The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 863: Countless souls

“Have you seen demons before?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Zhetian pointed to the top of his head, "Master, I lived there in my first life."

 The implication is that the devil should only exist there.

Yan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes. This made sense, why she had never seen demons in the lower continent or the higher continent before.

"Tell me what you can say." Yan Xiangluo said to Zhe Tian.

Yun Tuan fell into a deep sleep before she could tell her any more information. Now only Zhe Tian could provide her with some information.

Zhetian said, "Master, I can only tell you that the devil wanted to destroy the existence of Jiuchongtian. Later, it was sealed by the powerful men of Jiuzhongtian. No one knows where it was sealed."

Yanxiang realized clearly that it seemed that the demon was sealed in the center of the first training place by the powerful men of the Nine Heavens.

Very few people can come here, and those who come in can't tell anyone any information. Moreover, the chance of those who can come in here to escape alive is very small, so no one knows that the devil is sealed here.

She didn’t know what kind of power the Nine Heavens had at that time to seal the devil here.

“I have something from my past life here, please help me look for it.”

Yan Xiangluo knew that since she came in, she might not be able to go out before the specified time. Since she can't go out here and there are things she needs to get back, and Zhe Tian's treasure hunting ability is no worse than Yun Tuan, why not look for her own things first!

 It would be best if you can find it.

There is no spiritual energy here, and there is no way to practice. Yan Xiangluo feels that her wish to break through to the **** level in the first place of experience will be in vain. If you can save your life and not be taken away by the devil, you are considered lucky.

Zhetian asked curiously, "Master, what is it?"

Yan Xiangluo shook his head, "I don't know what it is. If you find something, just tell me first. I'll know if it's mine when I feel it."

Yan Xiangluo also understood that as long as it was from her previous life, it would have the imprint of her soul on it, and she would be able to sense it as soon as she met it.

"Okay, let me see if there are any treasures here." Zhetian noticed the aura of Yan Xiangluo as soon as he broke through to Shenzhi, and rushed over. He didn't really see if there were any treasures here.

With Zhe Tian, ​​a little expert in treasure hunting, Yan Xiangluo felt more at ease. Even if she used her spiritual consciousness to hunt for treasures, she wouldn't be able to see them and it would be overwhelming.

 If you don’t use the power of your spiritual consciousness, you won’t be able to meet the devil.

 After all, according to Zhe Tian, ​​the demon is sealed somewhere and cannot move around at will.

Zhetian transformed into its smallest state, and a small purple flower bloomed on the top of the vine. The small flower kept turning like a small radar, as if it was looking for something.

Yan Xiangluo looked at Zhetian in wonder. After becoming a divine plant, she still had such an ability. The flowers that bloomed actually had the ability to hunt for treasures.

“Master, there is a strong aura in the southeast,” Zhetian said.

Yan Xiangluo looked to the southeast. The place was deserted, and nothing could be seen in any direction. Since Zhe Tian sensed that there was a strong aura there, let's go and take a look.

"Lead the way, let's go over and have a look." Yan Xiangluo said to Zhe Tian.

Zhe Tian immediately flapped his two leaves and flew toward the southeast.

  It feels a bit strange no matter how you look at it. Think about what it looks like when a vine **** its two leaves and flies.

Zhetian flew in front, and Nuanxiangluo rose up into the air to follow behind. Zhetian's speed was not slow, and Nuanxiangluo followed closely. After flying for about a quarter of an hour, Zhetian stopped and said, "Master, it's down here."

The incense fell down and she hesitated as she looked at the ground.

Since the devil is sealed here, it must be sealed underground. If she wants to know whether the things below are hers, she must use the power of her spiritual consciousness to find out. This will attract the devil's attack. She can I don’t want Zhe Tian to fall asleep again.

what to do?

Seeing her standing there motionless, Zhetian asked in confusion, "Master, what's wrong? Can't you feel it?"

Yan Xiangluo shook his head and said, "I don't dare to use the power of my spiritual consciousness to investigate. The devil found me and attacked me because I used the power of my spiritual consciousness before."

Zhetian immediately understood her worries and thought for a moment, "Master, don't you have any other way to check if there is anything belonging to the master down there?"

 Other methods?

Yan Xiangluo thought for a while, her eyes lit up. She couldn't use the power of spiritual consciousness. She could use the power of soul control. If there were things from her past life down there, they must be connected to her soul. She just needed to use the power of soul control. Do you feel it?

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said to Zhe Tian, ​​"Smart."

Zhetian immediately danced the vines happily. The owner praised it and he was in a great mood.

With a thought, Yan Xiangluo mobilized her soul-controlling power. Before she could look down, the scene on the ground shocked her.

There are countless souls wandering in the entire desolate land, but there are no souls within a hundred meters around her, so she didn't realize there were so many souls here before.

There are both men and women, and people of all ages. How come there are so many souls here?

 Why are these soul bodies so far away from me?

Zhetian saw Yan Xiangluo staring into the distance in a daze and asked, "What did the master find?"

Yan Xiangluo said, "I see countless soul bodies here, but they are all a hundred meters away from us."

Zhe Tian sighed and said, "Since demons could be sealed here in the first place, many strong men must have been sacrificed. Coupled with the desolation here, people who come in may not be able to get out. These souls are detained here, it should be here Is there any setting, it’s not necessarily for the soul body, it should be because they are worried about the demon adobe seal, they are really implicated.”

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo felt that it was really possible that Zhe Tian said this. She saw that the clothes of those soul bodies were indeed wearing the style of that continent, which meant that these people were from that higher continent.

“Why are they so far away from us?” Yan Xiangluo asked in confusion.

Zhetian was also confused by the question, "Master, just call him and ask."

Yan Xiangluo looked at the ground, then at the soul bodies, and decided to communicate with those soul bodies first, so that maybe she wouldn't have to check it herself.

 She used the power of soul control to communicate with the soul body a hundred meters away, "Why are you so far away from me?"

The souls were startled when they heard her figure, and then looked at her in disbelief, and the noisy voice suddenly sounded.

 “Are you a Heavenly Master?”

Yan Xiangluo nodded and said, "Yes."

 “Then can you free us?” they asked urgently.

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