory, but the power entering the cocoon still has a great impact on Yuanying.

Although she had tried her best to help Nascent Soul sort out its power, the power in the golden cocoon was about to explode, as if it was about to explode at any time.

 However, the spiritual roots did not move at all. Yan Xiangluo glanced at the sky. It was not easy to disturb the villagers at this hour, so she simply continued to study how to make Nascent Soul feel more comfortable.

Thinking about the fact that she absorbed spiritual energy and practiced before, Yuanying didn't feel any discomfort, so why did she feel uncomfortable after the power of her previous life returned?

 Is it too much and too strong?

  After all, the Guan Tuan who entered the golden cocoon wrapping the Nascent Soul in the ninth round was also his own power. Coupled with the power in these forty-nine boxes, it was indeed too huge.

 She wondered, could she balance the power inside and outside the cocoon? Wouldn't it be so uncomfortable to balance the Nascent Soul?

Yuan Ying is a potential self. There is a huge gap in power between the actual self and the potential self. That is why Yuan Ying is uncomfortable. Is this the reason?

 Whether it is, you will know after trying it.

Yan Xiangluo closed her eyes and absorbed spiritual energy into her Dantian. This was her normal practice method.

The spiritual energy in the Taoyuan world is very rich, and there are no monks practicing here, so the spiritual energy has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years, and it is even richer than the spiritual energy in the first training place.

 As soon as the spiritual energy enters the body, it rushes towards the spiritual roots. This has never happened before.

But Yan Xiangluo didn't stop her. The spiritual root is the foundation of her cultivation. The spiritual energy after cultivation must also feed the spiritual root. The stronger the spiritual root, the stronger her strength. Both she and Nascent Soul will ultimately rely on it. Spiritual roots.

The spiritual energy poured into the Dantian and went straight to the spiritual roots. Yan Xiangluo could clearly feel that the spiritual roots were shaking and absorbing the spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy that entered the spiritual roots was directly converted into spiritual power.

 The spiritual roots are visible to the naked eye.

Yan Xiangluo discovered that the Nascent Soul would feel more comfortable as the spiritual roots grew longer.

Sure enough, it was just as she thought. Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up. At this time, the power in the cocoon wrapping Yuanying was about to explode. Does this mean that the power of Yuanying has actually reached the stage of awakening?

Is it true that as long as she balances the power of the spiritual root with the power of the Nascent Soul, she will break through to the **** level, that is, when she breaks through the third level of Pangu Flower Bloom?

Yan Xiangluo suddenly realized that a breakthrough seemed imminent.

 She finally knows how to judge whether she has reached the conditions for a breakthrough.

Although time is very tight, Yan Xiangluo is still very happy, at least she knows the direction of her efforts.

She stopped thinking about anything else, closed her eyes, and quickly entered the realm. As soon as she entered the realm, the spiritual energy of the entire Taoyuan world surged into the courtyard where she was, and Zichen who was guarding outside the courtyard gate was Forced to leave.

The people from Ruyi Village and the people in charge of the brocade boxes from other villages stood in the distance and looked at Yuan Xiangluo's yard.

 They don’t know what happened, but they felt such a strong force even if they were not monks.

 Sure enough, gods are powerful.

That was Yan Xiangluo whom they had never seen in her previous life. If they had seen her, they would know that she was truly powerful at that time.

Yan Xiangluo is very aware of the amount of spiritual energy she has absorbed. She is thinking that all the spiritual energy in Taoyuan World may be absorbed by her this time. Utopia may no longer exist. What will happen to the residents living here?

Yu Xiangluo is not unreasonable and does not care about the life and death of the villagers. Before practicing, she looked at the small world of her previous life that her two senior brothers sent back to her. It was definitely another Taoyuan world.

 It is much larger than the Taoyuan world, and it is more suitable for people to live in. It has richer species than the Taoyuan world and has a greater sense of happiness in life.

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