The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 869: Abuse Qin Suyue

Yan Xiangluo prayed in her heart that these demons would not harm the mainland after awakening their magic power.

Yan Xiangluo felt that Qin Suyue was much stronger than her at this time. If Qin Suyue harmed the mainland before entering the first training place, the first harm would be to the demon world. Is the sworn brother okay?

Qin Suyue saw a piece of green from a distance. Although it was dark green, it was an oasis in the middle of this desolate place.

She rushed towards this piece of green. As she got closer, she realized that this oasis was actually a large vine forest. She couldn't get too close. The smell of the vine forest was too strong. Whenever she got closer, it would oppress her and she couldn't breathe. Angry.

The main reason is that she is too weak, so she has to get closer to feel the aura that covers the sky, while those powerful demons can feel it from a distance.

Yan Xiangluo thought of what Qin Suyue did to her during the Continental Competition. Although it was unsuccessful, it did not mean that she had not done it. She has always wanted to take revenge, but she has never seen Qin Suyue. Now that she finally has the opportunity, she will not let it go.

Zhetian had no choice but to fall into a deep sleep because Qin Suyue was trapped, and Yun Tuan went to rescue her. When he saw his enemy again, Zhetian wanted to cut her into pieces immediately.

Yan Xiangluo said to Zhe Tian, ​​"Torture her to death."

Zhetian was excited. He was indeed his master and had the same idea as him. Such a vicious woman with no moral limits should be tortured to death.

Let her frame her master again and again, and this time she must torture her enough.

Qin Suyue shuddered instantly, feeling that something bad was about to happen, and immediately turned around and wanted to leave here.

They all met Zhe Tian and asked her to leave. She pulled out a vine and quickly pulled it towards Qin Suyue. Qin Suyue sensed the crisis and rolled on the spot, trying to avoid Zhe Tian's attack.

But the vines covering the sky were extremely flexible and stopped her when she went out. They wrapped Qin Suyue around her waist, then lifted her up and threw her to the ground.

Qin Suyue was suddenly knocked down. Her internal organs seemed to have moved out of place, and she spit out a large mouthful of blood. Yu Xiangluo discovered that the blood Qin Suyue spit out was not bright red, but dark red and black.

This is definitely not the blood of a normal person. Is it because she became a demon that the blood is different?

Zhe Tian threw her to death without even thinking about it. After falling, he immediately threw her up and threw her down again.

After several times in a row, Yan Xiangluo discovered something was wrong.

If this was a normal person, he would have been beaten into a meat pie long ago, but although Qin Suyue was scarred, she was still alive and her body was intact. This was too wrong.

Yan Xiangluo realized that these demons seemed to be unkillable.

"Zhetian, you stab her heart to see if you can kill her?" Yan Xiangluo immediately ordered Zhetian.

Zhetian also discovered that Qin Suyue was too resistant to abuse. He knew how strong it was. Although he didn't use much strength at the beginning and wanted to abuse Qin Suyue, it wouldn't take so long that everyone would fall. Immortal.

A vine stretched out from the sky and pierced Qin Suyue's heart. Qin Suyue groaned in pain. There was a **** hole in her heart, but she was still alive.

Yan Xiangluo was sure this time that these demons who had awakened their magic power were indeed unkillable.

This knowledge made Yan Xiangluo's heart sink. In just one night, she had seen many demons here. She didn't know how many demons and souls there were in the entire central place. She could only describe them as a lot.

If these demons are unkillable, what will be the consequences?

 Let’s not talk about what will happen if these spiritual cultivators and demonic cultivators encounter demons in the first place of experience. If these demons return to the higher continent, wouldn’t it be a disaster for the continent? Could it be that the sealed demon couldn't be killed, so the powerful men from the Nine Heavens sealed it here?

At this time, Yan Xiangluo still didn’t know that among these clone demons, only the clone demons could kill and devour the opponent’s power. Spiritual and demonic cultivation could not kill them. I thought no one could kill them.

"Master, what should I do? What kind of monster is she? Why can't she be killed?" Zhe Tian also knew about demons, but he didn't expect that these demons couldn't be killed.

It also thought about whether the demon sealed here was because it could not be killed, so the powerful people in Jiuchongtian teamed up to seal the demon here.

“Let me take a look at her memory and see what else they are looking for?” Yan Xiangluo wanted to determine whether these demon clones were arranged by the sealed demon to kill her.

Zhetian immediately brought up the unconscious Qin Suyue. Yan Xiangluo used the power of the Heavenly Master to look at Qin Suyue, and saw his own portrait in her consciousness, as well as the sealed demon's order.

 Sure enough, he came to kill himself.

What kind of existence was he in his previous life? To make the sealed demon want to kill him so urgently and to use so many demon clones? This is how much he wants to die.

I also want to take a look at Qin Suyue's memory again. Qin Suyue's consciousness seems to have been suddenly isolated, and she can no longer see it.

 She immediately withdrew the power of the Heavenly Master and stopped reading Qin Suyue's memory.

Now that it was confirmed that these demon clones were indeed here to kill her, she didn't want to cause any more trouble.

"Throw her out as far away as possible." Yan Xiangluo calmed down and said to Zhe Tian.

Now that the situation is unclear, Yan Xiangluo does not dare to take the risk of putting Qin Suyue in her portable space. She is not at ease whether it is in Pangu space or the small world of her previous life's portable space.

Qin Suyue has real demonic power in her body, especially since she was blocked from reading Qin Suyue's memory just now. It is possible that the sealed demonic sense sensed something.

 She doesn't know how to deal with the demonic power now and can't take risks.

Anyway, the purpose of torturing Qin Suyue was achieved. Since she could not be killed, she would be let go for the time being. She wanted to see what kind of fortune Qin Suyue would have after being so seriously injured.

Although Zhe Tian didn't want to let Qin Suyue go when he heard the words, he also knew that even the power of the divine plant could not kill her, so staying with her would be a hidden danger.

According to the master's instructions, Qin Suyue's body was thrown out with a forceful throw. Qin Suyue's body flew out in a parabola shape. In Yuan Xiangluo's sight, it turned into a small black dot and disappeared, visible covering the sky. How hard was used and how far was it thrown.

Yan Xiangluo felt very heavy. She had already sensed that the appearance of demons was not only in the first training ground, but also that the continent at any level would be unstable.

The demon is so rampant, I'm afraid it won't be sealed here for long.

 Once the demon breaks through the seal, the consequences can be imagined.

Jiuchongtian sacrificed so many powerful men to seal the demon here. Now, does Jiuchongtian still have such powerful powerful men? Have they discovered that the demon is about to break through the seal?

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