The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 865: What agreement

However, with the attack power of the demon that Yan Xiangluo had just learned, even if there are many demon cultivators and spiritual cultivators who enter here, their cooperation may not be able to prevent the demon from breaking through the seal.

Unless there are powerful men from the Nine Heavens coming, and it cannot be one or two.

Yan Xiangluo finally realized the seriousness of the matter, which was more important than getting what belonged to her here.

 After all, surviving is the most important thing.

“How much do you know about this place?” Yan Xiangluo asked again.

The man asked, "Which aspect are you referring to?"

Yan Xiangluo said, "If I want to find something, can you find it?"

The man said, "This place is very big. Although it looks deserted, there are many treasures underground, but it is not easy to find, because these treasures are all contained in storage rings and were left behind by people who died here. You Are you looking for those gift rings?”

Of course, these storage rings also include those of people like them now.

If they still felt sorry for the treasures in the gift ring when they first died, after the long period of soul power consumption here, they have long since thought nothing of their treasures. Now they just want to be freed and can be reincarnated and continue to live.

Yu Xiangluo was startled and said why she couldn't see any treasure. It turned out to be like this.

She understood, that is to say, there were no treasures here originally. The devil was sealed here. Many powerful men from the Nine Heavens were sacrificed at the beginning. In the long years, many people who came to practice died here. Therefore, the storage rings containing their personal belongings would fall here. The storage rings are small, but this deserted land is very large. Therefore, even if there are many storage rings left behind, they are not conspicuous here.

 In this case, why are your things here? In what way does it exist? Is it also contained in that ring?

 Did he also die here in his previous life? Ruan Xiangluo was speechless for a while.

 The man in the soul body asked again, "Do you think this is okay?"

Yan Xiangluo looked at him and signaled him to speak directly if he had anything to say.

"If we souls want to be liberated, we must have the help of a heavenly master, and you are the first heavenly master we meet. We are here to help you find the ring here, and you are here to help us leave here and gain liberation. ,how?"

Yan Xiangluo had to admit that the words of the soul body man were very attractive to her.

 She is not greedy for money or the treasures in the storage rings, but it is easier to find her own things this way.

Yan Xiangluo thought of Zhe Tian’s sense of the aura under her feet, and said to the man, “Where I am standing now, there is a storage ring underneath, isn’t it?”

 The man in the soul body looked at her in shock, shocked at how she knew it, but he still said truthfully, "Yes, it's two meters deep under your feet."

Yan Xiangluo motioned to Zhe Tian to dig out the holding ring.

Zhetian followed the location mentioned by the man, stretched out its vines and dug into the ground. Soon it found the ring that the soul-body man had mentioned.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the storage ring hanging on the vine that covered the sky. She raised her hand to clean it with spiritual power, then took the storage ring and looked at the contents inside.

There are all kinds of miscellaneous things inside. Most of the people who can enter here are people with cultivation levels above the **** level. For people with this level of cultivation, the holding rings usually contain some spiritual treasures, and this holding ring contains a lot of spiritual treasures. There are a lot of white crystals in the physical ring, which are the crystals with the richest aura, so Zhe Tian can sense them. Yan Xiangluo said to the man in the soul body, "You also know that this place is isolated now. As long as I can leave here, I can help you, but now I don't know if I can leave here alive."

Hearing this, the man asked, "Since you can only help us if you leave here, then we want to know how you can help us if you leave."

Yu Xiangluo said, "I have a way to take you away."

Her meaning is very obvious, I have a way to take you out of here. As long as I can get out alive, I can help you escape.

However, Yan Xiangluo didn't mention her condition, but the man in the soul body also knew that there was only one condition, that is, they, the soul body, would help her find the ring, which was equivalent to a treasure hunt.

"I want to believe you, but I can't represent all of them. I'll go discuss it with them and tell you their decision, okay?" The man in the soul body looked at the soul bodies surrounding him a hundred meters away and said to Yan Xiangluo.

He himself did not hesitate to make this deal with Yan Xiangluo. After all, after thousands of years, he had only waited for the heavenly master named Yan Xiangluo. Even if he had doubts in his heart, he had to give it a try. Anyway, the ring inside They couldn't take it away and couldn't get it, so it didn't matter if they gave it to her.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Okay."

Upon hearing this, the man in the soul body quickly floated a hundred meters away, and then all the soul bodies gathered around him to argue.

Yan Xiangluo waited patiently. She knew that the result would be what she wanted, because they had no choice.

It’s not that she took advantage of others’ danger, she was a Heavenly Master herself. Even if they didn’t help her find the ring, she would help them if she could. This was her duty as a Heavenly Master.

 However, whether they do or not do something is different from their own cause and effect.

 If you help them, they owe you karma. If they exchange the opportunity to help them with looking for the gift ring, then the karma between them will be over.

After these souls leave here and help them to achieve salvation, they will not have to bear the karma related to them when they are reincarnated.

 Simply put, no one owes anyone anything.

And Yan Xiangluo herself didn't want to leave so many karma. Although it didn't do any harm to her and they owed her, she hoped to get rid of this karma.

 Soon, the soul-body man came back.

"We have discussed it. Our only role is to know this place better than you and to help you find the storage rings left here. The condition is that if you can leave here, take us away to help us escape."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Since you agreed to exchange this condition with me for the chance of your liberation, I am not a greedy person, and I will not enslave you without a bottom line, so we will make an agreement."

The man in the soul body was a little surprised, but he was also worried that Yan Xiangluo had any excessive demands, so he asked, "What agreement do you want to make?"

Yan Xiangluo said, "Each of your soul bodies can help me find two storage rings to enter the soul body accommodation space I prepared for you, so that when I leave, I can take you away directly."

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