The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 916: First time here and then again

The space above the clouds will not be too large, nor will it be perfect.

Jiuyuantian people understand the psychological needs of the top powerhouses in the lower continent very well. As long as they can surpass the life span of the monks in the Jiuyuan continent, they are willing to come in even if this is a prison.

After all, there is a tempting bait that has the opportunity to go to Jiuchongtian above their heads, and no one will not bite the bait.

They held hands and walked forward along the road. After walking for a while, they finally saw a fork in the road.

  It is a three-way intersection.

 Behind them was the road they came from, and in front of them were two roads leading in different directions.

 But don’t worry about not knowing where it leads, because there is a huge stone on each road with words engraved on it.

 The stone at the left intersection is engraved with "First Coming", and the stone at the right intersection is engraved with "Later". There are four words in total, which clearly explain where you should go.

If you are new here, go to the left. But they know very well that although the word "Zhi" is written on the right, it does not mean that all people living here can go there, otherwise they would not put up such a sign here.

The two of them did not discuss it verbally, they just looked at each other and walked to the left together.

If you want to find out the information Ji Jiuzhong wants to know, you must go to the right, but you don't have to think about it to know that the right is where Yun Shangtian has the highest power.

They didn’t know much about Yunshangtian for the first time, so they went to where the newcomers lived to get some information first.

Yan Xiangluo said to Ji Jiuzhong, "Let's change our clothes!"

Judging from their appearance and attire, anyone can guess their identities without introducing themselves.

Ji Jiudian nodded, then frowned and pulled out a set of black brocade robes, "I only have this set of clothes to wear."

Yan Xiangluo understood that Ji Jiuzhong rarely needed such an identity. In his past and present lives, he did not like clothes of other colors. All clothes were white with silver dark patterns embroidered on them.

Yan Xiangluo also rummaged for a while before she found a set of light blue dresses. "I don't have many sets of clothes that I can change into."

She is the same. She has always liked bright red dresses in her past and present lives. Although she has several sets of dresses in other colors and several sets of men's clothes, they were all prepared for training in Tianqian Continent before coming to Jiuyuan Continent. Now they are all A little smaller, but she's grown taller again.

Ji Jiuzhong laughed and said, "Are we too smart to be confused for a moment?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded seriously, "After we go back, we really need to make good preparations. The more trivial things are, the more we cannot ignore them."

 When they return to Jiuchongtian, they also need to dress up in disguise at the beginning. Clothes are indispensable.

Ji Jiuzhong agreed, "Indeed, our clothes don't match our current level of cultivation at the ninth level of transcending tribulation."

The strongest man in that continent was poor, and no matter how ordinary his clothes were, they were all made of extremely good materials.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, thinking that their wedding clothes were made by Ji Jiuzhong himself, but that happened in the previous life. I wonder if he can make clothes now?

“It’s better not to change these clothes. Jiuchong, can you refine the clothes now?”

Ji Jiuzhong raised his eyebrows and immediately understood what she meant, "Luoluo wants me to change the color of our original clothes?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "It's better than wearing these two clothes that don't match your cultivation level."

 “That’s true.”

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the black brocade robe in his hand. When he raised his hand, a bunch of flames flew out, and he started refining the black brocade robe directly. For a moment, the black brocade robe was constantly changing colors.

Yan Xiangluo twitched the corners of her mouth, understanding that he wanted to try his hand first.

Sure enough, after Ji Jiuzhong refined all the colors, he took out his own brocade robe and started refining it, and soon an elegant and luxurious black brocade robe appeared in his hand.

This black brocade robe looks much more gorgeous than the black brocade robe he practiced on before. The fabric is soft and light, and it gives a feeling of ecstasy when looking at it.

Ji Jiuzhong was refining only the outer robe. He took off the outer robe and put it on. It was white on the inside and black on the outside. It looked like it had a unique aura.

“We can just change into the outermost clothes. What color dress does Luoluo want?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yan Xiangluo thought this was good. She took out a pair of her outer clothes and handed it to Ji Jiuzhong, "I want the white one."

Ji Jiuzhong took a look at the red skirt on Yan Xiangluo's body, and found that it was indeed more suitable to go with a white blouse.

While Ji Jiuzhong was changing the color of his outer shirt, Yan Xiangluo took off the one he was wearing.

Ji Jiuzhong changed her color very quickly. Yan Xiangluo put on a white outer blouse with a white inner part, which immediately gave her unparalleled beauty a different kind of delicate feeling.

Immediately, Yan Xiangluo refined two god-level face-changing pills on the spot, and the two of them drank one each. In an instant, their alluring appearance dimmed, and their appearance at this time could only be regarded as average.

 The people here are all at the ninth level of transcending tribulation, and only the god-level Yan Changing Pill can hide them from the detection of their divine consciousness.

After everything was ready, Yan Xiangluo asked Yun Tuan to go back to Pangu Space, and then the two of them continued walking to the left.

The road was very long, and the two of them didn't use any teleportation or flying skills, so they just walked. It took about half an hour to reach the end.

The end of the road suddenly opened up, and exquisite courtyards were dotted in the vast green fields.

The reason why it is called Green Field is that all the buildings are located in a grassland. The road they are on is the main road, and there are many paths extending through the buildings in all directions.

If you look down from the air, you will definitely find that these roads are like branches on the crown of a tree, and those houses are like leaves.

 The two of them stood here for a while without seeing anyone.

Yan Xiangluo let go of her consciousness and realized that there were almost everyone in the courtyard, but there was only one person. It seems that the people who come here all live alone, and they don't seem to be very close to each other.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuzhong, "Find a courtyard to go in and inquire about the situation?"

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, pointed to a place and said, "Go there first and have a look."

Yan Xiangluo looked in the direction of his finger and saw a courtyard with a somewhat special shape. Normal courtyards were square, but this courtyard was round.

Yu Xiangluo just checked with her consciousness and found that there were a lot of auras inside, at least twenty people. In addition, the plaque on the door has the words "Ji Lai" written on it.

 Knowing that the courtyard should be the place where newcomers report and the place where the main affairs take place.

“We don’t have an introducer, what should we do?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

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