The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 873: because of holy objects

It became clear to Yan Xiang that these two people obviously knew her, but they must have known her from the previous life.

She shrugged, "You must have known me from my previous life. I'm sorry, I haven't recovered my memory from my previous life, and I don't know you two."

The two of them were stunned for a moment, then looked around and said at the same time, "No wonder."

Yan Xiangluo shook the two gift rings and said, "Since you have left the imprint of your spiritual consciousness on the gift rings and also left a photo of your spiritual consciousness, you must have something to explain."

The two nodded, "Originally, I wanted to tell you what's inside. Since you haven't recovered the memory of your previous life yet, and your current cultivation level is too low, you can't take out what's inside, so we can't say more. What's up? Just remember that there are things to defeat demons inside, and you can open them when your strength allows."

“You knew my reincarnation would come here?” Yan Xiangluo was shocked.

The two of them shook their heads, "We don't know. We left the photos with our spiritual consciousness just to tell the people who are destined to get the ring to tell us about the existence of demons and how to deal with them. I didn't expect that the person destined to get our ring is you."

Yan Xiang nodded, "Are you two powerful men who participated in sealing the demon?"

The two of them nodded together, "There were many strong people who sealed the demon at that time, and we were just one of them."

Yan Xiangluo asked again, "Did any of the strong men who sealed the demon survive?"

 The two of them shook their heads in unison, "No."

So miserable?

Yu Xiangluo's heart was severely shaken. So many powerful people were dead, so the only way to seal the devil here was to seal it here. How powerful is the devil?

 Is it true that the devil cannot be killed?

“If the demon breaks through the seal, will there be anyone strong in Jiulongtian who can seal it?” This is what Yan Xiangluo is most worried about.

 The two of them did not answer her immediately. After a while, they said, "We don't know if there is such a strong person, but if the seal is broken this time, it is unlikely to be sealed again."


Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised. Since he could seal it once, wouldn't there be no other powerful person who could seal the demon again with such a powerful Jiuzhongtian?

The two of them sighed at the same time, "Even if there are strong men of that strength in Jiuzhongtian, they can't find the sacred objects that seal the demon."

"You mean that the ability to seal the demon here didn't all rely on the strength of your powerful men?" Yu Xiangluo understood what they meant.


 “What is the holy object you are talking about?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

"You will know after you recover the memory of your previous life." It was obviously not that they didn't want to tell him, but that they couldn't.

Yan Xiangluo sighed and said, "I don't know if I can still live long enough to recover my past life memories."

 “Of course.” The two said in unison.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the two of them, "Did you know that I was attacked by the devil as soon as I came in? If it hadn't been for my spiritual pet to save me, I would have died under the power of the devil. Now I don't dare to use the power of the gods. , The devil used my spiritual power to find me and wanted to kill me, so you have quite a lot of confidence in me."

The two looked at each other, and one of them smiled and said, "You girl, although you haven't recovered the memory of your previous life, your temperament is exactly the same as that of your previous life. You don't need to deceive us. If you can tell us, we will definitely tell you everything. This It's the law of heaven, even if we are already conscious, we can't violate it." Yan Xiangluo discovered this little trick and stopped pretending, "Everyone said this, making it seem like the world would be destroyed without me. Just like that, I don’t think I’m that important.”

The two of them spoke seriously, "It doesn't matter whether it's serious or not, you will know later."

Yan Xiangluo saw that the traces of their consciousness had faded, and knew that they were going to disappear, and they would disappear completely.

 For a moment, a very sad emotion came over me, "I'm very sad."

There was also an unspeakable regret in the eyes of the two of them, "We are very content to see you again. As for the future, let it happen as it happens!"

They have experienced it personally and know Yan Xiangluo's master, so they know very well what Yan Xiangluo will face in the future.

If the demon breaks through the seal, there is only one way, which is to completely eliminate it. If this is not possible, the world will really be no different from destruction.

They can't say anything to force Yan Xiangluo now, and they can't use any justice to control her. No one knows better than them the price her disciple paid.

Although she has not yet recovered the memory of her past life, she had sad emotions when facing them. This is a memory engraved in her soul. Although she has not yet awakened, she can empathize with them.

"The fact that this place has become so desolate means that there is no power for the devil to absorb, and he has not yet succeeded in breaking through, which means that the power of breakthrough has not been accumulated enough, so you still have a chance."

Yan Xiangluo understood that the reason why this place became desolate was because the aura and power here were completely absorbed by the demon.

Although she really wanted to tell them, the demon had found other ways to absorb power, which was to absorb the power of the incoming demonic cultivation and spiritual cultivation. Now, many demons were summoned to help it break through the seal.

 But considering that they are just a ray of consciousness now and will disappear soon, there is no need to let them leave uneasy at the last moment.

"Don't worry, evil will never prevail against good. Heaven will always be on the side of justice. Since ancient times, heroes have emerged from youth. I believe there will be many righteous people who will stand up and continue what you have not finished." Yu Xiangluo said in a firm and confident tone. .

Although these words were meant to appease the two of them, Yan Xiangluo actually thought so in her heart.

Although this world respects the strong, many strong people may not necessarily have a righteous heart, but there are definitely not a few strong people who have righteousness.

Just seeing how the people from the Nine Yuan Continent changed after entering the First Trial Land, it shows that when people and demons are at stake, many righteous people will inevitably emerge.

 “I hope so.” The two of them naturally hope for such a day, otherwise all their sacrifices will be in vain.

“You know my master, right?” Yan Xiangluo suddenly asked.

Hearing this, the two of them looked at Yan Xiangluo, "You have seen us, and you will see your master soon. If you want to know anything, ask your master then."

Yu Xiangluo just asked, hoping to confirm whether the master was one of the powerful people who sealed the demon back then.

 When they said this, Yan Xiangluo was determined.

Her master was one of the powerful people who sealed the demon back then, and her senior brothers should be too, but what about herself?

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