The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 884: Meeting the Master (3)

Yan Xiangluo understood clearly that Ji Jiuchong's crisis came from the devil. Since the master said there was no rush, it must be because he understood the devil.

"Xiao Qi doesn't have much time here. You can also absorb some power and come with Master. There is a passage here that is closer, which can save a lot of time. Remember, the devil is ruthless. Never confront the devil. hesitate."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I will be cautious and will never be merciful when encountering a demon."

The old man threw up the bead containing his spiritual root in his hand and floated it in front of Yan Xiangluo. "Xiao Qi holds this spiritual bead in his hand and can walk through that passage safely."

Yan Xiangluo caught the spirit bead and paused, "Master, won't you go with me?"

 The implication is, Master, are you leaving?

The old man smiled kindly, "Of course Master will accompany Xiao Qi on this road."

This is the last journey he will take with his little apprentice. After that, he will no longer be able to participate in her life, and he will not be able to see the result of the battle with the devil with his own eyes, but he believes that the little apprentice he chased for a long time before accepting him, It will definitely succeed.

 The master is better than the master, which is what he had foreseen when he taught his young apprentice for the first time.

Sure enough, the little disciple got the sacred object that none of their powerful men could get. Although the boy accompanied him to get it, they all the powerful men knew very well that at that time The two juniors who have just entered the level of powerful cultivation, even if they can win together, they cannot do it.

Sacred objects are very mysterious existences in the Nine Heavens. Only those who are destined to see them can see them. The main reason why so many high-level experts have failed to find the sacred objects is that they can't even see them. How can they get them back?

Yan Xiangluo felt relieved after hearing what the master said. Fortunately, the master was not leaving immediately.

 “Let’s go.” The old man said.

Yan Xiangluo held the spirit bead and followed her master. She suddenly felt as if she had returned to the time when she practiced with her master. It was the happiest time in her previous life. She was pampered by her master and her senior brothers, which made up for it. All the pain of her childhood.

 And everyone who once gave her happiness has left.

As he walked, Yan Xiangluo told his master about the scene when he saw the six senior brothers, and conveyed everything the senior brothers wanted to say to his master.

The old man listened with a smile. Yan Xiangluo saw that the light on the master was no longer as bright as it was at first.

Although the light was dim and not very conspicuous, she knew that the master would leave after accompanying her through this passage.

 She felt sour in her heart. She didn't know how long this passage would last, so she tried her best to make her master happy during the last time they spent together.

She also told her master about her experiences in this life. The old man listened patiently to Yan Xiangluo's story about her experiences in this life.

“Although Xiao Qi’s life had a lot of twists and turns when she was a child, it will be very smooth in the future. Xiao Qi, the master was not wrong at the beginning.” The old man said after listening to her recount her experience.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know what the old man said at this time, and she didn't misread the real meaning, but she would know it later.

It was then that she realized how powerful the Master was as a Celestial Master.

“Xiao Qi, master can send you here.” The old man stopped and looked at the bright girl in front of him, just like when he first saw her.

At that time, he had already achieved a lot as a heavenly master. He could tell at a glance that her talent was extremely strong and that there was an aura in her destiny that he could not see. At that time, an idea arose in his mind that he must accept her as his disciple. He was quite old and chased her all the way to the ninth level, just to get her to agree to be his little apprentice.

Yan Xiangluo froze immediately, then looked up at Master with tears in her eyes, "Master..."

I could only call out "Master" with a choked voice, but I couldn't say anything else.

The old man's eyes fell on her, "You have a strong aura of God's blessing on you. Xiao Qi is very lucky in this life. He will definitely be able to fulfill our wishes in the previous life and live the life you want happily."

As soon as she finished speaking, another blessing from God fell on Yan Xiangluo. Yan Xiangluo was shrouded in the light of blessing, but her eyes looked at the master, reluctant to even blink.

 After the God's blessing ended, the light on the old man's body became much fainter again. This time, it can be clearly seen that the power loss in the old man's body is accelerating.

 “Master.” Yan Xiangluo cried and shouted.

The old man sighed, "Xiao Qi, there are many people who love you in this life. Master and your senior brothers can leave with peace of mind. You must live happily."

Yan Xiangluo nodded vigorously while holding back her sadness, "Master and brothers, don't worry, I will definitely live well."

The old man nodded with satisfaction, "This is Xiao Qi, but before you get rid of the devil, don't take it lightly. Don't forget that besides the devil, you have other opponents in the Nine Heavens. Many times, those people are not as good as the devil. They are impossible to guard against. Xiao Qi, don’t be soft-hearted anymore.”

Master's reminder reminded Yan Xiangluo of the person who captured her soul. She had no memory of her previous life and didn't know who he was. Now that she has complete memories of her previous life, she naturally knows who he is.

There was also the person in Jiuzhongtian who wanted to capture her soul and the divine bead. She never thought that the person who betrayed her in the previous life was actually him. If it hadn't been for him, Ji Jiuzhong would not have been in a name crisis, nor would she. Will die to save Ji Jiuzhong.

Yan Xiangluo understood what her master meant. She was too emotional in her previous life, which allowed some people to take advantage of her and plot against her.

 Absolutely not in this life.

Yan Xiangluo knew very well that she had many opponents not only in Jiuchongtian.

"Master, Han Ziyu, you know, he betrayed me in the last life. He practiced evil skills. Now I am not sure whether he is practicing pure evil skills or a clone of the devil. When I came in and practiced for the first time. Before the land, he captured my soul and wanted to contract my soul to get the divine pearl. However, I plotted against him and took away the largest white crystal ball in Jiuchongtian. He also injured his soul. He is probably still recovering in seclusion. Woolen cloth."

Yan Xiangluo said this because she wanted to reassure her master that even if she didn't have the strength of her previous life, the people in Jiuchongtian couldn't do anything to her.

"Xiao Qi, show me that crystal ball." The old man's eyes lit up and he said urgently.

Yan Xiangluo looked around and said, "Master, the crystal ball is too big to fit here."

It’s not that she doesn’t want to show it to the master, but the space here is too small. Taking out the white crystal ball will destroy the passage.

Although the master is a spiritual entity, she does not dare to try to bring the master's divine entity into the Pangu space. It is not that she does not trust the master, but she is worried that if the master leaves now, there will be problems with the passage and suppressing the demons.

 “It doesn’t matter, this channel can be enlarged.” The old man said.

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