The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 876: underwater door

When the person behind her was pushed, Yan Xiangluo pretended to stand up but before she could stand still, she was hit by the person behind her. She lost her balance and fell into the lake with a cry.

 Everyone around was stunned. No one thought that someone would fall. They were all monks with high levels of cultivation. How could they make such a mistake?

 But when I thought about the boy who fell down and was squatting before, I realized that it was purely an accident.

But no one came to save Yu Xiangluo. They didn't dare to go down before, but now someone fell in. They all wanted to take this opportunity to take a look. Is the lake harmful to people?

Yan Xiangluo had already figured out what these people were thinking. She shouted for help in fear, flailing her hands, trying desperately to get up, but it seemed like something was pulling her down, and she suddenly sank after a few times.

 Everyone who saw it was shocked. This was obviously not a normal sinking, but was dragged down by something.

 What's down here? Why didn't they sense it?

Even if a monk can't float, he still has the strength to cultivate and can use his spiritual power to get up from the lake. How can he sink after just struggling a few times? Even ordinary people who don't know how to swim will definitely last longer than her.

Especially those who stood with Yan Xiangluo, they knew very well that although her cultivation was only at the saint level, let alone the saint level, any monk with a little bit of cultivation would not be drowned in the water. .

Everyone stepped back in fear, fearing that some monster would rush up under the lake and drag them down.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo had quickly dived to the bottom of the lake. The reason why she did this was to temporarily scare the people on the shore, so that they would not dare to come down for a while, and buy herself some time.

The lake was very big, and the familiar scent she felt was under the lake in the center of the lake.

Yan Xiangluo dived and swam forward. She did not use her spiritual energy, but her vitality. It took her a while to reach the center of the lake.

Originally, she thought she would encounter danger under the lake, but to her surprise, she arrived at a familiar location without any hindrance.

She understood that there was no life here at all. Naturally, no monsters could live here, so there was no danger.

The water of the lake is very clear, and even there is a slight light at the bottom of the lake. According to her estimation, the lake is at least twenty or thirty meters deep. It is really surprising that there is still light at such a deep depth.

But the advantage of this is that she can see the surrounding situation clearly.

There are many dead underwater plants at the bottom of the lake. Although they have been dead for a long time, they still maintain their original appearance because they have not been touched.

However, the place where Yanxiangluo passed by was hit by water, and these corrupted plants instantly turned into silt.

Yan Xiangluo didn't care whether the mud was dirty or not, so she reached out and dug into the place she felt.

When she fell into the lake, Zhetian turned into a wooden hairpin and stuck it in her bun. When he saw her digging mud with both hands, he immediately said, "Master, I'll do it."

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "The aura I feel is very weak, so I'll do it!"

She was worried that the power of covering the sky was too strong, and it would be bad if the things inside were soaked in water for too long and became weak and damaged.

The originally clear water was stained by the mud she dug out. Soon, she was surrounded by muddy water mixed with mud, and her vision was obstructed.

The turbid lake water was really too dirty. Yan Xiangluo simply closed her eyes, blocked her breathing, and dug deeper by feeling. There was more and more turbid water around. Yan Xiangluo didn't realize that centered around her digging, the mud was swirling upwards and the area of ​​turbid lake water was getting bigger and bigger.

About a quarter of an hour later, people around the lake saw that the water in the center of the lake was actually moving. Although the fluctuations were not large, it was still obvious. Not only was it moving, it was also a little turbid.

Thinking that the person who fell before had disappeared in an instant, everyone unconsciously stepped back a certain distance, fearing that some monster would suddenly appear in the center of the lake.

 But after they waited for a long time, no danger occurred. On the contrary, the turbidity in the center of the lake was getting bigger and bigger.

Everyone is confused, what is happening under the lake?

 But no one dared to go down to check. They all released their spiritual power and wanted to see what was in the center of the lake.

 But their spiritual power only detected a force spinning upwards, and they did not feel any living things.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo had already dug a pit half a meter deep, but it was just because the surrounding area was too turbid that he couldn't see it.

 Suddenly, she felt more familiar aura, and at the same time, her hand touched a ring.

Yan Xiangluo stretched out her hand to hold the ring and pulled hard. Although she did not use spiritual power, she also used vitality power.

 But the ring seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. She used her vitality and strength, but it didn't move at all.

Yan Xiangluo did not continue to use the power of her vitality to pull the ring recklessly. Instead, she held the ring in one hand and used her other hand to use her vitality to clean the mud along the ring. She then realized that it was no wonder that the ring could not be pulled. It turned out that It's because the ring is embedded in a huge, hard, cold object.

She stretched out her hand and used her vitality to touch under the mud to the extreme distance without touching the end. What was this huge object?

Yan Xiangluo changed her hand to hold the ring, and continued touching it in the other direction, and touched another ring not far away.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment. She held a ring in one hand and felt the distance. Why did it look so like the two knockers on the door?

She kicked her feet with her vitality, and sure enough, the lower parts were also in one piece.

It’s not really two doors, is it?

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. There are two gates inlaid on the bottom of the lake. Let’s not talk about how to open them with such high water pressure. Even if they can be opened, what’s the point?

 The water in the lake will surge down in an instant, and everything in it will be washed away.

Yan Xiangluo is holding a ring in one hand, and her body is floating upwards, with her legs above and her head below, in an inverted posture. If she hadn't been holding the ring in her hand, she would have floated up.

Yan Xiangluo felt the familiar scent down there, and it seemed that she had to open these two doors.

 But she really didn’t know how to open these two doors, or even how big they were.

After thinking about it, she took out a piece of red silk and tied one end to a ring and the other end to her waist, so that she would not be able to find the ring.

This piece of red silk was a whole piece of cloth, thirteen meters long. She thought the door would not be higher than thirteen meters.

Yan Xiangluo began to look for the edge of the door.

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