The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 889: go again

 They saw Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo inside, but they could not see the five great beasts. Because the five of them in the clouds were shrouded in their respective powers, although they were not peak powers, they were still the powers of divine beasts, so the clone demons could not see them.

But the sealed magic could sense the power of the five divine beasts. It was precisely because of this that he became even more eager to kill Yan Xiangluo.

 The current demons don’t know whether the five sacred beasts belong to Ji Jiuzhong or Yan Xiangluo, and the demons don’t know the relationship between Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo.

The main reason is that the devil didn't know that Ji Jiuzhong had played a major role in finding the sacred object that sealed him. He only knew when it was sealed that the sacred object was retrieved by the young apprentice of the old guy who suppressed him. He had met Yan Xiangluo before. one side.

 He thought Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo met together by chance and did not know that they were in the same group. If he knew, I'm afraid he wouldn't be so confident in wanting to kill Yan Xiangluo. Instead, he chose to take back the power of these clone demons and strengthen himself.

Mo Bu originally just ordered the demon clones to kill the two people inside, but now that he sensed the power of the five sacred beasts, he wanted to kill the five sacred beasts after the owner died and the contracted beasts would be seriously injured, so as to reduce the number of powerful beasts for him in the future. opponent.

 Although the clone demons were disappointed that this was not the location of the real demon's power, they were not allowed to have other ideas at this time and could only carry out the demon's orders.

 But no matter how they attacked, they couldn't get any closer. Instead, they were seriously injured by the counterattack.

 Some clone demons also took the opportunity to devour the power of other seriously injured clone demons to strengthen themselves, hoping that they would be able to break through the obstacles of this power and kill the two people inside.

 As a result, more and more ghosts are coming in, but fewer and fewer ghosts can actually stay inside.

The cloud is in the center and sees everything. It looks at the clone demons mockingly. If they work together to attack together, they can break through their protection earlier. In this way, fighting alone will not cause any loss to their protective power. .

However, their strength is not at its peak, and maintaining the protective shield consumes a lot of power. I hope they can survive until they leave tomorrow morning.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo have absorbed most of the spiritual energy of the cave force, and they have no signs of advancement.

 It's because they all chose to suppress the promotion tacitly. Promotion can be done anywhere, but now time is running out and they don't want to waste any time absorbing spiritual energy.

At the same time, they also know that the more spiritual energy they absorb, the less spiritual energy they leave behind, and the longer the demon will be sealed.

 Time passed little by little. In the early morning, there was not much spiritual energy left in the cave. Yun Tuan and the others had almost exhausted their power, and the power of the protective shield was weakening.

The number of clone demons in one night has been very small, and there are still clone demons coming in sporadically, but the ones who can stay inside are without exception the strong ones who came in first, because they have devoured too many of the same kind, and their strength has been doubled. Two or three times more.

Yun Tuan’s consciousness sensed that there were not many demon clones, and there was less than an hour before they left, but the five of them seemed to have no time to leave.

At this moment, Ji Jiuzhong opened his eyes first and stopped absorbing spiritual energy.

He looked at the five and said, "You take off the protective cover and absorb the remaining aura, and I will protect you."

Ji Jiuzhong has calculated that even if he and Luoluo absorb it until the last moment, they still cannot absorb all the spiritual energy here. It is better to change the way of thinking and let five of them absorb it. They also need spiritual energy to restore their strength now.

Yun Tuan glanced at the several demonic clones squeezed on the cave wall, "They are very strong."

 The implication is that you alone are no match for them. Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand and said, "I have a way. You should quickly absorb the spiritual energy and regain your strength."

Seeing his persistence, Yun Tuan knew that he would never do anything he was unsure of, so he immediately ordered the other four divine beasts to retract their protective shields and fall on Yan Xiangluo's shoulders to absorb the spiritual energy.

Ji Jiuzhong saw that the five of them had all turned into their smallest form and were lying huddled on Luoluo's shoulders. The corner of his mouth twitched. It was obvious that the other four beasts except Yun Tuan were his spirit beasts, so why did they feel like Luoluo's.

The cloud fell on Yan Xiangluo's shoulder for only one purpose, which was to absorb spiritual energy while also protecting its owner. If Ji Jiuzhong's protection was not in place, it could also come to the rescue.

The other four didn't think much about it at all. They were used to listening to Huanglong's orders. When they saw the clouds falling on Yan Xiangluo's shoulders, they all followed suit.

 After all, their masters have to fight the doppelgangers, so it is not convenient for them to follow their masters.

But it doesn’t mean that they don’t want to help their master, but the master ordered them to absorb spiritual energy to regain their strength. They have indeed consumed too much spiritual energy now, so they want to wait until the master is defeated before helping.

The few remaining demon clones were very strong. As soon as there was no obstacle in front of them, they rushed towards Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo to kill them. The whole cave was shaking due to their strong strength.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at them coldly, looked at the two clone demons running towards Luoluo, and raised the corners of his lips mockingly.

His protective mysterious pattern can be broken by their attack?

Sure enough, just when Ji Jiuzhong faced off against several clone demons running towards him, several clone demons running towards Yan Xiangluo collided with the protective power of the mysterious pattern and were ejected and flew backwards.

They hit the stone wall hard and spit out a mouthful of blood. Only then did Ji Jiuzhong realize that their blood was black.

One of the clone demons accidentally bumped into a clone demon who had just entered.

This clone demon who just came in was extremely unlucky. He was seriously injured when he didn't even see the situation clearly when he entered. The demon clone that smashed him unceremoniously absorbed the magic power from him, making his injuries heal faster. But the body and soul of the smashed demon clone disappeared.

Although Ji Jiuzhong was fighting the clone demons, he was also paying attention to the situation of those clone demons. Only then did he realize that these clone demons could not be killed, but their kind could absorb their power and kill them. The soul disappears.

Half an hour later, Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes as he looked at the demon clones who were severely injured and unable to move but were still alive.

He did not directly participate in the activities of sealing the demon back then. He went with Luoluo to get the sacred object. He died at the moment when he got the sacred object, so he did not know that the demon could not be killed.

Now that he knew it, he understood why he had sacrificed so many powerful men just to seal the demon, because the demon could not be killed.

 He does not believe that demons are really unkillable, it is just that they do not know **** demons.

Suddenly, he thought of the place where they found the holy object, and he thought about going there again.

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