The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 920: Whatever you say

This time, the three people's eyes were all shocked.

Immediately, a large group of people came out of the main room, and they were the same people who had discussed the matter before.

Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo were still sitting. They were not unhappy because so many people were plotting against them, and they were not as panicked and afraid as they had expected.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the crowd indifferently, "We are the ones being plotted, and we don't think it's a big deal. Why are you acting like you're facing a formidable enemy?"

It was only then that everyone realized that such a large group of them was really looking at the two newcomers as if they were facing a formidable enemy, and their momentum had already been greatly reduced.

I was confused, why do they feel like they are facing a formidable enemy when they obviously have the advantage?

Mr. Chen coughed lightly, then sat down, "How do you know we are plotting against you?"

Ji Jiuzhong looked calm and spoke calmly, "The people who can come here are all at the ninth level of transcending tribulation. Who will obey whom? It seems that you have the final say here, but in fact, everyone needs to make a decision together. Otherwise There has never been a time when so many of you could sit together to discuss something. It must be a big deal, but the two of us who are new here can be received personally by the three of you who are the most authoritative. Do you believe me when I say there is no conspiracy?”

Mr. Chen looked at Ji Jiuchong, and then at Yan Xiangluo, who was sitting obediently next to him. There was nothing simple about this couple.

"Do you want to know what we have planned against you?" Mr. Chen said straight to the point.

Ji Jiuzhong raised the corners of his lips, "It has nothing to do with this formation. If I guess correctly, there is something extremely dangerous in this formation. This dangerous thing requires people from our side to do it. We, husband and wife, Before you came, you were probably discussing who would do this dangerous thing, but no one was willing to take the risk. Just at this time, our husband and wife came to your door. This is the main reason why you accepted us so easily. "

Everyone was shocked, because they knew that what Ji Jiuzhong said was true. If they could guess what they were planning just by relying on their every move, Ji Jiuzhong's intelligence would be so evil. They could control these two people. Newcomer?

Chen Lao was silent for a moment, "Then what do you think of this matter?"

Ji Jiuzhong stood up, walked to the pavilion, stood on the steps with his hands behind his hands, and looked at the people coming out of the house.

 “I want to hear the facts first.”

Ji Jiuzhong stood there like this, with a look of disdain on his face, making everyone feel that the person in front of him was a born king.

The people present were all the strong men of the Nine Yuan Continent without exception, but there was still a big difference between the strong and the kings.

Yan Xiangluo still sat without moving, as if she was not paying attention to the things in front of her, but in fact she had been reading the voices of the three people in the pavilion.

They look calm on the surface, but in fact they are very troubled in their hearts.

 Chen Laodao, "Tell them."

As soon as Chen Lao's words came out, his thoughts were conveyed to Ji Jiuchong by Yan Xiangluo.

"Jiuzhong, the fact is that two people are needed to form the formation, and there will be a dead end."

Ji Jiuchong listened to Yan Xiangluo's message and his eyes flashed with a dark light. He knew what formation the Jiuchongtian people were going to set up in the clouds and sky.

There is more than one formation that requires living people to serve as formation eyes, but if the people of Jiuzhongtian set up the formation to seize his destiny, then only one formation is suitable. One of those people coming out of the house came out and said, "Let me tell you."

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the man. He could not forget that this man was sitting very far back in the room, but he was relatively old.

It seems that his previous guess was good. There is no specific person who has the final say here. Old Chen may be able to make decisions on small matters, but no one will obey anyone else on big matters.

"What Mr. Chen and the other three told you before are all true. The only thing I didn't tell you is that this formation requires two living people to act as the formation's eyes. Once the formation is activated, the possibility of these two people surviving is very small. Opposite. People don’t want to sacrifice these two people, even if it’s our fault. Before you came, we were discussing this matter. Most people felt that the people who were about to die were allowed to go, and the people who were about to die were not allowed to die. Not willing to give in, I feel that they who have been here the longest should get the opportunity to go there, and you are here at this time. "

Ji Jiuzhong heard the message Luoluo sent him before and knew that they were not lying this time. He nodded and said, "People are selfish. It's normal that you don't want to take risks and die. We can go, but there is a condition."

Everyone present thought that the truth of the matter was revealed and the two of them would definitely refuse. Unexpectedly, they agreed so readily.

Mr. Chen immediately asked, "What are the conditions?"

They are all trapped here. Although their longevity has increased a lot, there is not much they can really do. They all hope that the conditions proposed by Ji Jiuzhong are something they can meet.

Ji Jiuzhong was very clear about their thoughts. It was just hope that they would not have to die, but they did not think about it. Even if they did not have to die, there was only one hope of going to Jiuzhongtian. Who would they give it to when the time came?

Without anyone taking action, they will start fighting among themselves.

However, Ji Jiuzhong doesn't care what happens to them, as long as they achieve the purpose of coming in, it seems that this time they can exceed expectations.

“I want each of you here to give my wife a blessing from God.” Ji Jiuzhong made his request.

Everyone looked at Ji Jiuzhong with some disbelief. Is this the condition?

This is simply too easy for them. Only people with a level of cultivation above the **** level can give God's blessing to others. However, the higher the level of cultivation, the stronger the power of blessing.

Although they are already considered the strongest in the Jiuyuan Continent based on their cultivation, it is not easy to get blessings from their gods, but for Yun Shangtian, this is the easiest thing.

 “Are you sure?” Mr. Chen asked with a somewhat excited voice.

Ji Jiu nodded and said, "OK."

Mr. Chen looked at Yan Xiangluo, who was still sitting calmly, and asked Ji Jiuchong, "What can you do to be the master of your wife?"

Although they are a couple, and a normal couple would have the husband as the main wife, after all, they are not an ordinary couple. They are both the strongest in the mainland. Therefore, he must make sure whether Yan Xiangluo listens to what Ji Jiuzhong said.

Without waiting for Ji Jiuzhong to speak, Xiang Xiang said, "Even if my husband said."

  Everyone present thought that the two couples were a little stupid. They were willing to do such an obvious thing to die, just to get the blessing of their gods.

How come they don’t know how valuable their God’s blessings are?

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