The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 860: Borrow the light in

She was very anxious when she saw that another demon had entered. Therefore, she did not bother to cover up other things, and said to the most influential people in the group, "The group on the right with only six people, some of them have been here before."

 “How do you know?” Several people looked at her and asked, sizing her up.

These days, Qin Suyue has been very low-key, and her true nature has been well hidden. She has a low sense of presence in this group of people. If she suddenly makes a sound, it will always make people think too much.

"We came from their side just now. I heard them ask one of them how you got in the last time you came here." Qin Suyue said calmly.

What a joke. Just one look wanted to scare her. She, Qin Suyue, came from a crowd of men. She knew men too well.

Seeing how calm she was, the man retracted his gaze and said to the others, "Let's go over and take a look."

Qin Suyue knew that they had used this method to determine whether anyone among them knew how to get in. If anyone really knew, they would discuss the partnership directly.

No matter how anxious you are, you can only wait.

Fortunately, she was not kept waiting for too long. In about a quarter of an hour, a few people came back and said to them, "They agreed to partner with us. They know how to get in, but they are not strong enough. The only requirement is that they all take an oath." , do you agree that you can’t attack each other when you go in?”

What they didn't say was that the other party said that even if they had a way to get in, they wouldn't be able to get in with so many people. Someone from the two groups would definitely be unable to get in.

They don’t want to delay their entry because of this matter. After all, they won’t be unable to enter even those who can’t.

Everyone agrees. There is no way. Obviously a few people agree. If they don’t agree, they will be excluded and they will not be able to enter.

 Besides, such an oath protects each other, and there is no reason for them to disagree. Qin Suyue understood that everyone was anxious to get in, and it was normal to discuss it so quickly.

  The two groups formed one, and after they all made an oath, they walked toward the entrance. Others who couldn't think of a way looked at them, wondering how they got in and whether they could learn from it.

Qin Suyue walked at the back, not because she didn’t want to go in front, but because she was not qualified to go. She hid her identity as a demon and could not use the power of the demon. Therefore, she was the weakest among these people and could only walk at the end.

Now she hates the word "weakest" to death.

Looking at the person in front of him, his eyes flashed with a cold light, and soon he no longer had to hide himself. As long as you go in, you won't need them.

"Everyone in the back listen to my order. I ask you to stand in that position and you stand in that position. If I ask you to input magic power, you input magic power. If the aperture appears, all stand in. The time is very short and you must move quickly. You must not Those who came in in time should not blame me." The man who came in said to everyone.

If he hadn't failed to get in like this last time, he wouldn't have wanted to partner with these people.

After everyone responded, the man began to arrange people, one person at a time. After a while, he shouted, "Input spiritual power."

Everyone standing at his designated position quickly input their spiritual power.

Qin Suyue was the one who didn't need to contribute, but after listening to the man's words, she understood that so many people might not be able to get in, so she stared at them closely, saw the aperture appear, and rushed in instantly.

There are too many of them, and the aperture is not that big, so some people can't get in. Those who enter if they are not strong enough will be squeezed out. She is the weakest person who comes in behind and wants to squeeze out first. She is the first target.

Qin Suyue looked with cold eyes at the people who wanted to squeeze her out, but no matter how hard they squeezed her, she remained motionless.

What a joke, she is the weakest among the demons, but the strongest among these monks. She just wants to take advantage of their large number of people to avoid the demons and use the light to get in. Is it possible for a monk to bully her? . The people behind were stunned. Qin Suyue's cultivation level was the lowest among them, so why wasn't she squeezed out?

And why her eyes are so scary, as cold as if she came out of hell.

 At this moment, the aperture disappeared, and the people in the aperture also disappeared. Those who didn't squeeze in were stunned, and then collapsed. They might not have a chance to get in this time.

 At the same time, they were still wondering how Qin Suyue managed to avoid being squeezed out by them?

They didn't know that the most fortunate thing at this time was that Qin Suyue had sworn not to do anything to them. Otherwise, it wouldn't be as simple as not being able to go in. I'm afraid their lives would be lost.

At this time, Qin Suyue had already followed everyone in.

 “Is this the center of the central land?” someone asked suspiciously.

Qin Suyue ignored them and ran away in the direction of the demonic power she sensed, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

She came in too late. If she didn't go quickly, she would really have no chance. The price would be that the real demon would take back her power and she would disappear.

No one could react, Qin Suyue had disappeared.

"Isn't she the lowest in cultivation? Why is she so strong?" The people who were with her were confused and asked the people next to her who were also in the same group before.

To be honest, they didn't expect Qin Suyue to actually come in. After all, they knew very well that there were several people who couldn't get in, and Qin Suyue was one of the people who couldn't get in.

"Yes, her cultivation level is the lowest. I didn't pay much attention to her before."

“I didn’t expect that she is the one who hides the most deeply.” Someone said with emotion.

At this time, everyone knew that Qin Suyue had hidden her cultivation before. Although they were very angry at being used by Qin Suyue in this way, they did not do anything that violated their agreement. If they were not angry, there was nothing they could do. Everyone was gone, so they could still How about it.

“See she went in that direction without hesitation, does she know something?” Someone looked at the direction where Qin Suyue disappeared and asked.

Everyone was silent when they heard this.

The center of the central land was very different from what they imagined. It was desolate, as if no one had set foot in it for tens of thousands of years.

After a while, someone said, "We are running out of time, and we don't have any good options. I have decided to go in that direction, and you can do whatever you want."

After finishing speaking, the man walked towards the direction where Qin Suyue disappeared.

The rest of the people looked at each other, and felt that there was no better way now. After all, time was really running out. They thought that if they came in, their own opportunities would appear, but now it seems that it is not that time. It all depends on chance.

 They all walked in that direction.

 At this time, demons like Qin Suyue were rushing to the same place.

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