The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 891: Count it yourself

 She had already lost her face when she was abandoned by her family, otherwise she would not be alive now. Now that we have reached the critical moment of death, why should we care about face?

At this moment, Qin Suyue felt a repulsive force oppressing her from all directions, and she knew that she was leaving the first place of training.

Immediately looked at the black shadow. Although she knew it was the Demon Lord, Qin Suyue actually didn't see the Demon Lord's true appearance.

"I'm going back. Does the Demon Lord have any other instructions?"

“Your mission when you return is to kill Yan Xiangluo as soon as possible, or at least prevent her from going to Jiuchongtian.” The Demon Lord naturally knew that Qin Suyue was leaving, so he said quickly.

He was not sure whether Qin Suyue could kill Yan Xiangluo, but at least he could prevent her from going to Jiuzhongtian before he broke through the seal.

After hearing this, Qin Suyue said, "Devil Lord, the passage from Jiuyuan Continent to Jiuchongtian has been blocked for ten thousand years. No one can go to Jiuchongtian."

After hearing this, the Demon Lord laughed loudly and said, "God help me."

 Old guy, so what if your apprentice is reborn? No matter how talented he is, he is trapped in the continent below and will never be able to return to the ninth heaven for the rest of his life. If you still want to go against me, just dream.

Before Qin Suyue could say anything else, her body disappeared in front of the Demon Lord.

For the first time in ten thousand years, someone came to him, and now it is quiet again.

The Demon Lord stopped laughing and said in a gloomy tone, "Old guy, do you regret that you sacrificed yourself? Your little apprentice is not very lucky, but don't worry, I will go see her, but it's a pity that you can't see her. Hahaha."

Yan Xiangluo stopped absorbing the spiritual energy when she sensed the repulsive force, and the spiritual energy was almost absorbed by her and the five divine beasts.

She immediately stood up and sent the spirit beads into her own space in the previous life, and the five divine beasts into Pangu's space. Ji Jiuzhong came over and held her hand, and the two of them disappeared.

All the monks from the Nine Yuan Continent who were alive in the first place of training were sent out of the first place of training at this moment, no matter where you are.

When the training time was about to come, the people from Yunshang Palace came a day earlier and stayed outside, wanting to see the effect of Ji Jiuzhong's training.

He is still the palace owner of Yunshang Palace and leads the team.

 But when they arrived, they found that there were many people guarding the place. People in Yunshang Palace were very confused, what was going on?

Is Ji Jiuzhong really so charming that so many people can watch him come out of the first place of training?

Actually, a large number of them are the clansmen of those who followed Ji Jiuzhong to go in for training. In the past, my own family went in secretly, but now there is no need to secretly come out. Each family has arranged for people to come and pick them up.

 The main reason is that they are worried that the people in Yunshang Palace will make things difficult for them. Those who went in were all talented people from their family. Being able to come out of the first place of training alive would definitely improve your cultivation level a lot, and it must not be compromised.

 Therefore, as soon as Ji Jiuzhong and the others came out, they saw a sea of ​​people outside.

 The people in Yunshang Palace saw so many people coming out of the Land of Lifting, and after seeing the surprise and shock of those waiting, they immediately understood.

The Palace Master of Yunshang Palace looked at Ji Jiuzhong and asked, "Do you have room for you?"

Ji Jiuzhong did not answer his question, "What does this have to do with the palace master?"

The master of Yunshang Palace's eyes turned cold. Only then did he realize that something was wrong with the aura on Ji Jiuzhong's body. Although it looked like he had not yet broken through to the gods, the pressure was greater than him.

 When he asked just now, he used the coercion of his true cultivation. If Ji Jiuzhong had not broken through to the gods, how could he stand here intact.

  I have already knelt down.

“What is your cultivation level?” asked the Palace Master of Yunshang Palace. I'm afraid he won't be able to fulfill the orders given by his superiors. Ji Jiuzhong's talent is too evil.

"This doesn't seem to have anything to do with the palace master." Ji Jiuzhong said still politely.

 After recovering all his memories, he naturally knew who the master behind Yunshang Palace was. If he wanted the fate of his Ji family, he could just dream about it.

Ji Jiuzhong's temperament is similar to before, but there is still a big difference. If he was a king a month ago, his temperament now should be described as a god.

There is an aura of being contemptuous of the world in his nobility, as if everyone in front of him is like an ant.

The Palace Master of Yunshang Palace was choked and almost out of breath. When did anyone dare to talk to him like this?

"This is a rule. You must record your cultivation level when you enter and exit, so that future generations will know the limit of training in the first training place." The master of Yunshang Palace endured his anger.

There are so many people here, although he wants to get rid of Ji Jiuzhong immediately, but the people here, except for the people Ji Jiuzhong brought in for training, are from these families. If he takes action against Ji Jiuzhong at this time, they will not sit idly by and ignore it. .

Yunshang Palace’s reputation accumulated over ten thousand years cannot be ruined, let alone its status.

"Is there such a rule?" Ji Jiuzhong looked at the people who came out with him and asked.

 In his past life and this life, he has only come to the higher continent in this life, and he has not stayed long.

Those who followed him into the first training ground all nodded, "There are indeed such rules."

Ji Jiudian nodded and said, "Then please, Palace Master, please count my cultivation level yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Jiuzhong rose into the air, suspended in mid-air, and released the suppressed promotion power. The golden promotion light enveloped him, and then he began to break through the promotion.

 As soon as he let go, within a few moments of breathing, he would break through to the level of a god.

This was the first time that Ji Jiuzhong made a breakthrough in front of everyone. When everyone saw that the light of his promotion was pure gold, they were all shocked, and then they all looked like they should be.

He is a descendant of the legendary Ji family, and he is also a person with the inheritance of the Human Emperor. How can he be qualified to receive the inheritance of the Human Emperor if he is not talented enough.

 Only the palace master of Yunshang Palace looked extremely ugly.

The golden promotion light shows that Ji Jiuzhong's is a golden lotus platform, and the pure gold color shows that he is a high-grade lotus platform, the best among the cultivation talents.

Even he is only a low-grade golden lotus platform. There has been no one with the talent of high-grade golden lotus platform in Jiuyuan Continent for at least ten thousand years.

Ji Jiuzhong is already an obstacle to Yunshang Palace's maintenance of status.

The Palace Master of Yunshang Palace thought that while he still had a chance to get rid of him while he was still a god, it would not be easy to get rid of him when he became a powerful master of transcending tribulations.

You have to get rid of him as soon as possible, otherwise your status in Jiuyuan Continent will also decline.

He thought that Ji Jiuzhong's breakthrough to the upper gods was already the limit. After all, before he entered, he was at the peak of the lower gods. He had crossed two levels and was already the most advanced person in the history of entering the first training place.

However, Ji Jiuzhong did not stop after breaking through to the Supreme God, and continued to advance. When he asked about the breakthrough, everyone's hearts beat wildly.

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