The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 858: Really spiritual roots

Yan Xiangluo was surprised by this. After all, the aura here is so rich and the living environment is so good. They have been nourished for thousands of years from generation to generation. How can they still be mortals? Why can't they practice?

The old man explained on behalf of everyone, "God, we don't have monks, so we don't know how to awaken spiritual roots, and we don't know if any of our descendants will have spiritual roots."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. She didn't expect it to be the reason. She had forgotten this. The awakening of spiritual roots requires the assistance of monks. The people living in Taoyuan World are all mortals, and there are no monks to help them awaken their spiritual roots, so even if they have spiritual roots, they cannot awaken.

After thinking for a while, Yan Xiangluo made a decision.

"I still have something to do. In a few days, I will arrange for someone to test your spiritual roots. If someone awakens their spiritual roots, I will send them to study and practice. If I don't come within ten days, then don't wait any longer. ." Yan Xiangluo made a promise.

 Looking at nothing else but the power of their devout faith, she should do something for them. As for whether their humanity can remain so pure after they can cultivate, it will depend on the test of time.

But all this must be done before she can leave the first training place alive, so she gave a time, and the time to leave was only five days. Even if she could leave here alive, she might not be able to come here as soon as possible, so she gave A ten-day agreement was made.

Everyone was shocked. The surprise came too suddenly. Their descendants actually had the opportunity to become monks?

 The sound of kneeling down and praying sounded again.

They all ignored the ten-day deadline given by Yan Xiangluo. In their hearts, gods are omnipotent, and they would not even think about her having an accident.

Yan Xiangluo was helpless and used her spiritual power to stop everyone and lift them up. Stop knocking. She felt that she was the same age as Zichen's grandfather.

"You all are ready, I will send you back, and I will take Peach Blossom Realm away in Chenshi. When you go back, tell the villagers immediately. Don't be afraid if there is any movement." Yuan Xiangluo said to the other villagers.

 “Yes.” Everyone responded in unison.

After the explanation, Yuan Xiangluo asked the leaders of each village to come forward and explain that they were from that village. Yuan Xiangluo sent the people back with a teleportation of the mysterious pattern.

She doesn't have much else, she just has a lot of elixirs and mysterious patterns. It doesn't matter if she doesn't have enough to engrave them.

Others looked at the disappeared person in shock. The gods were really powerful.

  When the last person was sent away by Yan Xiangluo, only the head of Ruyi Village and his grandson Zichen were left in the yard.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the time and saw that there were still two quarters of an hour before Chen Shi. She said to Zi Chen, "Zi Chen, come here and let me see if you have spiritual roots."

When Zichen heard this, he was overjoyed. The gods actually showed him whether he had spiritual roots now, which was obviously a reward for him in these two days.

Zichen's legs were shaking with excitement. Just because they were mortals, they were so eager to become monks, and they also clearly understood the gap between mortals and monks.

 He walked up to Yan Xiangluo excitedly.

Yan Xiangluo raised her hand, "Don't resist."

  Zichen immediately relaxed himself and allowed Yan Xiangluo's mental power to fall on him.

Yan Xiangluo's spiritual power directly entered his Dantian. When he saw a small bag in his Dantian, his eyes lit up. Sure enough, people in the Taoyuan world had experienced thousands of years of pure spiritual energy and had spiritual roots.

Before the spiritual root is awakened, it is just like a small bag in the Dantian. The size is the same. If you want to know what your talent is, you can only know it after you have truly awakened the spiritual root.

Yan Xiangluo withdrew her mental power and said, "Zi Chen has spiritual roots." Zichen's nervous heart suddenly became excited, jumping and jumping with excitement, and tears flowed out, "Grandpa, I can become a monk."

The person in charge of Ruyi Village is over a hundred years old. He has several sons and many grandsons. He even has more than a dozen great-grandchildren and six great-great-grandchildren. Zichen is the youngest son of his youngest son and also his youngest son. Grandsons and many great-grandchildren are older than Zichen. But Zichen was his favorite grandson, and he personally took him with him to teach him.

Now that I know that my favorite grandson actually has the opportunity to become a monk, I am so excited that I can't even say a word, so I just keep saying yes.

Yan Xiangluo understood their mood, just like when her soul first came back and knew that she could practice in a fantasy world, she was in disbelief and excited at the same time.

"It takes time to awaken the spiritual roots. You have to wait for me to come back in a few days." Yu Xiangluo said.

It's good to know it first. You can calm down for a few days. When the time comes to awaken your spiritual roots, you can be calmer. This will only be good for awakening your spiritual roots.

 “Yes, thank you gods.” Zichen was still very excited.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "If I don't come in ten days, I will never come."

The grandfather and grandson were stunned for a moment, and then asked in unison, "Has something happened to the gods?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "You don't need to tell others now. If I don't come in ten days, just tell them."

 The excitement of the grandfather and grandson was instantly wiped away, and they were both worried about Yu Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo smiled, "The journey of cultivation will not be smooth sailing. Life and death often accompany each other. This is normal."

Yu Xiangluo walked into the main room, took out a pen and paper, and started writing at his desk.

After a moment, she put a few pages of paper and a book of cultivation techniques into a brocade box, sealed it with her spiritual consciousness, and handed it to the person in charge of Ruyi Village.

"This is a way to self-awaken spiritual roots, but it is very dangerous. If it fails, you will die directly. I sealed it with my spiritual consciousness. If I don't come after ten days, the spiritual seal on it will disappear, and you will Make your own decision."

 This is what Yan Xiangluo can do for them, in case they also have the opportunity to awaken their spiritual roots and become monks.

Even if they cannot leave her small world, they can still get out of the small world if they meet the master again or if someone among them can cultivate to a powerful level in public.

Yan Xiangluo actually didn't realize it herself. She was unknowingly influenced by Ji Jiuzhong, and she was used to being completely prepared for things.

The head of Ruyi Village took it with trembling hands. The grandfather and grandson knelt down and kowtowed to Yuan Xiangluo.

“On behalf of the residents of the Taoyuan community, our grandfather and grandson would like to thank the gods for their great kindness.”

Yan Xiangluo raised her hand and used her spiritual power to help them up. "The time is coming. You also go and inform the villagers in Ruyi Village to get ready. I am going to take away the Peach Blossom World."

The grandfather and grandson wiped away the tears of excitement on their faces and hurriedly thanked Yan Xiangluo again. Then Zichen supported his grandfather and went out to inform the villagers.

Yan Xiangluo watched her grandfather and grandson go out, and her spiritual consciousness entered the portable space, preparing to merge the peach blossom world with the small world space of her previous life.

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