The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 913: Nutritious meal

Yan Xiangluo stretched out her hand, and the magic bead appeared in her hand.

She wanted to absorb some of the magic power in the magic beads into her body, and then personally feel what parts of the magic power were unfriendly to spiritual practice.

The first time she tried it, she didn't know what to do just because she had a magic bead. She only absorbed the magic energy as thick as a thread and entered her body.

As soon as the demonic energy entered her body, it went straight to her Dantian as if someone was guiding her in the direction.

Yan Xiangluo held the magic bead with her right hand, so she also absorbed a trace of magic energy with her right hand. As soon as the demonic energy entered her palm, it rushed into her dantian like an arrow from a string. The speed was so fast that she had no time to react even after staring at it. The demonic energy rushed directly into her dantian.

Not only that, the speed of the demonic energy entering the Dantian did not stop at all, and it arrived in front of the spiritual root tree in the blink of an eye.

You must know that a person's Dantian is like a space. The higher the cultivation level, the larger the space. No force entering the Dantian can reach the location of the spiritual root so quickly.

But the demonic energy did it.

Yan Xiangluo's spiritual root tree was absorbing the Yuan Pearl given by Wushuang. The demonic energy suddenly broke in and quickly invaded the spiritual root tree, frantically absorbing the spiritual energy of the spiritual root tree. Let Linggen not react for a moment.

Yan Xiangluo's spiritual root tree is now different from before. Although it has not yet formed spiritual consciousness like Wushuang, it is still conscious.

Although his reaction was a little slow, he immediately resisted the demonic energy as soon as he reacted.

 However, although there is not much demonic energy, only a trace, it is very stubborn. No matter how hard the spiritual root tree resisted, it was not reduced at all. On the contrary, the demonic energy seemed to be looking for a way to conquer the spiritual root tree.

Yan Xiangluo naturally felt uncomfortable when her spiritual root tree was invaded by demonic energy. Although she was unable to prevent it at first, she had already reacted and did not take action against the demonic energy.

After really introducing the demonic energy into her body, Yan Xiangluo realized why her master Deng Changze, who was so shrewd and powerful, could not do anything about the demonic energy.

Just because the demonic energy entered the body so quickly, I had no time to react even if I stared at it, let alone those who were unprepared.

 This is the first point, the response speed of demonic energy is extremely fast.

Through the resistance between her spiritual roots and the demonic energy, Yan Xiangluo knew that the demonic energy was very tenacious.

 This is the second point. Demonic energy is very resilient.

Yan Xiangluo endured her physical discomfort and continued to observe the demonic energy.

 When the demonic energy rushed in, Nascent Soul had already stood up and looked at the spiritual root tree. Yan Xiangluo sensed that Nascent Soul was very anxious, but seemed to have no way to deal with the demonic energy.

 This is the third point. Nascent Soul is no match for demonic energy.

 In about a quarter of an hour, the demonic energy that had been stagnant suddenly grew stronger. Originally it was only as many as a few threads, but now it has doubled or tripled in size.

 Although it is still very small compared to aura, this change is too scary.

 In just a quarter of an hour, the demonic energy actually found a way to survive and doubled its power by two or three times. So what if time continues? What about an hour, a day, a month, or even a year?

Yan Xiangluo finally understood why monks were contaminated with demonic energy and their cultivation level declined instead of improving. The final result was either becoming a demonic cultivator or a dead end.

Yan Xiangluo felt that her spiritual roots could not protect herself at all, so she immediately took action. This was a normal reaction in spiritual practice. She followed the normal reaction in spiritual practice to see how the demonic energy did it?

To Yan Xiangluo's surprise, as soon as she used her spiritual energy to stop the demonic energy and drive it out of her body, the demonic energy became more solid. While fighting his own aura, the demonic aura became stronger and faster, and the demonic aura visible to the naked eye was already as thick as his little finger.

This discovery shocked Yanxiang Luoxiangluo, because she clearly felt that the demonic energy was devouring her, and the spiritual energy that expelled it became stronger.

 Using spiritual energy to expel the evil energy yourself has no effect at all on expelling it. Instead, it is more like giving someone a big meal.

Yan Xiangluo immediately withdrew his spiritual energy, and the demonic energy turned around and continued to compete with Lin Heong for his spiritual energy.

 Fourth point, in the Dantian, no matter what kind of spiritual energy it is, it is a nutritious meal for the evil energy.

Yan Xiangluo just wanted to find out why the current spiritual practice could not adapt to the demonic energy, but she did not really want to harm her spiritual roots.

 Immediately took up the magic beads and sucked out the demonic energy from the body.

Looking at her Dantian that had regained its composure, Yan Xiangluo thought carefully about the demonic energy entering her body just now, the resistance of her spiritual roots, and the reaction of the demonic energy when she used the spiritual energy. After thinking about it for a long time, she had no clue.

 In addition to the four points summarized, it is important to understand how powerful the devouring power of demonic energy is.

This reminded her of the true power of demons. The power of demon cultivators is still the power obtained through normal cultivation. It has become so powerful that the demon master's demonic power is so powerful that so many high-level experts can only join forces. After sealing it, Yan Xiangluo felt normal.

One night passed, Yan Xiangluo tried to inhale the demonic energy into her body six times, absorbing it in different ways and places, but the result was the same.

Yan Xiangluo has more and more doubts in her heart. Why in ancient times spiritual cultivation and demonic cultivation could coexist peacefully without interfering with each other, but now spiritual cultivation can't adapt to the power of demonic cultivation?

Since the power of demon cultivators is so powerful, why are there so few powerful ones? In the battle between demons and spirits, the demon cultivator has never won once. Which one is stronger?

It was already dawn. Thinking of the agreement with Ji Jiuzhong, Yan Xiangluo put aside her doubts and left the Pangu space. After bathing and changing clothes, her brother came to find her for breakfast.

Juan Anluo likes her sister to be at home very much. Her parents don't eat every day, and usually only he and Qi Hao eat together.

But he knew that his sister would eat on time no matter what her cultivation level was. Her sister said that this was her hobby. Juan Anluo felt that they were indeed siblings, with the same hobbies.

Juan Anluo feels that she will be like her sister in the future, and will never give up tasting delicious food no matter what level of cultivation she reaches.

At this time, Juan Anluo didn’t know that during his sister’s absence, he became the exclusive taster of Qi Hao’s delicacies.

When the two of them grew up, they looked back and realized that many of their wonderful childhoods were related to eating.

“Sister, brother-in-law said you are going out to do errands today?” Juan Anluo asked as she walked.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Yes."

Yan Anluo suddenly flashed her big eyes like Yan Xiangluo and asked, "Can you take me with you?"

Yan Xiangluo looked at her brother's expectant eyes and refused, "Not this time. The place we are going to is not suitable for children."

Yu Anluo said in frustration, "My brother-in-law said the same thing. You and your parents are not at home today, and you still don't take me with you. I'm not happy."

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