The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 859: Pretending to be a magician

 The reason why I didn’t tell them that I wanted to integrate the Taoyuan world with my own personal space was because I didn’t want to change their lives too much.

Even after they were integrated, she didn't want to expand their territory, nor did she want them to expand their territory in her own personal space.

 She didn't want to ruin their peaceful life.

Although she knew that their lives would be changed as soon as they became monks, she still hoped that people without spiritual roots could happily live their ordinary but happy lives.

Although the portable space in her previous life was also a small world, it was still different from the Pangu space, but it was more like a world of flesh and blood.

Yan Xiangluo looked around her personal space. Because she had some memories of her previous life, she knew how to integrate the Taoyuan world.

Taoyuan World was originally a part of the space she carried with her in her previous life, and it was not difficult to integrate it back.

Seeing that the time was up, Yan Xiangluo walked out of the yard, and the villagers all came out of their homes. Because they knew there would be a tremor and were worried that some people's houses were not strong, they gathered people in an open place.

Although Yan Xiangluo knew that the fusion would not damage anything, she still did not stop them.

 She will not interfere with how they live and do things.

 Such a situation occurs in various villages in Taoyuan.

Yan Xiangluo released her mental power, and the forty-nine brocade boxes she threw into the storage ring flew out and lined up in the air. Each brocade box has an invisible thread that connects to a certain part of the Taoyuan world. They are the parts of the Taoyuan world that connect to her personal space. Originally, she wanted to keep them for use.

Yan Xiangluo controlled these brocade boxes with her mental power, and silently shouted in her heart, "Take them."

As expected, the entire Taoyuan World began to shake. Immediately, the Taoyuan World disappeared, and Yan Xiangluo's portable space also shook. When Yan Xiangluo looked in again, sure enough, the Taoyuan World became part of the portable space.

Now when I look at the portable space, I realize that there seems to be a part of the space missing.

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows. How many parts did she divide her personal space into in her previous life?

 Where is the rest of the space?

 It's a pity that the memory she recovered does not relate to this aspect. It seems that it will take a chance to get it back.

  Looking at the villagers in Taoyuanjie, they were all calm. Zichen ran into the yard and did not see Yan Xiangluo. He knew that she had left, so he said to everyone, "The immortal is gone."

The person in charge of Ruyi Village told everyone, "It's okay to be normal. When the gods send people, you should treat it with a normal heart. If it is, it's lucky; if it's not, it's lucky. Just live how you want to live."

After hearing what the person in charge said, all the villagers made it clear and went back to their homes.

Yan Xiangluo heard what the manager of Ruyi Village said to the villagers, and saw the manager put the box he gave him into the ancestral hall.

 Withdrawn his consciousness and thought to himself: I hope these people can always maintain their original intention.

 The Taoyuan world is gone, and Yan Xiangluo has returned to the center.

Yan Xiangluo looked around. This was the place before she entered the Taoyuan world.

In front of her is the aperture arched door she saw. Is she going to enter again and go there this time? Will it be the center of a central place?

Yan Xiangluo walked directly into the aperture without hesitation.

 There are only five days left, time is really running out. Especially with some memories of past lives, it is necessary to go to the center of the central place.

Just when Yan Xiangluo stepped into the circle of light again, the other side of the demon world, the place of first training, was also experiencing the test of life and death. But the test is only for demon cultivators. Those real demons in the center are like entering their own back garden. They all know how to avoid all tests and dangers. Almost always go straight to the destination.

 The only exception is Qin Suyue.

Qin Suyue knew that her cultivation strength was the lowest among all the demons. She had not seen any demon with a lower cultivation level than her these days, so she couldn't deny this.

 Therefore, if you want to survive in the hands of these demons, the only way is to avoid them.

When a demon sees a demon cultivator and a demon, he can tell which one is the demon cultivator and which one is a demon without any effort. This is the instinct of the demon. Their aura is too special.

However, if the demon cultivator is not strong enough, it is impossible to distinguish between demons and demon cultivators.

The demons come here for a purpose. The demons who can enter here are all above the **** level. They are not afraid of one person, but they still dare not provoke many people.

  Qin Suyue could avoid the devil before coming to the central place, but there was no way to completely avoid it after entering the central place.

Therefore, she used the face-changing mysterious pattern to hide her demonic appearance, pretending to be a demonic cultivator, and mixed with a group of demonic cultivators. In this way, even if a demon discovered her, she would be afraid of too many demonic cultivators. Her cultivation level was too low and he gave up on dealing with her.

Although it was slower, Qin Suyue followed this group of demon cultivators to the place closest to the center of the central place.

 At this point, she could feel the call of the devil's power, just like a dog who had been hungry for many days suddenly saw a large bone with meat and wanted to pounce on it and bite off a large piece of it.

 But she did not dare to leave these demon cultivators, because once she left, it would be her death. Because there were too many demons coming here, and she didn’t know how to get in.

Qin Suyue really didn't expect that there were so many demons.

And they have so many demons, but they only have one piece of "cake". It would be extremely difficult for her, the weakest person, to eat the "cake".

 At this time, they were resting, or to be precise, discussing what to do next.

Several people in their group who are highly cultivated and have the final say are currently discussing.

“This is the entrance to the center. How do you get in?”

“None of us have been here before, or should we partner with other groups?” someone suggested.

 Several people were a little moved after hearing this. This is the most labor-saving and time-saving method.

 They looked around to find their target. There were many people like them who were together, but how could they find an experienced group?

After hearing what they said, Qin Suyue's eyes flashed with a dark light. This was indeed a way. It would be easier to succeed by joining forces with stronger people.

She has discovered a long time ago that their group has reached its limit if they don't cooperate with other groups.

 This is what she was worried about just now. Many demons have already entered, and the later they enter, the slimmer their chances.

Now that they have taken the initiative to find partners, Qin Suyue is naturally happy to see the success and wants to help them.

Qin Suyue had already done some research and knew that some of the people in the group had been here.

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