The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 864: purple gold

Yan Xiangluo shook her head and said, "Yes, I can, but I have to leave here alive. Can you tell me why you are so far away from me?"

After finishing his words, he quickly added, "Everyone else should be quiet. As long as one person answers me, it will be fine."

Yanxiang Luo couldn't stand the noise of so many souls talking at the same time, and her brain ached.

When she said this, the souls suddenly became quiet. Facing her direction, the souls pushed one person out to answer her question, while everyone was making noises at her.

"You have a purple-gold light on your body. We don't dare to get close. This is the closest distance we can get to you. If you get closer to you, your soul will be very uncomfortable. If it is serious, your soul will fly away." The soul body that was recommended was a A man who looks middle-aged, he explains to Yan Xiangluo.

 Purple-gold light?

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, and then she understood what the purple-gold light he was talking about was. It was the power of her heavenly master.

The power of the Heavenly Master cannot be seen by humans, but can be seen by the soul body. The darker the color, the stronger the power.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t even know that her Heavenly Master power was purple-gold, because she couldn’t see it herself.

 When I didn’t enter the first training ground, nothing like this had ever happened. Those soul bodies were very willing to get close to her. They said that the soul body felt very comfortable when they were close to her, and their soul power became stronger.

 Now that he has a purple-gold light that they can see on his body, it means that his Celestial Master power has reached a very high level and can protect himself from being harmed by any soul body.

 The reason why those soul bodies felt comfortable being close to him before was because his Celestial Master power could nourish their souls, so they felt comfortable.

Now that my Celestial Master strength has improved and reached the level of self-control, I have formed the power of self-protection and do not allow my power to be absorbed by other souls, so the current situation occurs.

Yan Xiangluo understood that this was only if she didn't want to, and if she allowed any soul body to approach her, it would still be okay.

 After all, she is a heavenly master. If she cannot control the soul body, how can she be a heavenly master and practice the power of controlling souls?

 The power within oneself is also controlled by oneself.

Yan Xiangluo waved to the soul-body man who was talking to her, "Come here and talk."

Talking to him from too far away consumes a lot of soul-controlling power. Although this consumption is insignificant, there are so many souls here. She must ensure that her soul-controlling power is always at its peak. This is for herself. Protect.

 Otherwise, she would have been summoned by so many souls, and she would have been able to answer the question without the devil taking action.

With her permission, the man in the soul body floated over happily, but he could only stand five meters away from Yan Xiangluo.

Now as long as Yan Xiangluo doesn't allow it, no soul body can absorb the soul-controlling power from her body. She would not allow her soul body to absorb her soul-controlling power at will. "Why are there so many souls here?" Although Zhe Tian told the reason, Yan Xiangluo still wanted to confirm the specific reason from their mouths.

“We all came here to practice. We thought that coming to the central place was an opportunity, but we didn’t expect that we died after being sucked out of power by a demonic attack.”

Yan Xiangluo didn’t expect that they were all knocked out by demonic attacks that absorbed their power. Can magic absorb their power?

The man with the soul body continued, "But we found that we cannot escape after death. This place seems to be isolated. Even if we have died, our souls cannot leave here. Not to mention reincarnation, the soul power will still be consumed. . I have been dead for thousands of years, and my soul power has been consumed by half. Over the past thousands of years, I have seen countless soul bodies completely dissipate due to the exhaustion of their soul power."

"No one who came in could leave, and you were the first one who was attacked by demons but did not die. You have the power of a heavenly master, which is why we souls surround you. . We want to leave here. If you, as a Heavenly Master, can't help us, we may really have no hope." The man's tone was sad and helpless.

Yan Xiangluo is a heavenly master and naturally knows that the soul body cannot last forever in the world. As long as it is not reincarnated, it will be consumed sooner or later.

But these people all died after being attacked by demons, and their souls and bodies are still trapped here. It is really frustrating to die, and they are still unwilling to accept it after death.

How desperate and unwilling are those soul bodies whose soul power has been exhausted and completely disappeared!

But there was one more thing she was curious about. Among these soul bodies, there were not only spiritual cultivators but also demonic cultivators. She could understand that the demons with the power of demonic cultivators could absorb them, but she didn't understand that the demons with the power of spiritual cultivators could also absorb them.

After all, the devil is a symbol of evil, but spiritual cultivation is the power of justice. She is not saying that what the demon cultivator cultivates is not the power of justice, but that the magic power of the demon cultivator is easier for the demon to transform into his own power, but the spiritual cultivation How could the spiritual demon be transformed into his own power?

Only then did Yan Xiangluo understand that it was not that there were so many souls here, but that they came around because they saw that they had not been attacked by demons and wanted to use the power of their heavenly master to leave here and get relief.

“Do you know where the devil is?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

The soul body pointed to the underground and said, "It's below, but not below here. Our soul body can't go to that place, and you living people can't go there, but now there are many people with the same aura as demons rushing there. This is Something we’ve never seen before.”

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. There were many people with the same aura as demons rushing there. Could it be that many demons had come in?

Is it possible? If there are really so many demons in the higher continent, how come no one knows about it? The mainland has long been turned upside down.

“Are you sure those people are not demon cultivators?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

The man said with certainty, "There are many demonic cultivators among our soul bodies, and they are very sure that it is not the aura and power of their demonic cultivators."

Yan Xiangluo's expression became solemn. There was only one sealed demon here and there was no way out. If many other demons came in this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

 Because she thought of a possibility, these soul bodies said that such a situation had never happened before, and it happened this time. Is it possible that the demon wanted to use the power of those demons to break through the seal.

Since the powerful men of Jiuchongtian sacrificed themselves to seal the demon here, the existence of the famous demon is a great disaster. If the demon is allowed to break through the seal, Yan Xiangluo cannot imagine the consequences.

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