The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 892: Lotus appears

Oh my god, what kind of evil talent is this? What kind of adventure did Ji Jiuzhong encounter in the first place of training? How could he break through a big level after coming out, not to mention being promoted?

You must know that it is very difficult for people with cultivation above the **** level to break through the first level, let alone a large level.

Moreover, the people who entered in previous years were all promoted inside, and how could anyone come out and still be promoted.

 The most important thing is that Ji Jiuzhong’s promotion has not stopped.

Yan Xiangluo stood below and watched Ji Jiuzhong break through and advance. In fact, she also wanted to advance, but for safety reasons she could not advance with Ji Jiuzhong. She protected Ji Jiuzhong first and waited for him to advance through the advancement.

At this time, their people gathered around, and their parents, whom they had not seen since the first time they entered the training place, also came. Yan Xiangluo could tell at a glance that their cultivation levels had improved a lot, especially her father's. He didn't know what adventures he had encountered there. She and her brother probably inherited more of their talents from her father.

Seeing the concerned eyes of her parents, and the moment of relaxation when she saw her, Yan Xiangluo pursed her lips and smiled. This is the biggest difference between her and her previous life. She has parents who love her, and she has blood relatives whom she can trust. .

There were a lot of people now. They didn't speak but just looked at each other. After making sure that each other was safe, they quietly watched Ji Jiuzhong break through and advance.

Yan Xiangluo still has an unsolved doubt in her heart.

Normally, after the Nascent Soul awakens, the lotus platform will appear. When she awakened the Nascent Soul in the Tianqian Continent, the lotus platform did not appear. It only appeared and disappeared from time to time, at least.

 But now that she has awakened Nascent Soul again in the higher continent, why is the lotus platform missing?

 She thought that after awakening the Nascent Soul this time, the lotus platform would appear.

Even if she has suppressed and failed to advance, she has already reached the level of a god. Why hasn't the lotus platform appeared yet?

In the past, Master Qianhe said that her lotus platform level was too high and her cultivation level could not keep up, so the lotus platform was looming, and it would appear when her strength increased. But now that she has cultivated to a god, isn't her strength enough? Awakening on the lotus platform?

I wonder if the lotus platform will appear after she breaks through and advances?

 It's hard to say that it's because of the skills she practiced. After all, she already has the memory of her previous life and hasn't figured out the problem of the lotus platform. The difference between her and her previous life is that the skills are different.

However, after breaking through the third level of Panguhuakai, it was indeed easy for her to advance. Although she had to have sufficient spiritual power, it was the first time in her previous life that she had advanced to this level.

 Putting aside her doubts, Yan Xiangluo stared at Ji Jiuzhong. At this time, Ji Jiuzhong had advanced to the peak of the ninth level of Dao Dao and was cultivating in the adobe to overcome the tribulation.

The people present originally thought that it was normal for the Ji family's successor to the human emperor to have high talents, but now everyone can't believe it. Can someone with a cultivation level above the **** level advance like this, even if he is the emperor's successor to the Ji family? ?

The palace master of Yunshang Palace saw that Ji Jiuzhong was about to break through to the level of transcending tribulation. This time, he was really not calm.

If Ji Jiuzhong was just asking about his cultivation, he would be sure that he had planned to kill him, but if he was about overcoming tribulations, he was really not sure.

 After all, Jiuyuan City's strength is now calculated based on daily improvement. In one month, Ji Jiuzhong is not here, but Jiuyuan City is not what it used to be. Coupled with Ji Jiuzhong, a powerful person who can transcend tribulations, he has no confidence at all in killing him.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong had successfully broken through to the level of transcending tribulation, and the advancement was still continuing.

This time, even Yu Chengye and his wife couldn't keep their temper. Yu Chengye sent a message and asked his daughter, "Luo Luo, what happened to Jiuzhong inside? How did you come out to break through so many cultivation levels?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at her father and replied, "We have entered the center of the first training place."

In a simple sentence, Yan Chengye understood that not only did these two children enter the center of the first training place, they also encountered great opportunities that no one else had ever encountered. He naturally saw that his daughter had already broken through to the realm of divine cultivation. Even if Pangu Flower Blooming was an ancient skill and her daughter had passed the third level, she would not have broken through so many cultivation levels at once. There must be something in it. Adventure.

 Although I don’t know what the specific adventure is, it is a good thing for the two children.

 Everyone else's focus was on Ji Jiuzhong, and no one really noticed Yan Xiangluo's cultivation level.

Ji Jiuzhong didn’t stop until he reached the ninth level of Dao Du Jie’s peak cultivation level.

Everyone thinks they are dreaming, has anyone been promoted like this? In their eyes, Ji Jiuzhong, whose cultivation was above the **** level, was as difficult as climbing to the sky. Is this true?

Ji Jiuzhong fell down, looked at the Palace Master of Yunshang Palace and said, "Palace Master, have you written it down?"

The Palace Master of Yunshang Palace looked at Ji Jiuzhong, and then said reluctantly, "Congratulations to Mr. Ji, you are indeed a genius."

Ji Jiuzhong withdrew his gaze indifferently and did not comment on the congratulations of the Palace Master of Yunshang Palace.

He looked down at Yan Xiangluo and said, "Luoluo, go ahead and advance. I'll guard it for you."

He knew Luoluo was going to advance, so he didn't join him because he was worried that someone would take action during his advancement. After all, they had many opponents, and they were all very strong.

Yu Xiangluo nodded and rose into the sky. Her fiery red dress, silky hair, and alluring appearance were all ignored at this moment. What they care about is how this unmarried couple, with their monster-like talents, have to advance again after coming out of the first place of training.

 The most important thing is, how did the two suppress the power of advancement?

In full view of everyone, Yan Xiangluo also began to advance.

Pure golden light enveloped her, and everyone took a breath. The miracle doctor was actually the purest golden lotus. These two were a match made in heaven, both in appearance and talent.

 But there is still a difference between the promotion of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong, which shocked everyone even more.

 After the light of promotion fell, a golden lotus platform actually appeared at the feet of Yan Xiangluo.

Not to mention everyone, even Ji Jiuzhong was stunned. After all, among the people present, only he and Yan Xiangluo had information about Jiuzhongtian.

The lotus pads of monks are all in the Dantian. After all, they will not be seen by others throughout their lives. The only way for the lotus pads to appear outside the body is the first ancient skill. Could it be that the Pangu Flower Blooming Skill practiced by Luo Luo Is the Dharma the number one skill in ancient times?

Ji Jiuzhong has learned the truth. After all, even people in Jiuzhongtian only know that the first ancient skill is the strongest skill. The way to tell is that the lotus platform is outside the body during the battle.

  I don’t know what the name of the first skill in ancient times is.

It turns out that Pangu Flower Blooming is the number one skill in ancient times. Ji Jiuchong's phoenix eyes burst out with dazzling light. In this life, they are indeed different.

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