The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 872: There really is

 When the four great beasts meet, the four of them can only help each other regain their strength as soon as possible. Only then can they regain the true strength of the four great beasts.

Ji Jiuzhong made a contract with them first, and the contract was established. Qinglong finally grew up and looked like a snake. Suzaku's body was still the same as that of a chicken, but he was obviously more energetic and jumped out of the bowl with waving wings.

Ji Jiuzhong’s eyes twitched this time. Are these the four divine beasts?

When he met Bai Hu and Xuanwu before, he also disliked them. Now they are much stronger than Qinglong and Suzaku. At least the two of them still maintain their original appearance and still have some strength.

“Is it safe here?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

 He really didn’t expect that he would find the remaining two sacred beasts Qinglong and Suzaku together this time.

Once the four great beasts are gathered, all the memories of his previous life will be restored, but he needs time to receive these memories. There are just too many monsters here. I wonder if there are any monsters left?

 Accepting the memory is an urgent matter, so he can only ask these two.

I pray in my heart that although these two look weak, they can be more reliable.

Qinglong was about to speak when he was pressed down by Suzaku's claw, "Master can find all the monsters here. All the monsters have been cleared away by the master. They will be safe in a short time."

After listening to Zhuque's words, Ji Jiuzhong understood that the danger here was that all the monsters he encountered along the way had been killed by him. They were safe for the time being, but no one could guarantee whether there would be others. danger is coming.

 It seems that Suzaku is more reliable than Qinglong.

With a thought, Ji Jiuzhong sent Qinglong and Suzaku into his spiritual pet space.

Qinglong and Suzaku thought that they would see Baihu and Xuanwu when they entered the spiritual pet space, and they could immediately help each other restore the strength of the divine beasts, but there were only two of them in the spiritual pet space.

Qinglong asked directly, "Master, you haven't found Baihu and Xuanwu yet?"

“Found them, they are not here. You will meet again in the future.” Ji Jiuzhong walked back as soon as he finished speaking.

Qinglong and Suzaku were stunned. White Tiger and Xuanwu were both found by their master. Why are they not with their master? Where are they?

Perceiving that their master had begun to accept the memories of his previous life, Qinglong and Suzaku did not dare to disturb him, so they could only practice on their own first.

Ji Jiuzhong began to accept the memories of his past life while walking.

 At this time, a large number of memories flooded into his consciousness, which made him very uncomfortable.

Had he not learned to multi-purpose from Luo Luo, he might have had to receive the memories here before leaving, which would have been even more dangerous.

This corridor is not short.

Even though he was wasting time due to constant fighting, there was no obstacle when he went back. He estimated that it would take at least two hours to get out.

 As long as he is not in danger at this time, he can completely receive the memories of his previous life.

Ji Jiuchong was still very uneasy. After all, in two hours, he would know all the experiences he had with Luoluo in his previous life. He was not worried at all.

 Although it is very likely that he will recover all the memories of his previous life first, Luoluo will also recover his memories of his previous life sooner or later. What he is most worried about is whether he did something sorry for Luoluo in his previous life.

 In his heart, as long as he didn't do anything to feel sorry for Luo Luo, everything else didn't matter.

Time passed quickly, and Yan Xiangluo walked away all morning. In addition to the souls that kept coming to give her gift rings, Zhe Tian kept finding the gift rings.

There was still no clue about what she was looking for.

Seeing that it is noon, there are still three and a half days before we leave here. Yan Xiangluo was really anxious at this time.

Distraught, she simply stopped walking and sat down to take out some food and eat it.

 This is a habit she has shared in her two lives. When she is in a bad mood, or when something cannot be decided, she will fill up her unhappiness with delicious food.

 Because of this, her cooking skills are excellent.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the clouds on the space stone milk in Pangu Space, still sleeping.

Zhe Tian was not idle, he continued to search around her, and after a while he dug out two more rings.

Yan Xiangluo took the storage rings and wanted to put them away immediately, but she suddenly felt that the two storage rings had different auras from the storage rings she found before.

But if you want to know the difference, you can only use the power of your spiritual consciousness to investigate. When she uses the power of her spiritual consciousness, she is worried that she will be discovered by the sealed demon, and Yan Xiangluo is a little tangled.

Looking carefully, the two storage rings in his hand are indeed different from the previous storage rings.

This difference does not mean that the styles are different. Previous rings for holding things were also available in various shapes. These two rings are obviously much heavier than the previous rings for holding things, and their auras are also different.

She found that this breath seemed to be the imprint of divine consciousness, because she had seen too many images of divine consciousness, so she was very familiar with the breath left by divine consciousness.

The auras on these two gift rings are the same as the auras of the spiritual consciousness of several senior brothers.

Is there a divine mark on this gift ring?

Yan Xiangluo felt that these two gift-collecting rings could not have the image of the divine consciousness, so they could only be the imprint of the divine consciousness, which was similar to the aura of the image of the divine consciousness.

Other holding rings do not have the imprint of divine consciousness, but these two holding rings actually still have the imprint of divine consciousness on them.

Since the owner of the storage ring must have died when it is underground, the divine imprint on the storage ring will automatically disappear after the death of the owner.

 There are only two situations in which the imprint of divine consciousness is still there.

 One is that the master is still alive, and the other is that the master is dead, but was very powerful during his lifetime and could preserve the imprint of divine consciousness for a longer period of time.

 These two storage rings should be the latter.

Yan Xiangluo's current strength is not enough to erase the mark of divine consciousness on it, not to mention that she does not dare to use the power of divine consciousness now.

Just when Yan Xiangluo was about to put away the two storage rings separately, two figures suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Yan Xiangluo almost said swear words. Did she really have the consciousness to take a photo?

Looking at the clothes and appearance of the two people, they have a feeling of being superior. They should have been looked up to by others during their lifetime. Such two people are definitely not strong people who came to the higher continent to experience.

Yan Xiangluo was originally sitting cross-legged on the ground eating. When she saw the photos of the two of them, she quickly stood up and said in a respectful tone, "Are you two the owners of these two gift rings?"

The two of them were stunned for a moment when they saw Yan Xiangluo, and then they were a little surprised when they saw each other.

"I didn't expect that we would meet again." The two of them looked at Yan Xiangluo and said this. Obviously, they were not talking about each other, but about her.

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