The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 890: I'm still useful

Ji Jiuzhong stood with his hands behind his back, guarding Yan Xiangluo and the five divine beasts to absorb the spiritual energy. Any clones that came in were severely injured by Ji Jiuzhong and fell to the ground with only one breath left.

 There is no way, who makes the clone demon unkillable.

There was only a quarter of an hour to leave. Ji Jiuzhong looked at the clones on the ground and narrowed his eyes. He was really unwilling to do this.

And the demon lord sealed underground was extremely angry. So many demon clones were so useless that they didn't even get close to Yan Xiangluo.

At this time, he realized that the boy who came in first was in the same group as Yan Xiangluo.

 But with the old man’s spirit bead weighed down by the holy object, he couldn’t breathe. Now he couldn’t exert his strength and couldn’t do anything.

Not wanting to make any more fearless sacrifices, I made a thought and prepared to absorb all the remaining power of the clone demons. It was important to improve their own strength. They could not stay in the first place of training forever. They would be free when he broke through the seal. , then it’s not up to you to decide what to do here.

He didn’t believe that there was a heavenly master in Jiuzhongtian who was stronger than the old man.

Ji Jiuzhong saw the cloned demon who was seriously injured by him suddenly took his last breath, his eyes paused, the cloned demon could not be killed, but now he suddenly died. There was only one reason, that is, the sealed demon lord killed them All the power was absorbed, so these clone demons died.

At the same time, Ji Jiuzhong also knew that there would never be another demon clone coming. They can leave here safely.

 He understands the way the demon lord behaves, and will give up if there is any way. Giving up now means that the Demon Lord has nothing to do with them.

The phoenix eyes fell on the spirit bead held in Yan Xiangluo's hand. It should be related to this bead.

This bead should have been given to her by Luoluo's master. Since the beads that can suppress the demon lord are here, it also means that her master has disappeared.

How long can the Demon Lord seal it?

At this time, Qin Suyue finally walked out of the long corridor, and a bright light appeared in front of her eyes. She stepped across the bright light and entered an open space.

She saw a huge black shadow being pressed down by a huge jade gourd, and the black shadow had the real demonic power that she was familiar with.

Her eyes burst with surprise. Is this the power of real demons? Does it belong to her?

But before she could be happy, she suddenly noticed that the power in her body was passing away, and the direction of the passing was the black figure pressed by the jade gourd.

Qin Suyue looked at the black shadow in horror. Aren't they the clone demons here to get power? Whoever gets the power can become a real demon. Why is it that the power wants to absorb the power from her?

"No, I don't want to die." Qin Suyue shouted in horror.

At this time, the demon had noticed that a demon clone had come to where he was, and looked at Qin Suyue curiously.

  After a lot of talking, he said in disgust, "How did you come to me if you are so weak?"

Qin Suyue's power was still flowing away. When she heard the demon's words, she said in horror, "Who are you and why are you absorbing my power?"

The demon sneered, "You are all the reincarnations of my clones over the past ten thousand years. Your power is mine. Isn't it normal for me to take my own power back?"

 Qin Suyue understood at this time that these clone demons were originally power storage devices raised by the demon lord, and their mission was to send power to the demon lord.

 Her mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to survive.

Suddenly his eyes lit up and he said in a surprised tone, "You must be the Demon Lord, I still use it." "Huh?" The Demon Lord stopped absorbing the magic power from her after hearing her words.

When Qin Suyue saw this, she knew she had a chance, and immediately said, "Don't the Demon Lord want to kill Xiangluo? It has been a month since she came in, and she will soon leave the first training place. She and I are from the same continent. I can go back and find a chance to kill her."

The Demon Lord was speechless when he heard this. He glanced at Qin Suyue, who was so weak that he looked down upon her strength and asked, "Can you kill her with just your strength?"

He had experienced Yan Xiangluo's strength once. He couldn't kill her even if he suddenly made a move. How could he kill her with this weakling demonic clone?

Qin Suyue was extremely embarrassed, but this was not the time to save face, "Demon Lord, you don't have to do it yourself to kill. Besides, I'm not strong enough. Can't the Demon Lord make me stronger?"

What Qin Suyue was thinking was that since the Demon Lord wanted to kill Yan Xiangluo, but he couldn't leave here, then he was an extremely suitable blade, and the only one. Since the power can be taken away, it can also be given to her. As long as the Demon Lord thinks she is valuable, she can survive.

As for what happens next, we’ll talk about it later. Let’s go back to Jiuyuan Continent first, and then talk about the rest.

If the Demon Lord can control himself across the continent, then he will obediently work for the Demon Lord. As long as he is valuable, he will continue to live.

If the demon lord cannot control himself across the continent, then he will be the demon lord of the Nine Yuan Continent, and then he will feel comfortable.

 Have to admit that Qin Suyue's brain is still very good.

After a while, the Demon Lord laughed loudly, "Yes, although the strength is not good, the brain is very good, so I will keep you for now. Come here, I will give you some strength and help you improve your cultivation." , if you can really kill Yuan Xiangluo, this Demon Lord will allow you to stay by my side."

Qin Suyue was overjoyed, she knew she had made the right bet.

It was then that she realized that falling into the dark hole was a blessing. If she were anywhere at this time, she would be dead.

Now not only has he shown his face in front of the Demon Lord, but he has also gained the Demon Lord's appreciation. As long as he kills Yan Xiangluo, he will make money regardless of whether he can return to the Demon Lord or not.

"Thank you Demon Lord for your appreciation." Qin Suyue immediately knelt down and kowtowed, then stood up and bravely walked to the Demon Lord.

 The Demon Lord was very satisfied with her knowledge. After all, a cloned demon was under his control no matter where he was.

 He generously transferred part of the magic power of the clone demon that he had just absorbed to Qin Suyue.

Qin Suyue clearly felt that her strength was improving, reaching a level of cultivation that she had never reached before.

With this kind of situation, it would not be a problem for me to go back to Jiuyuan Continent and dominate Jiuyuan Continent.

 Qin Suyue was so excited!

After a while, the Demon Lord stopped and said with disgust, "The talent is too poor, I can only accept so much power."

Qin Suyue's face froze. She had always believed that although her talent was not a genius, it was not far from being a genius. How could she be so disliked by the Demon Lord?

This is the first time someone has said that her talent is too poor.

But she didn't dare to refute, she was already lucky to have survived from the devil's hands. Face was nothing, it was not important compared to life and death.

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