The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 895: Just a thought

Seeing that Miao Changye didn't say a word, Qin Suyue's interests were not enough to attract him.

She raised the corners of her lips coldly, "Do you have slave marks on your body?"

Sure enough, Miao Changye's gaze provoked Qin Suyue to understand clearly and directly stated her conditions, "You work for me for three months, and I will help you break the mark of slavery."

Her primary purpose is to kill Yan Xiangluo, but she needs a good layout. With Ji Jiuzhong's cunning, it is impossible for her to kill Yan Xiangluo with her own strength.

Besides, her purpose is to dominate the Nine Yuan Continent. To achieve this goal, she must first ensure that there are no monks stronger than her in the entire continent, and there must also be a large group of lackeys.

 She still understands that two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands.

Miao Nagano was really tempted this time. He was able to come to the Demon Realm because he had made a deal with someone. This deal was the slave mark, because he could not come to the Demon Realm to settle down without being imprinted with the slave mark.

 But the other party did not force him, but made a deal with him.

The other party helped him go to the demon-transformation pool. After the demon-transformation was successful, Miao Nagano worked for the other party. The deadline was that he could erase the slave mark.

No matter what method he uses to erase the slave mark, as long as the slave mark disappears, their deal is over.

Miao Nagano was free.

 Therefore, the condition proposed by Qin Suyue was very attractive to him.

Miao Nagano knew very well that it would take at least a hundred years to erase the slave mark with his own strength, which meant that he would have to be a slave for the other party for a hundred years.

Although the other party did not enslave him in any way, he was unwilling to bear this status, so he naturally hoped to erase the mark of slavery as soon as possible.

 But trading with Qin Suyue is not a good thing, but he thinks it can still be considered in three months.

Qin Suyue understands the hearts of these people very well. After all, she was once one of them, so she naturally knows what is appropriate and what to do to make Miao Nagano submit.

"Erase the slave mark for me first." Miao Changye thought for a while but still couldn't withstand the temptation and agreed to Qin Suyue's conditions.

He didn't know at this time that the life he finally gained with a single thought was ruined by his own decision.

People's good luck is limited, and good luck will not come again and again. Miao Nagano's luck was exhausted when he agreed to Qin Suyue.

  Otherwise, if he could live in the Demon Realm for a hundred years with peace of mind, he would naturally be able to gain freedom, and his ability to erase the slave mark would be enough for him to live freely in the Demon Realm in the future.

Qin Suyue chuckled and said, "Okay, but you must also make an oath."

Since Miao Changye had made up his mind, he naturally did not hesitate and immediately made an oath, "Qin Suyue will erase the slave mark for me, and I, Miao Changye, will work for her for three months. If I violate this oath..."

Qin Suyue's goal was achieved, and she immediately took action to erase the slave mark from Miao Nagano.

 Miao Nagano’s soul and body were immediately liberated and felt extremely comfortable. Miao Nagano did not regret his decision at this time.

 “What do you want me to do?” Miao Nagano asked.

Qin Suyue sneered, "Win over all the people from the demon world who come from the spiritual world to bear the slave mark. As long as they submit to me, I will erase the slave mark on them. But if they swear allegiance to me, naturally, I will also let them They have glory and wealth.”

Miao Changye was stunned. He didn't expect Qin Suyue's ambition to be so big. You know, there are not a few people from the spirit world. Even if you win over half of the people, it will be enough for Qin Suyue to stand on her own.

But he didn’t want to take the risk, “Okay, but I won’t act with my original identity and appearance.”

Qin Suyue naturally knew that Miao Nagano did not want to hang out with her, but now she was also using Miao Nagano. As for the future, the person who worked for her wanted to get rid of her relationship. Is it possible? So she happily agreed, "Okay, you can contact them as a black envoy from now on. As for how to hide your identity, I don't think I need to teach you."

“Okay, how do I bring the people I want to win over to you?” Miao Nagano felt that in three months, he would be able to win over a hundred and eighty people at most even if he worked day and night.

"This is my sound transmission stone. If you add it, contact me if you contact ten people. I will come over." Qin Suyue said.

Miao Nagano did not delay and directly added Qin Suyue's sound transmission stone. Qin Suyue didn't waste any time and disappeared directly.

Miao Nagano took a long breath, felt his soul body, relaxed and comfortable, pursed his lower lip, and walked out of the room.

 His slave mark has been erased, so naturally he no longer needs to stay here.

This is the place where the master's family gave them, those with slave marks, to live. When they have nothing to do, they rest in their rooms, and only go out to do things when they are told to do so. They are not allowed to walk around normally.

 Now he is free.

He straightened up and walked directly out of the yard. He was stopped by the guard guarding outside, "Exit order."

Miao Nagano said, "My slave mark has been erased."

The guard was stunned. Miao Nagano had only been here a few months, and his cultivation level was not high enough to erase the slave mark on his own. How could he erase the slave mark?

 Immediately a man came forward to check, and sure enough, his slave mark was gone.

Miao Nagano glanced at them indifferently, "Can I leave?"

The guards guarding the door stepped out of the way, looked at his leaving figure, and immediately said to one of them, "Hurry up and tell the master."

Miao Changye’s slave marks were given by the three demon king Ge Tianjun, Ge Tianyu who had always coveted the position of the demon king.

After Ge Tianyu heard the news, he pondered for a moment and said to his subordinates, "Immediately arrange for someone to inform Ge Tianjun."

 The subordinates were puzzled. He was just one of their slaves. Why should he tell the Demon King when he could just handle it himself?

"Hurry up. What time is it now? Miao Changye has been under the eyes of the guards. Who has the strength to erase the slave mark for him?" Ge Tianyu said sharply.

The subordinate immediately understood and said with a serious expression, "I will go in person."

Although their masters are fighting openly and secretly with the Demon King, they still know what to do when it comes to the stability of the Demon World.

After Ge Tianjun got the news, he immediately arranged for people to keep an eye on Nagano.

At this moment, Nagano was preparing an outfit that could hide his appearance and figure. Unknown to him, he was being targeted by the Demon King's people before he took action.

At this time, Qin Suyue had left the demon world and came to the spiritual world.

If you want to kill Yu Xiangluo, it is best to use people from the spirit world. Moreover, what she wants is the surrender of the entire Jiuyuan Continent. Therefore, the spirit world also needs a large number of lackeys, and it is best to use people with high cultivation levels. .

Although she had several targets, her talent was not satisfactory. Just when she was hiding her identity and inquiring about information in a teahouse, she actually found a suitable person.

 Qin Suyue appeared at Wuchun Cliff, looking down at Ximen Hongyu who was undergoing punishment here.

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