The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 896: colluding with each other

Qin Suyue raised the corners of her lips. Ximen Hongyu, a person who has a grudge against Ji Jiuchong, is so suitable.

By this time, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong had returned to Jiuyuan City.

Jiuyuan City is completely different from when they left a month ago. All the planned buildings in the inner city have been built, especially Jiuyuan College, which covers a large area and is magnificent.

The outer city has changed the most. At this time, there is almost no idle land in the outer city. Knowing that today is the day when Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo come back, the streets are crowded with people, especially the streets at the city gate. They were all people, just to see their true faces.

Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo did not enter the city quietly, but chose to enter through the city gate.

Mu Zixian and the others came back first and had already led the black feather guards to guard both sides of the road. Everyone cheered to welcome Ji Jiuzhong and Ruan Xiangluo into the city.

The two of them entered the inner city and could still hear the cheers from the outer city.

"elder sister."


Ruan Anluo and Qi Hao ran over. They wanted to pick up Ruan Xiangluo and the others outside the city. However, they were stopped by Ruan Chengye and his wife. There were so many people outside telling them not to cause trouble. They were in the inner city. Just wait at the door.

Yan Xiangluo looked at his younger brother and his apprentice. They hadn’t seen each other for a month, but they had both advanced. Although they were only promoted to the first level, for them, the path of cultivation was special.

Qi Hao only started practicing this year, and his younger brother was able to practice normally only this year. Both of them have not been practicing for a long time, and they have already made too many breakthroughs. The fact that they are still promoted shows that they are really working hard, and it also shows that their talents are indeed very strong.

  The eyes of both of them lit up when they were praised by their sister and master, and the corners of their mouths raised high showed their happiness.

 Everyone walked to the palace together.

There were a lot of things to do when I first came back. Ji Jiu had to deal with the affairs of Jiuyuan City, Yan Xiangluo also had things to discuss with her parents, and the matter about the Demon Lord had to be announced to the entire continent.

Although Ji Jiuzhong doesn't want to worry about managing the spiritual world of Jiuyuan Continent, he can't watch the clone demon destroy the continent.

 The spiritual world is divided into four inner continents and twelve outer continents. It is up to the masters of each continent to take precautions when things are announced. Of course, Ji Jiuzhong still has to take action when Qin Suyue is finally dealt with.

Ji Jiuzhong went to the main hall to handle matters, while Yan Xiangluo, her parents and her master Deng Changze went to the palace to talk.

Seeing Ji Zimo, the ancestor of the Ji family, sitting on the roof of the main hall, Yu Xiangluo smiled and said, "Ancestor, there will be a surprise later."

At first, Ji Jiuzhong wanted to take Ji Zimo into the first training place, but later Ji Zimo refused, mainly because his soul power would not decrease as long as he was in Jiuyuan City or in the Ji family land. On the contrary, it will be strengthened, so he stayed to guard Jiuyuan City so that they could go in and experience it with confidence.

After Ji Jiuzhong discussed with Yan Xiangluo, they also knew that for Ji Zimo, having a body was the most important thing. Yan Xiangluo thought that if he could break through the third level of Pangu Flower Bloom and enter the god-level cultivation level, She could help Ji Zimo's soul merge with his body, so the two of them kept Ji Zimo.

Now, Yan Xiangluo has not only broken through the third level of Pangu Huakai, but her cultivation level has directly reached the highest level in the advanced continent. She also has the memory of her previous life. It is no longer difficult to help Ji Zimo integrate his body.

Ji Zimo's eyes lit up. For him, there was only one thing that was a surprise. It seemed that these two children had gained a lot from the first training ground.

 “Okay.” His tone became much more relaxed.

 Turn around and leave without interrupting their conversation.

Yan Xiangluo did not shy away from her younger brother and apprentice, and told her parents and master about her situation in the first place of training. Chengye and his wife were also separated during their training. They didn’t see each other for a month, but they each had their own adventures. It's just that they can't say it out like their daughter. They can't say a word and can only listen to their daughter.

Although he couldn't tell, Yan Xiangluo knew from their cultivation that they had gained a lot from it.

Long Moran has now broken through to the **** level. Although Chengye is not as evil as his daughter and son-in-law, he has also entered the realm of overcoming tribulations.

Master Deng Changze's talent is no worse than his father's, and he also has the ability to overcome tribulations, but the two of them are not as good as those who have overcome tribulations.

Regarding the matter of the Demon Lord, Yan Xiangluo also told her parents and master in detail the information that was not restricted by heaven.

There is no need to hide it from my parents. Master has to go back to Xianyun Sect. The sect is so big and has so many disciples, so we must take good precautions to avoid being taken advantage of by Qin Suyue.

Yuan Chengye and his wife were very depressed. According to their daughter's advice, if they want to eliminate the demon, they must first go to Jiuchongtian. However, the passage from Jiuyuan Continent to Jiuchongtian has been sealed. How to get there?

"Do you have a way to go to Jiuchongtian?" Juan Chengye asked. Since his daughter and son-in-law are not embarrassed, there should be a way.

Deng Changze also looked at his disciples. If there was a way to go to Jiuchongtian, they would also have the opportunity to help her eliminate the demon.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "The passage is blocked. We still have a way to get to the Nine Heavens, but we have to try."

Yu Chengye didn't ask much, "Are you sure you can solve the clone demon?"

"There is no way to kill the clone demon now, but it can be trapped and it will not harm the mainland. There is always a way to completely solve it." Yu Xiangluo said.

Yu Chengye's heart sank. Even a cloned demon couldn't be completely eliminated, let alone such a powerful demon lord.

 It seems that eliminating demons is not a simple matter.

Deng Changze’s expression was also heavy.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t tell her parents and master about her past life. Firstly, there were many things that she couldn’t tell, and secondly, even if she could tell them, it would only make them more troubled.

At this moment, Ji Jiuzhong's voice sounded, which was conveyed through the Human Emperor's order and was heard by the entire spiritual continent.

  It is about the demon lord and the fact that there is a demon clone in Jiuyuan Continent. It reminds the mainland to be more vigilant. It is the responsibility of the entire continent to eliminate demons.

Qin Suyue was in the spirit world, so she naturally heard Ji Jiuzhong's words. She curled up the corners of her lips coldly, and then glanced at Ximen Hongyu.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be able to torture him as much as you want soon.”

 Ximen Hongyu frowned and ignored Qin Suyue's words. He was a little shocked as to what kind of cultivation Ji Jiuzhong was now.

He does not regret cooperating with the doppelganger Qin Suyue. There is no place for him in the entire continent. What's wrong with him wanting to become stronger?

No matter what Qin Suyue is, there is one thing she said that suits him well. What's wrong with them is that they just want to be strong and not be bullied.

 But, only they know what they are thinking. Do they really just don’t want to be upset?

"I'll contact the people in Yun Shang Tian, ​​and you can just do it as I arranged." Qin Suyue felt relieved when she saw that Ximen Hongyu had no regrets.

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