The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 919: Come out, everyone

Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo understood clearly in their hearts. It turned out that this was how the people from Jiuchongtian used the people from Yunshangtian to do things for them.

Although a thousand years is not a short period of time, it is just what the people stuck here can accept. At the same time, because there is only one opportunity, all the people in Yunshangtian will strive for this opportunity with all their strength. After all, no matter how long their lifespan is, they will not There are many thousand years to live.

 When they came here, the youngest ones were two to three thousand years old.

"So many people only have one chance, and they only get one chance every thousand years. Isn't this just kidding?" Yan Xiangluo said dissatisfied.

Mr. Chen said helplessly, "Even if it's really being played with, we can't do anything about it, right? What's more, we don't even have the qualifications to be played with."

 This sentence is very bitter.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the three of them, all looking hopeless.

"Why are we being disliked by the superiors?" Yan Xiangluo continued to ask. This is what they want to know most.

“Only those who are willing to sacrifice their own family’s blood are qualified to go there.” Mr. Chen’s tone was full of indignation.

Yu Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, offering a sacrifice?

 “Are there many people over there?” Yan Xiangluo asked again.

Blood sacrifice is not the right path even in the Nine Heavens. Only evil cultivators would take this step. Not only Yan Xiangluo knows this, but also Mr. Chen and the others.

In other words, the people who stay here have a moral bottom line, and they are not willing to trade their family blood for an uncertain opportunity.

 It is not ruled out that some of them have no descendants. After all, there are many strong men like Mu Changling who never marry and have no descendants.

"There used to be many, but now there aren't many. I don't know why. For thousands of years, Jiuyuan Continent has not had a strong person at the ninth level of transcending the tribulation. If you hadn't said that such a strong person existed in the mainland, we would have thought that the mainland monks were because of I have been slacking off in cultivation since I can’t go to the Ninth Heaven." Mr. Chen continued.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong spoke, "Can I ask what you were discussing before?"

Ji Jiuzhong knew very well that according to their lives, there should be no major events that would bring them together. Since they were together, something major must have happened.

 Chen and the other three looked at each other and did not hide anything from them.

"Since you have come in and can't get out, I might as well talk to you." Mr. Chen said in a helpless tone.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo knew it was not a good thing when they saw his expression.

"You have just come in from the outside, and you know the situation outside better than we do. The people who came over yesterday said that a task was given by the superiors, which is to build a formation in Yunshangtian. The specific formation was not mentioned, so let us If someone comes to help us, we can get a place to go to the Nine Heavens.”

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuchong's eyes dimmed at the same time. Are the people from Jiuchongtian going to form an array in Yunshangtian? What formation to set up? It definitely has something to do with them.

“Who should this quota be given to?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Mr. Chen sighed and said, "The person opposite said we should discuss it ourselves."

Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes. He wanted them to fight among themselves first.

“Have you come up with the result of your discussion?” Ji Jiuzhong asked again.

Mr. Chen shook his head, "Although we don't have many people here, there are sixty-three people not counting the two of you. Who doesn't want this opportunity? Who can I give it to?"

Ji Jiuzhong was silent for a moment and then said, "Why do you feel that they are instigating internal fighting on our side?"

He means to test them. He doesn't believe that they don't know this. The other party is using a conspiracy. Even if you know it, you still have to jump in. Mr. Chen took a deep breath and said, "Yes, we all know it, but who cares?"

Ji Jiuchong looked at him for a moment. Indeed, the people here are all unrelated people. Who will give in to whom? Isn’t the reason for coming here just to go to Jiuchongtian?

“How many people are needed to help set up the formation?” Ji Jiuzhong asked again.

 “All.” Mr. Chen did not hide anything.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo looked stern. The purpose of the opponent's formation should be to target the two of them, but they also had to give up on people like Yun Shangtian. This formation should be based on the small world of Yun Shangtian. Things are done. If it fails, the clouds and the sky will no longer exist.

And if the people here lose the place of Yunshangtian, their longevity will no longer be maintained higher than that of the Nine Yuan Continent, so they will die immediately.

 The old man who had not spoken at this time asked, "What do you think of this matter?"

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the old man, "Can I ask two questions first?"

"Oh? What's the problem?" the old man asked after looking at each other, Mr. Chen and the old man named Sheng Hui.

“First, what’s wrong with the courtyard we live in?” Ji Jiuzhong asked seriously, staring at the three of them.

Mr. Chen and the unknown old man were stunned and looked at Sheng Hui.

Sheng Hui said with some embarrassment, "The yard they chose was his wife's."

 As soon as he said this, the two of them understood.

Then he looked at Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo and said, "There's nothing wrong with that courtyard. The problem is that you newcomers can't see that courtyard. Only people who have lived here for a hundred years can see it, and nothing will happen if you live in it." , once newcomers come out and see that they are still staying, something will happen on the first night, and in serious cases, people will die. "

Neither Yan Xiangluo nor Ji Jiuzhong expected this to be the reason. No wonder they couldn't find anything wrong with the house no matter how hard they checked.

Worried about what they had in mind and thinking that they were doing it on purpose, Mr. Chen explained, "We can't remind people like you who can see the courtyard and choose to live in it when they first arrive. This is the rule here."

Ji Jiudian nodded to show that they understood, and then asked, "Second question, where should we choose to set up the formation?"

 The three of them shook their heads after hearing his question, "It's not decided yet."

Ji Jiuzhong raised the corners of his lips, "No, it's settled, and it's on our side."

 The eyes of the three people changed, "How do you know?"

Ji Jiuzhong will not tell them that Luoluo can read minds. Luoluo has been using mind reading skills since they came in, so he knows what they are thinking.

"You don't need to know how I know, you just need to know that you can't deceive me." Ji Jiuzhong said very domineeringly.

"Boy, do you know where you are now?" Mr. Chen's face darkened, and his attitude changed 180 degrees.

Ji Jiuzhong snorted coldly, "I know very well where I am. I'm afraid you were sold and helped count the money without even knowing it."

The expressions of the three of them changed and they suddenly stood up.

Ji Jiuzhong did not stand up, but glanced at the main room where they were discussing things before, "Everyone, come out."

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