The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 921: One person left

They don’t think that with the blessings of gods like them, they can luckily avoid life and death crises, right?

 “What blessings from God do you want?” Now that it was confirmed, Mr. Chen immediately wanted to settle the matter.

 It's just a blessing from God, compared to dying, it couldn't be simpler.

Ji Jiuzhong turned around and looked at Yan Xiangluo with gentle eyes, "Everything goes well."

As soon as he said these four words, everyone's lips twitched, thinking that he was asking for something, it was that simple.

"Okay." Mr. Chen looked at everyone and saw that they all nodded, and immediately made a decision.

“When will the formation be set up?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Chen Laodao said, "It was originally scheduled for today, but these two candidates were not selected, so it was postponed to tomorrow."

Ji Jiuchong understood that tomorrow was the deadline given by Jiuchongtian people.

"Invite everyone here. God's blessings must be sincere. All God's blessings that fall on my wife will shine. If they are not sincere blessings, there will be no light. In order not to waste time, just one Come alone." Ji Jiuzhong reminded everyone that he would not give them a chance to fool Luo Luo.

The person who originally thought of fooling him felt a sense of shame after hearing Ji Jiuzhong's words.

Mr. Chen immediately said, "Okay, just come one by one, without wasting time."

 The implication is that he will urge everyone to use God’s blessings sincerely. After all, come one by one, no one can be fooled if they want to.

Ji Jiuzhong walked back to the pavilion, "We'll wait here."

Mr. Chen immediately said to the people present, "Please come one by one, and I will inform the others."

After saying that, Mr. Chen walked out of the yard.

 Those who haven’t come here are cultivators and don’t care much about other things.

As soon as Mr. Chen left, the people present spontaneously lined up and walked into the pavilion one by one to extend God’s blessing to Yan Xiangluo.

Lights of different colors fell on Yan Xiangluo's body, and the power of God's blessing entered her sea of ​​consciousness.

Although Yan Xiangluo didn't know Ji Jiuzhong's purpose of doing this, it was a good thing to get the power of so many blessings from gods for nothing, and she accepted it calmly.

Ji Jiuzhongfeng eyes looked at everyone. Being stared at by such a pair of eyes, they all felt a little nervous. Plus, they couldn't be fooled one by one, so they all consciously used God's blessing from the bottom of their hearts.

The people present have not finished using God’s blessing, and others who have not come have also arrived. Seeing the situation in the yard, I consciously lined up.

 Lao Chen is the last one.

 “We have met your conditions.” Old Chen said, the implication is that you should not go back on your word.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Mr. Chen lightly, "There is still one person left."

Mr. Chen was stunned. He didn't expect that Ji Jiuzhong actually counted the number of people and knew exactly how many there were.

Suddenly he remembered that in the previous conversation, he himself said how many people there were here. He said to Ji Jiuzhong, "There is indeed one more person, but this person has been in seclusion for ten years and has not come out."

Ji Jiuzhong's eyes flashed with a dark light, "Then please come out."

Mr. Chen's face darkened, "All monks know one rule. You don't know it, right?"

 This is an unwritten rule that no one is allowed to disturb the monks during their retreat, no matter what the reason. Ji Jiuzhong was not displeased by what Mr. Chen said, "If your life is about to die, why should you shut up?"

Everyone's expressions changed, "What do you mean?"

Ji Jiuzhong took a look at everyone's expressions and said, "I have some knowledge in formations. Coincidentally, I know a few formations that require two people to serve as formation eyes. Without exception, they are very destructive. In other words, As long as the formation is activated, whoever survives really depends on luck. "

Ji Jiuzhong kept half of what he said because he knew very well that even if he told the truth, they would not believe it. It would be better to leave room for imagination and make them more nervous.

"How can it be?"

“Yes, they put a lot of effort into building this place, so how could they be willing to destroy it?”


 Everyone was talking, and all in all, they didn’t believe Ji Jiuzhong’s words.

Ji Jiuzhong was not in a hurry to explain anything. He just listened quietly to their noise. After a while, Mr. Chen shouted to stop everyone.

 “Why should we believe you?” Mr. Chen asked.

"You don't have to believe it." Ji Jiuzhong said confidently.

The atmosphere became tense again. Compared with Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo's calmness, the people in Yun Shangtian became restless.

 After a while, Chen Laodao said, "I'm going to invite someone. If they don't come..."

Before Mr. Chen could finish his words, he was interrupted by Ji Jiuzhong, "He will definitely come."

 At this time, Mr. Chen didn’t want to ask him why he was so sure.

  Although this person who has been in seclusion for ten years is a person who lives on their side, he is the most difficult person to offend among them. He came here thousands of years ago. Since he came here, he has been in retreat almost all the time. Each retreat lasts for a long time, at least twenty or thirty years, sometimes even more than a hundred years.

They all didn't understand why he came to Yunshangtian and still practiced hard. After all, although their longevity in Yunshangtian had increased, their cultivation had stopped. No matter how hard they practiced, they could not advance to the next level, unless they could go to the ninth level. sky.

During this period, there was not anyone who could not see it and interfered with his cultivation, but was beaten up by him. Although their cultivation levels were almost the same, there were differences between them. The two of them almost destroyed Yun Shangtian, if not for the above If people intervene, I'm afraid Yun Shangtian will no longer exist.

To be honest, Chen Lao really didn't want to provoke such a person because he had no choice but to do so, but now that the matter was imminent, they had no choice.

I hope that person is still reasonable.

Everyone watched Mr. Chen leave and felt very uneasy. They all remembered the great battle and wondered whether Mr. Chen could invite the person out. Even if he couldn't, it would be better not to offend that person. .

Something unexpected happened to them again. Mr. Chen went away and came back soon, followed by that person.

They actually invited someone here, and this person hasn’t lost his temper yet.

 I don’t know if it was their imagination, but they felt that the aura on this person was stronger again.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo looked over when Mr. Chen and others walked into the yard.

 No wonder these people’s expressions change when they talk about this person. It can be seen from his eyes that this person is not a simple person.

His eyes were calm and restrained, and he looked to be in his forties or fifties, making him the youngest person they had seen since arriving at Yunshangtian.

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