The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 875: Go find Luoluo

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong had walked out of the long tunnel of the cave and at the same time recovered all the memories of his previous life.

Although he was in a state of embarrassment, it could not hide his extraordinary handsome face. It was just that such a peerless face had no expression, but it did not mean that there were no ups and downs of emotions in his heart. In fact, he had already had huge waves in his heart.

Ji Jiuzhong stood at the entrance of the cave, looking down the mountain and into the distance. In that direction were their enemies from the past and present.

 It was enough to shock him when he recovered part of his past life memories. Now he has recovered all his memories and understands the entire past life experience between him and Yan Xiang.

 The only thing he was glad about was that he had not betrayed her, but in the end she died because of him.

Even though he did not live alone and had arranged everything to be reincarnated with her, when he thought about her previous life and was forced to trade her life for his chance to live, his heart ached like tearing.

Ji Jiuzhong knew that he could never be too kind to Luoluo in this life.

 Just because he had recovered all the memories of his previous life, Ji Jiuzhong knew what Luoluo was going through at this time.

She will also recover all her past life memories here. I don’t know if she can bear all this. Ji Jiuzhong secretly hates that he can’t be with her to go through this with her. At least he can comfort her in time.

Ji Jiuzhong is naturally familiar with this place as he has restored the memory of his previous life. Thinking of the Demon Lord sealed here, Ji Jiuzhong's eyes dimmed. They were still too weak.

Now they don't even have the cultivation skills of their previous life, so how can they fight against the devil?

Ji Jiuzhong has been suppressing his spiritual power and has not been able to break through and advance. Now he has no conditions to advance even if he wants to advance. The spiritual energy here should have been absorbed by the Demon Lord. The amount of spiritual energy needed to break through to the gods is not ordinary.

 The most important thing is that the purpose of their entry is to let Luoluo break through the third level of Pangu Flower Bloom, which requires a larger amount of spiritual energy.

It is now approaching evening, and they only have three days. If they want to find a lot of spiritual energy in these three days, they can only go to one place.

 But the first thing now is to find where it falls.

Ji Jiuzhong thought for a moment. Luoluo had been getting back her own power and things since entering the first training place. Then she would eventually go to see her master. Although he could not find where Luoluo was now, he knew Where can Luoluo meet her master?

Thinking of this, Ji Jiuzhong took a deep breath, looked at the direction, and hurried down the mountain.

If it were outside the central place, it would be very dangerous to travel at night, but here Ji Jiuzhong knew that as long as he was not discovered by the demon lord, there would be no big danger.

 He is now worried that Luoluo will be discovered by the Demon Lord. Luo Luo has a Saint-level cultivation, no matter how many tricks he has and how many tricks he has, he is still vulnerable to the Demon Lord.

But Baihu and Xuanwu are in her Pangu space. If something happens to her, she will know about it.

Ji Jiuzhong hurriedly hurriedly walked under the night, and Yan Xiangluo also didn't rest. There were only three days left, and she really didn't dare to waste even a night.

Even though it was night, there were many people rushing like them because it was difficult to find a safe place to rest for the night. Therefore, most people were on their way, but others were not as anxious as the two of them and were walking aimlessly.

Although Yan Xiangluo didn't have a clear goal, because he wanted to find the gift ring left by the powerful man, he rushed to another place with Ji Jiuzhong.

The night passed quickly, and Yan Xiangluo looked at the 359 rings in the brocade box with a heavy heart.

She didn’t expect that she could find so many storage rings.

There are six storage rings here that she keeps alone, because these six storage rings have the spiritual imprints of the six senior brothers she is familiar with.

Now there is only one missing from the 360 ​​holding rings. Although this one has not been found yet, Yan Xiangluo knows who it belongs to.        belonged to her master in her previous life.

However, no matter how hard Zhe Tian tried, she could not find this ring. Yan Xiangluo knew that if she found this ring, she would be able to see her master. The reason why she could not find it was that she had not recovered all the memories of her previous life. You are not qualified to see Master.

Looking at the sky that was getting bright again, Yan Xiangluo was really a little worried this time. Did she miss the opportunity?

At this moment, she saw people in the distance running in the same direction, and Yu Xiangluo wondered if an opportunity had come.

She quickly called on Zhe Tian to run in that direction.

 Before she reached the place, she already knew why these people were going in that direction, and she saw a large lake in the distance.

By the time she arrived, many people had gathered around the lake, and people were also coming from other directions around the lake.

Yan Xiangluo also found a place with few people and came to the lake.

The lake is very large, but it also has no aura at all. There wasn't even a wave, the lake seemed to be still.

More and more people gathered around, and soon the whole circle of the lake was filled with people.

 But everyone just stood by the lake and looked. At most, they used their spiritual sense to check, but no one found anything in the lake.

 In view of the unusualness here, no one dared to go and explore it boldly.

Yan Xiangluo squatted down and picked up a handful of water with his hands, but he didn't have any water power at all.

 She has five-element power, and anyone with a little bit of water-element power in the water can detect it. You must know that even in places where mortals live, there is water power in the water source, but only very little.

Such a big lake with so much water, but it doesn’t even have a trace of water power, or even a trace of vitality.

Yan Xiangluo wondered in her mind whether this was her opportunity. If so, where was the opportunity?

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo felt a familiar force coming up from the bottom of the lake. She couldn't feel it when her hand left the water, but she felt it again when she put her hand in it.

Because she did not dare to use the power of her spiritual consciousness, Yan Xiangluo could only rely on her body's instinctive sensitivity to sense that familiar power.

It came from underneath the center of the lake.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the people around her, and it seemed that they didn't feel the slightest bit of power. Could it be because he touched the water?

It seems like we have to go down and have a look.

How to do it?

With so many people watching her, she couldn't just jump off on her own!

The people surrounding the lake at this time were all spiritual practitioners and demon cultivators. She had to find a way to get out as soon as possible, otherwise things would be in trouble when the demons came.

At this moment, a voice came from behind Yan Xiang, "Give me some room, let me pass."

  Someone was trying to squeeze in from behind, and Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up.

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