The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 857: One person, one scoop

Therefore, Yan Xiangluo decided that after she absorbed the aura of Taoyuan World, she would take back Taoyuan World and let them live in the small world of her previous life.

With some memories of her previous life, she knew that this Taoyuan world was part of her small world in her previous life, but it was separated by her in order to accommodate these people.

And it is not troublesome to let these people enter her small world. As long as the small world is integrated, they will naturally follow in, and there is no need to move or anything. After the Taoyuan world merges with her small world, the lost spiritual energy will naturally be absorbed. The small world was replenished, and from now on, where the villagers lived, the spiritual energy would be the same as the spiritual energy in her small world.

 They live in such an environment. Although they are ordinary people, their longevity is much higher than that of ordinary mortals.

Look at the person in charge of Ruyi Village. He is over a hundred years old and can still handle the affairs of the village.

Hence, she was not lenient at all in absorbing the aura of the Taoyuan world.

Although the villagers were confused, they were not uneasy at all, because their deep respect and trust in the gods made them have no doubt that the gods would be bad to them.

In the early morning of the next day, Yan Xiangluo quit her practice. The aura of the Taoyuan world had been absorbed by her. Although it still could not reach the balance of power with the cocoon that wrapped the Yuanying, it at least made the Yuanying feel much more comfortable. Uneasy, he fell into a deep sleep again.

Yan Xiangluo opened her eyes and looked at the already bright sky outside. Although it was a world separated from her previous life, it had normal four seasons, sunrises and sunsets.

 She stood up and walked out.

At this time, Zichen was standing outside again. When there was no obstruction, he came over.

Yan Xiangluo saw Zichen as soon as she opened the courtyard door.

 “Greetings to the gods.” Zichen saluted immediately.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the villagers in the distance, "Don't you have any rest?"

Zichen said with some embarrassment, "I'm so excited that I can't sleep even when I go back. Except for the elderly and children, almost everyone is here."

Zichen was telling the truth. His grandfather asked them all to go back to rest last night, but no one went back except the old man and the sleepy children. The old man and the children only went back one after another in the latter half of the night. I haven't slept for an hour yet.

Yan Xiangluo was very helpless. Mortals were different from monks. They would be very tired if they stayed up all night, which was not good for their health.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the number of people and said to Zichen, "Bring in three water tanks."

Zichen didn't even ask her what she wanted the water tank for. He immediately ran away and arranged for people to bring two of his own water tanks, as well as a neighbor's water tank.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo raised her hand, the three water jars were filled with water from the spiritual spring.

It’s not that she is reluctant to let them drink the spiritual spring water directly, but that they are mortals and their bodies cannot withstand the power of the spiritual spring and will be burst by the force. If it is diluted and they drink it, it will be good for their bodies.

"Everyone come and drink water, one scoop per person. Don't drink too much. Your body won't be able to bear it." Yan Xiangluo said to Zichen.

Zichen's eyes lit up and he realized that the water given by the gods must not be ordinary water. He immediately went over to support his grandfather and then called everyone to come and line up to drink the water given by the gods. Each person took a ladle, and he couldn't bear to drink too much.

All the villagers were very conscious and lined up naturally without fighting. No one wanted to rush forward or get to the front of the line.

The first person to drink water was the director of Ruyi Village. It was impossible for the old man to drink a gourd of water in one go. After all, he was old and the water was still cold. But after he took a sip, he felt that the water was as cold as It was like nectar. I actually drank up a whole ladle of water in one breath, and I still felt like I still had some unfinished thoughts. He felt that after drinking this gourd of water, his body became stronger and his waist, which was a little bent, straightened up.

He has strength now, but the gourd from which he drinks water belongs to his own family. After he touches his lips, he can't give it to others to drink from. It's not polite.

He turned to the villagers behind him and said, "Go home and fetch the water man, and then come and drink water."

The villagers also realized that they couldn't have so many people drinking from one gourd, and immediately ran home to get pots and pots.

The old man gave the water ladle to his grandson, "Zichen, you drink first, and then we will get water for everyone here."

 Then he ordered his son and his wife to go home and bring their own bowls and basins for use by the leaders from other villages.

The leaders of each village thanked them. After all, they didn’t have to bring their own food and water.

 Because the people in charge live closest to here, these people in charge drank the water before the villagers.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t wait outside. “If there’s not enough water, tell me.”

 Then she motioned to the leaders of each village who had finished drinking the water to follow her into the yard.

The old man left the outside affairs to his grandson Zichen, and took the officials into the yard.

Yan Xiangluo stood at the door of the hall. There were so many people in there, not to mention sitting down, and they couldn't even pretend to be there. Therefore, she was going to tell these people about her plan outside.

Before she could speak, everyone knelt down and kowtowed, and the sounds of one after another rang out again.

Yu Xiangluo was helpless. After being beaten by them, she asked them all to get up.

 “I don’t have much time, so I’ll tell you briefly.” Yan Xiangluo said.

She has been here for two days, and there are only five days left in the seven days. Time is really running out. She wanted to absorb as much spiritual energy as possible in the first place of training, so that her spiritual roots and the power in the cocoon could be balanced.

 Otherwise, after going out, there would be no place with such rich spiritual energy in Jiuyuan Continent for her to absorb spiritual energy.

 “Please tell me, God,” the old man said.

Ruan Xiangluo said, "The Taoyuan world where you live has been absorbed by me because of the spiritual energy. Although you can't practice and you can't do anything with the spiritual energy, the food nourished by the spiritual energy is all high-quality ingredients. Therefore, you are better than Normal mortals live longer, are healthier, and rarely get sick. Now that the spiritual energy has been absorbed by me, it will have an impact on your future life. Therefore, I will take Taoyuan World away, and you can still Living here will not change your life, and the lost spiritual energy will be replenished in a few days, but the movement will be a bit loud and the shaking will be severe, so you don't have to be afraid. "

After hearing this, the chiefs of each village quickly thanked them, "Thank you very much for the gods' plans for us."

They, a group of mortals, were of little help to the gods, but they made the gods take such trouble to accommodate them. No wonder their ancestors had made them swear an oath from generation to generation not to disrespect the gods, and to respect this **** throughout their lives. Now that she saw it with her own eyes, she It is indeed worthy of their admiration.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Hasn't there been anyone among you who has awakened your spiritual roots in the past ten thousand years?"

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