The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 870: Women disguised as men

 At this time, the Jiuzhongtian, which was so unattainable in her heart, suddenly became fragile.

Yan Xiangluo watched the sky gradually get brighter. She was eager to break through the third level of Pangu Huakai Kung Fu and improve her strength as soon as possible. She had a hunch that maybe the sacrifices of her master and senior brothers were related to the devil.

“Zhetian, let’s get out of here.” Yan Xiangluo said to Zhetian.

Zhe Tian immediately put down Nu Xiang Luo, and then returned to its smallest state. One person used its two leaves as wings and flew in front of Nu Xiang Luo.

Yan Xiangluo thought that these demons were here to find her. Her goal was too obvious. She could not just let Zhe Tian go up when encountering demons. If there were too many demons, Zhe Tian's power would not be inexhaustible.

Thinking about changing my appearance and changing my clothes.

She is not worried that those soul bodies cannot find her. After all, not everyone has her purple-gold light.

Yan Xiangluo did not take the Yan-Changing Pill because the monks and demon cultivators here are very strong, and the demons are even stronger. The Yan-Changing Pill may not work in their eyes.

Although Yan Xiangluo can refine a god-level face-changing elixir, it would be better to directly carve a face-changing mysterious pattern on his face for better results.

 She did it as soon as she thought of it, and directly carved a tattoo of Chang Yan Xuan on her face.

With her current Xuanwen level, even the sealed demon would not recognize her if he saw her. Of course, she was referring to relying solely on appearance.

 After changing her face to an ordinary one, she straightened her hair up and prepared to wear men's clothes.

Since she is planning to change her appearance, she might as well change her appearance completely. She has several sets of men's clothes that she prepared in Tianqian Continent. It is safer to disguise herself as a man now.

 After tinkering for a while, she transformed from a charming girl into an ordinary-looking young man.

“Zhetian, can you see if there are any omissions?” Yan Xiangluo asked Zhetian.

Zhetian glanced at his master, his ears and eyes were all covered, and even the man's Adam's apple was covered, so he really couldn't see any omissions.

"I think it's perfect." Zhe Tian said sincerely.

“Let’s go then.” Yan Xiangluo waved her hand forward. It didn’t matter whether he was evil or not, she firmly believed that evil could never defeat good.

Yan Xiangluo knew that although the demon was sealed, it could find itself through its own consciousness and attack itself, which meant that although it was sealed somewhere and could not move freely, it was still very powerful.

Since she can find herself, she must know what she looks like if she lets the demons come to find her. If she doesn't change her appearance or clothes, all the demons will know her location in a while.

She shuddered as she imagined that scene.

One night passed, and none of the storage rings sent by the soul body contained the things that belonged to him that he was looking for.

 Perhaps she needs to find such a thing herself. This is the thought that suddenly occurred in her mind after torturing Qin Suyue today.

This idea will never appear in her mind for no reason. It should be a reminder of her own Celestial Master's power instinct.

 Therefore, no matter how dangerous it is, she must go find it herself.

Zhetian flapped two leaves and flew in front of her. Yan Xiangluo didn't choose a specific direction and walked straight ahead. She came in at noon yesterday and didn’t see anyone until evening. Although there were many spiritual cultivators, demonic cultivators and demon cultivators passing through the vine forest that covered the sky at night, she didn't confront them directly, so she really didn't feel that there were many people.

But today, before she walked for a while, she met several spiritual cultivators and demonic cultivators, but she had not yet met a demon.

But unlike outside, almost all the people who came in were alone, and so far she had not seen anyone walking together.

Even though they were all walking alone, no one took the initiative to provoke them when they met, because they didn’t know why they came here.

What Yan Xiangluo was curious about was that after listening to those soul bodies, none of the spiritual and demonic cultivators who came in before could survive an hour, and no one came out alive. How come so many spiritual and demonic cultivators who came in this time survived? What about the good ones?

 It looks like he was attacked by demons when he came in.

Another point is that when she came in at noon yesterday, it seemed that there was no one here. It was near evening that spiritual cultivators, demonic cultivators and demons appeared. Could it be that no one came in here before she came in? But the training time for people from other continents is different from those in Jiuyuan Continent?

Full of doubts, Yan Xiangluo looked at the heavy-hearted faces of everyone she met, and her previously soothing mood also became heavy.

However, although the people he met did not pay much attention to Yan Xiangluo, they would look at Zhe Tian curiously.

 Everyone thought it was a spiritual plant. The plant could use its leaves to fly. Even though it had no fighting ability, it was still strange enough.

But this is the first time they have seen such a spiritual plant. Even if it has no fighting ability, it is quite interesting to keep and play with it like this.

 The journey of cultivation is actually very boring. They spend a lot of time alone. No one can accompany you forever, but your contracted spiritual pet can.

 With such a lovely plant spiritual pet, it seems that practicing is not so boring.

 “Master, there is spiritual energy in front of you.” Zhe Tian said.

Zhetian doesn't care about the looks of those people looking at it at all. When it was a divine plant in its first life, it didn't experience any kind of looks. Nowadays, most of them are just curious and don't mean to be greedy. It can completely ignore such looks.

After listening to Zhetian's words, Yan Xiangluo looked in the direction it was pointing. Because she did not dare to use her spiritual power to investigate, she could not know the specific location, but it was not attractive to her and she knew that the thing ahead was not what she was looking for.

Sure enough, after arriving there, Zhetian dug out another ring from the ground.

Yan Xiangluo didn't even look at what was inside and put it away. She had received too many gift rings from yesterday to now. As long as it wasn't what she was looking for, she wouldn't even look at it.

If Ji Jiuzhong sees this scene, he will definitely doubt whether the little money fan he saw in Tianqian Continent is her.

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo saw a demon walking in the distance in front of him. The main thing was that they were all wearing uniform clothes. The male demon had a black robe, the female demon had a black skirt, and a uniform black cloak. hood to cover your head.

 There is a big difference between dressing up and spiritual and demonic cultivation, and you can recognize it at a glance even from a distance.

Yan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes and wondered if she should avoid it?

She thought again that this was the first demon she met this morning. She wanted to see what they used to find her. If it was just her appearance, then they wouldn't recognize her in front of them.

 If it’s not your own, it’s better to make plans in advance.

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