The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 914: bloodline suppression

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised. She and Jiuchongtian went to Yunzhongtian without taking her younger brother with them because they really couldn't take him with them.

Going to Yunzhongtian was restricted by his cultivation level. My younger brother was young and his cultivation level was too far apart. Even if she wanted to take him with him, he wouldn't be able to go.

But her parents actually had to go out today, and they didn’t take their younger brother with them. Where were they going? She asked curiously, “Where are my parents going today?”

Juan Anluo curled her lips and said, "Go to Liujia Village in the Southern Continent and pick up Uncle Liu and Aunt Liu to attend my sister's wedding."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, and then she knew who Uncle Liu and Aunt Liu were that her brother was talking about. They were the place where her parents lived when they first came to Jiuyuan Continent, and they were also the saviors of their younger brother.

I heard from my parents that their cultivation talents are not very high. Aunt Liu has the talent for alchemy but not the fire spiritual root. Her strength is too low and she cannot contract strange fire, so she only learned some arts and simple medical treatments.

At that time, she thought that she would have the opportunity to go there to help them improve their talents and see how to help Aunt Liu to make elixirs, which could be regarded as repaying them for taking care of her mother and brother.

Since your parents are going to pick up someone, let’s wait until you see them and see how you can help them.

"Since we are picking up Liu Bo and Aunt Liu, why don't my parents take An An with them?" Yuan Xiangluo felt that if they were just picking up people, there would be no danger as there were teleportation patterns back and forth, so why didn't their parents take their younger brother with them? Go.

"My parents said they would come back soon. It won't take long. Let me practice at home." Ruan Anluo said unconvinced.

He felt that since it wouldn't take long, he and his parents went to pick up Liu Bo, Aunt Liu and the others, and it wouldn't take much time to practice again when they came back. He missed Liucun, after all, it was the place where he was born.

When Yan Xiangluo saw her brother's expression, she knew what he was thinking. She also understood in her heart that her parents were still worried about her and Ji Jiuzheng going to Jiuchongtian. They felt that there was not enough time and wished they could spend all their time practicing. , the whole family suddenly became extremely powerful.

 Hence, he arranged his brother's cultivation schedule very tightly and did not want him to delay at all.

No matter how smart my brother is, he is still a child, only seven years old after the New Year.

Yan Xiangluo patted her younger brother on the shoulder, squatted down and looked at him and said, "An An, my parents are worried because of my sister and brother-in-law. They probably feel that there is not enough time to practice for you to become stronger quickly, especially since An An is still young. I don’t want you to waste time. Parents will only feel relieved if their children are strong enough that no one can match them.”

She will not fool her brother just because he is young. He is just young, not ignorant. Tell him everything directly and let him understand why it is better for him.

Their family environment is destined not to allow his younger brother to grow up like a carefree little white flower, and that would be harming him.

Juan Anluo is very smart. After hearing what her sister said, she understood what her father and mother meant, and immediately said sensibly, "I will practice at home. I will be very powerful in the future and protect my father, mother and sister."

Yan Xiangluo smiled and pinched her brother's cheeks, which had gained weight. "Well, sister knows that our An'an will be very powerful in the future, so when sister is away, my parents will be protected by An'an, so that they can be happy every day." Live a happy life, okay?”

"Okay, sister, don't worry, I will be filial to my parents." The child, Nuan Anluo, who was very proud to be wearing a high hat by her sister, promised, patting her small chest.

"Well, sister believes in An An." Yan Xiangluo stood up and took her brother's hand and walked to the front yard together.

I don’t think there is anything wrong in giving a high hat to my younger brother. Boys naturally need to be responsible from an early age. Only when they grow up can they become upright men.

Juan Anluo, who was deceived by her sister, was happy all the way. Chengye saw that the son who had just gone to look for his sister with an angry pout because he refused to take him to pick up the Liu family and his wife came back with a smile on his face, and he knew that he had been deceived by his sister again.

Shaking his head, no matter how smart he is, he is still a child. He may not be able to defeat his sister in this life, because his bloodline suppresses her!

Ji Zimo is also here. Last night he had his first meal of human food after ten thousand years. Ji Zimo felt that he would never be able to resist the temptation of delicious food in the future.

Obviously he was not a glutton before, but now he feels as if his previous life has been wasted.

At first, I thought that Yan Xiangluo's cooking skills were just good. After all, even he couldn't envy that girl's evil talent.

I didn’t expect that the cooking skills of the Yun family’s cooks were actually very high. Although there was still a gap between them and Yu Xiangluo, their cooking skills were comparable to those of the imperial chefs in the Jiuyuan Palace.

He can tell it by smelling the aroma of the food.

 Did he know that Feng Jiayan was from a family of spiritual chefs in the Nine Yuan Continent, and her cooking skills were the best of the Feng family's generation. If she hadn't been framed by her clan members, she wouldn't have ended up like this. In addition, with the presence of Yu Xiangluo, a spiritual chef with devilish cooking skills, Feng Jiayan, who is extremely talented in her own right, naturally has even better cooking skills than before.

Qi Hao went back to his own mansion last night, so he didn't come over for breakfast. He made breakfast for his grandfather at home and had breakfast with his grandfather before coming over.

 So, by the time he came over, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were already leaving.

Yan Xiangluo took the time to ask about Qi Hao's cultivation and alchemy, and then gave him some guidance on the direction of his next cultivation. She asked Qi Hao and her brother to practice well at home, and then she and Ji Jiuzhong went back to the palace.

The husband and wife of the concubine left when Qi Xiangluo pointed out Qi Yan, and returned early and returned early. They were still busy with marriage.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong went directly to the palace, and Yan Xiangluo called Yun Tuan out.

Yun Tuan, who was practicing, was taught by Yan Xiangluo. He looked at his master with some doubts. There must be something wrong when the master asked him to come out.

"We are going to Yunshangtian. We suspect that the place where you sensed the aura of the Nine Heavens before should be the entrance to Yunshangtian. What you sensed there, take us there and sense it again." Yan Xiangluo said to Yuntuan road.

Only then did Yun Tuan remember the breath of the Nine Heavens he had sensed that time.

“I don’t know the specific place. I sensed it at that time and rushed to feel it. At that time, my body was surrounded by clouds and mist, so I don’t know the specific location.” Yun Tuan said.

"Then you sense it again, and I will follow your sense to find this place." Yan Xiangluo was not surprised. At that time, Yun Tuan didn't know where it was.

Yun Tuan nodded. At that time, it had just recovered its divine beast strength, but it was only the weakest strength it had when it was a divine beast. It was incomparable with its current strength. Now that it is sensed, it might be able to find a place.

The cloud released the power of the divine beast, and then began to sense the breath of the Nine Heavens.

Yan Xiangluo immediately used her spiritual consciousness to connect with the cloud's perception, and followed its perception to release her spiritual consciousness to explore it.

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