The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 885: Meeting the Master (4)

After listening to the master's words, Yan Xiangluo no longer had to worry. With a thought, a huge white crystal ball appeared in front of them.

 A strong, special power permeated the air.

Sure enough, the passage became larger with the appearance of the crystal ball, as if the giant snake had swallowed a round ball and stretched its belly.

“They indeed touched the last white crystal vein.” The old man looked at the white crystal ball and said with a somewhat lonely tone.

After regaining her memory, Yan Xiangluo also doubted where the white crystal ball came from. How could she not know that there was such a high-quality white crystal vein in Jiuchongtian?

“Master, how come I haven’t heard of this mineral vein?” Yan Xiangluo asked doubtfully.

“That is the last place of energy in the Nine Heavens. No one except the powerful knows about it.” The old man sighed.

Yan Xiangluo understood clearly that in her previous life, something happened to a demon as soon as she became a powerful person, and she has been subduing demons since then. She had not yet had time to know many things that only a powerful person could know.

"Xiao Qi, when you return to Jiuchongtian, the first thing you do is to go there and take away all the white crystal stones. The white crystal stones there have the title of the king of crystal stones in the world. Look at the power inside this crystal ball. You know, these white crystal stones are your last guarantee of strength, remember." The old man said earnestly.

Yan Xiangluo nodded and said, "I remember Master."

“The power of the crystal ball is too strong. Put it away quickly. Master can really leave with peace of mind this time.” The old man said with a smile.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know why the master had such thoughts after seeing the white crystal ball, but thinking about the master's strength as a heavenly master, he might have seen something from the white crystal ball.

For Master to speak so relaxedly, it shows that the future he sees is good, and that is enough.

Yan Xiangluo put away the white crystal ball, and the passage returned to its original appearance.

"Xiao Qi, Jiuchongtian has a prophecy handed down from ancient times, which is related to this place of energy." The old man looked at Yan Xiangluo and said in a heavy tone.

Yan Xiangluo knew that what Master was going to say next should be very important.

 “When the energy is exhausted, the universe is in motion, the demons are at their will, justice is difficult to quell, and heroes emerge, and the world is at peace.”

After the old people said their messages, Yan Xiangluo could clearly feel the ground beneath her feet shaking slightly. She knew that this was the reaction of the devil. No one in Jiulongtian knew how the devil appeared and how powerful it was. This is the main reason why it is so difficult to eliminate demons.

In the last life, I tried my best to seal the demon here, but no reason was found. Now after listening to the rumors passed down from ancient times, Yuan Xiangluo understood that the appearance of the demon was inevitable, and it was related to their human race.

“Master, how many people in Jiuzhongtian know about this rumor?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

 Anyway, she didn’t know about it in her previous life, which shows that not many people know about this rumor, at least not all monks know about it.

"Xiao Qi should know that the highest level of cultivation in the higher continent is the peak of the ninth level of overcoming the tribulation. Then he finds an opportunity to ascend. After the successful ascension, he reaches the ninth level of cultivation level and the realm of Mahayana, Golden Path, and Great Sage." She nodded to show that she understood that the Great Sage is the highest realm and is divided into three levels: Saint, Spiritual Saint and Super Saint. In the Nine Heavens, only those who enter the realm of the Great Sage can be called a powerful person. Many monks have entered the realm of great saints from ancient times to the present, but only the legendary one can become a super saint. After all, after reaching the level of super saint, as long as you break through the last level, you will reach the pinnacle and limit of cultivation. To transcend the ordinary and become a saint is to be immortal for all eons, unaffected by cause and effect, omniscient, omnipotent, immortal in the way of heaven, and immortal in saints.

It can be said that it is the state of being born at the same time as the way of heaven, and it is also the state that all monks dream of.

“Only those who have become super saints and strong in cultivation will be given some secrets from the mainland by the Heavenly Dao, including this rumor passed down from ancient times, because only those who have reached this level of cultivation can solve these things.” The old man said in a helpless tone.

Whoever has cultivated for a lifetime and reached this height is told that this continent will face a tribulation of destruction at any time, and that this rescue task needs to be done by powerful and powerful people like them with super holy cultivation, no one will be happy.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo understand why she didn't know this information. It was because her cultivation in her previous life had just entered the saint level of the Great Sage's cultivation, and she was not qualified to know this information.

"Xiao Qi's current cultivation level is not qualified to know this, but the master's current state is different and is not bound by the law of heaven, so I will tell you first. I hope it will not affect your state of mind." The old man also had no choice but to do so.

He didn't have time to wait for his little apprentice to grow up, so he could only tell her these things first, but his realm was not high enough, and knowing this would be very detrimental to her stable realm.

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyes and said to Master, "Master, if I was just Xiao Qi in the previous life, this news would indeed hit me, but now Xiao Qi is a person with three realms in the world, and he will not be affected by this incident. On the contrary, knowing this has strengthened my determination and perseverance to improve. Master's words today not only did not disturb my state of mind, but also opened the door to another realm for me. There are no boundaries, as long as I can think of it, I can do it.”

 This is what she realized after communicating with Master today.

The old man's eyes lit up. He really didn't expect that the matter he was struggling with would actually be an opportunity for the young apprentice to open up another realm that they had never touched before.

 He could clearly sense the changes in the aura of his little disciple, something they had never experienced before.

“Hahaha, good, good, good, it’s Xiaoqi as expected. If those old guys see you again, they will kowtow to me three times, whether the master is here or not.” The old man laughed heartily.

This laughter was something that Yuan Xiangluo had never heard in her previous life. The master was already a powerful person when he accepted her as his disciple. Naturally, few things could make him so happy. Yuan Xiangluo was also surprised that she could actually Master's last moments made Master so happy.

"I will supervise them then." Yan Xiangluo continued what the master said.

She naturally knows who the old guys the master is talking about are. They are not the ones who were not qualified to seal the demon back then. Thousands of years have passed and they are really old guys. I hope they are all still there.

Seeing the light on her master dimming a little, Yan Xiangluo suddenly had a bold idea in her heart. This idea came to her just now when she entered another realm that no one had ever reached.

If this idea really succeeds, maybe it is not impossible to see Master again.

“Master once promised Xiao Qi something, master, do you still remember it?” Yu Xiangluo said suddenly.

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