The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 917: Not qualified

Those who can enter Yunshangtian can only come in after being recommended by someone inside. The two of them had no one to recommend them, so they were sent directly to the door?

 This is also the main reason why she just said to find a yard and go in to ask.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "It doesn't matter, just act according to the opportunity."

Seeing that Ji Jiuchong was so calm, Yan Xiangluo thought about the purpose of their coming, so she could only act according to the situation.

The two of them walked along the road towards the circular courtyard. Spiritual consciousness kept checking on them along the way. Both of them faced it calmly, without fighting back or paying attention.

Both are at the ninth level of transcending tribulation, and they have broken through to a higher level of cultivation earlier than them. Even if they have trump cards, they will not go up against so many people, and there is no need.

Soon, the two of them arrived in front of the circular courtyard. The courtyard door was closed. Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand and patted the door knocker. A voice came from inside, "Who is it?"

“New guy.” Ji Jiuzhong responded calmly.

As soon as his voice fell, the courtyard door opened. An old man who looked to be sixty or seventy years old looked at them and asked, "Who introduced you here? Where are the others? Don't you understand the rules?"

Ji Jiuzhong calmly stretched out his finger and pointed behind him, "The people over there asked us to come here."

 The old man saw his actions and looked behind him, obviously a little suspicious.

Ji Jiuzhong was not in a hurry and stood calmly at the door waiting for his reaction. No matter how doubtful they are, in their hearts they cannot get in without the guidance of the heavenly beings in the clouds.

 Wherever there are boundaries, there will be disputes. This is very clear to Ji Jiuzhong, who has always controlled the imperial power in Tianqian Continent. The people in Yunshangtian are all at the ninth level of transcending tribulations. It is inevitable that no one will accept the other. If they are divided into two groups, how can they be united.

After a while, the old man shouted inside, "Two people are coming from the other side."

 Obviously he didn’t know what to do, so he kicked the ball to the person who could make the decision.

Ji Jiuchong's phoenix eyes flashed with a dark light because of the old man's words. Sure enough, the relationship between the two parties was not very harmonious. The opposite was used, which was not a respectful word.

 A voice came from inside, "Let them come in."

 The old man said calmly to the two of them, "Come in."

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo followed the old man and walked in. The scenery in the courtyard was very exquisite, but it always had a deliberate feel, as if it was deliberately imitating the palace in the sky. There is only form but no spirit.

The main hall directly opposite the courtyard is very spacious, and there are more than 20 people sitting inside, which is not crowded at all.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong stood outside the door and did not go in because they needed to take off their boots to go in and they both felt dirty.

 The two rows of boots outside the door have already explained this.

 The twenty or so people in the room were all sitting cross-legged behind the low table, looking at the two of them neatly.

They all look young, at least in their fifties or sixties. I don’t know their exact age. Anyway, those who can sit here are young people who are 1,800 years old.

There were only two women among them, and they both looked like little old ladies.

The old man who brought them in naturally took off his boots and went in to sit behind a table at the door.

Sitting directly in front was an old man wearing a brown brocade robe, looking at the two of them sharply, mainly looking at Ji Jiuzhong.

 After a while, he finally asked, "How old are you?"

It's true that their faces look too young. None of them here were already over a thousand years old when they came here. Even if they were still very young when they came, after years of erosion and their cultivation is not refined, even if their longevity is As time goes by, the appearance cannot be maintained without the blessing of true cultivation level.

 Hence, they all look like old people in their sixties or seventies.

 Because it has been nearly a thousand years since the clouds and heavens were filled with new ones. Ji Jiuzhong glanced at him and said, "We will always be twenty."

Everyone in the room sighed when they heard this, and some even mocked, "I hope you can still say this in eighteen hundred years."

 Apparently they thought they were at least a thousand years old.

Ji Jiuzhong was not angry, but did not answer the other party's words. He just looked at the person sitting in the front seat. It was obvious that he had the final say here.

Seeing that Ji Jiuzhong was so calm, the man asked, "Since they brought you in, why are you here with us?"

Hearing this, Ji Jiuzhong's eyes flashed with understanding. It seemed that there was quite a conflict, and they were completely divided into two groups.

 “It’s okay if you don’t want to be seen.” Ji Jiuzhong looked indifferent.

After hearing what he said, there was silence at first, and then bursts of laughter broke out.

 Even the dislike towards them just now has become much lighter.

The man in the seat also laughed, "No wonder I asked you to come here by yourself. It seems that you really don't want to be welcomed by them. However, we welcome everyone they don't welcome, so you can stay here."

“Where do we live?” Ji Jiuzhong asked as he climbed up the pole.

The man glanced at him and said, "Let Shenghui take you there. There are still several unused yards. You can choose the one you like."

After finishing speaking, he asked again, "What is your relationship?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Husband and wife."

 “Oh.” The man looked at them meaningfully.

Someone said with emotion, "You are very lucky. It is rare that the Taoist couple can reach the ninth level of transcending tribulation together."

“Yes, you are still the first Taoist couple to come to Yunshangtian.”


The tone of several people was mostly envious and less jealous.

Ji Jiuzhong's tone was much softer for those who praised them, "We also feel that we are lucky."

The man named Sheng Hui was the man to the left of the man sitting in the main seat. He stood up, walked out, put on his boots and said to the two of them, "Follow me."

The two of them said goodbye to the people in the house politely, and then followed the man named Sheng Hui outside.

Sheng Hui asked as he walked, "Excuse me, what are your surnames?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "My surname is Wu, and my given name is Zhongyou. My wife's surname is Long, and her given name is Luoxiang." Ji Jiuzhong made up the two names casually.

Yan Xiangluo didn't have any objection at all. They wouldn't stay here for long, only a few days at most.

"What's it like outside now? Why hasn't anyone come here in the past thousand years?" Sheng Hui asked as he walked.

“Aren’t you going out?” Ji Jiuzhong asked with narrowed eyes.

Sheng Hui sighed and said, "You didn't know when you first came here that people from our side are not qualified to enter and exit Yunshangtian. Only those who have gone there have the opportunity to go out. And our relationship with the people on the other side is very tense, so they also No outside information will be revealed to us.”

Ji Jiuzhong turned to look at the direction he came from, and then asked in a puzzled tone, "When we came here, there was no one guarding the entrance. Why can't you get in and out?"

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