The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 934: four palace lords

Ji Jiuzhong also looked at Wei Lan demigodly in a different light.

 Demigod Wei Lan is actually focused on practicing alchemy and improving medical skills in Yunshang Palace, and is not interested in other things. But for such a person, he actually has such an overall view in his heart. I think there are many people like Yun Shanggong.

 They don’t need to be too pessimistic.

“By the way, why are you in such a hurry to hold a wedding?” Demigod Wei Lan asked.

The blood relationship has not yet been clarified, and he has not told his family. Now that they are in such a hurry to hold the wedding, should he tell the Wei family or not?

 “I won’t worry if I don’t get married and go home.” Ji Jiuzhong took over the words.

Wei Lan's demigod twitched the corner of his mouth, why should he be worried? Can anyone find a man in the entire Jiuyuan Continent who is more worthy of a girl than this guy?

 Don't say it if you don't want to say it, use such excuses to fool the old man, be unethical and bully the old man.

Yan Xiangluo saw the aggrieved look in Demigod Wei Lan's eyes and said with a smile, "We have a lot to do, and it will be more convenient after we get married."

Seeing that it was useless to pretend to be pitiful, Wei Lan sighed, "What do you think about the Wei family?"

Mentioning the Wei family, Yan Xiangluo sighed secretly in her heart, "I told my parents about the Wei family's bloodline. We speculated about it and figured out what was going on. When the demigod Wei Lan left, we followed Let’s talk with my parents in detail, and then you can decide whether to tell the Wei family or not.”

Wei Lan was stunned for a moment, "Is it difficult to talk about something?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded.

 Although they did not do it, it was done by the Long family after all. Otherwise, she and her brother would not have the blood of the Wei family. No one in the family would be happy if they knew about it.

"I refused you to go to the Wei family before. I really didn't want to have anything to do with any family. The feeling of being betrayed was too uncomfortable. But after knowing the truth, I feel that it's good to have no relationship. After all, which family doesn't pay attention to Face, if you hate me when the time comes, it's better not to have any contact with you, but don't be angry, I really like you as a protective old man," Yuan Xiangluo said in a sincere tone.

Wei Lan's heart went cold. What was going on that made this girl unwilling to say it? She even asked her parents to tell her. She was worried that she would be angry. Something so difficult to talk about must be nothing. Glorious things.

But it seems that the fault is not on the side of the Wei family.

After much deliberation, he couldn't think of any senior or junior members of his family who had done something shady here. If so, it would have been impossible to hide it from the Wei family.

 But he could sense the blood aura on this girl very clearly, and there was absolutely no mistaking her.

How can a family that can raise a girl like this be a family with bad character? Demigod Wei Lan is extremely confused now.

"I will go to Jiuyuan City tomorrow." Wei Lan was half-hearted. If Yunshang Palace was not suitable to leave immediately, he would have wanted to take this girl to Jiuyuan City to meet her parents immediately.

Yan Xiangluo also knew that delaying the matter was not an option, so she nodded and said, "I'll tell my parents when I get back today."

Wei Lan nodded half-godly, and they were chatting and walking. Although they were using voice transmission, the time was not short. It had already been two-quarters of an hour, and they were about to arrive at Yunshang Palace.

 There will be no more words to say.

Although Ji Jiuzhong didn't speak, he knew that the two of them were chatting via voice transmission, so he never disturbed them. He knew that Luoluo was very concerned about having Wei family blood, so it would be better to resolve it as soon as possible.

 Seeing Luoluo's invitation to Wei Lan, the demigod, he knew that the two of them had already made an agreement.

 He will not interfere with Luoluo's decision. It is best to solve the problem of Luoluo's bloodline before they leave. After all, the Wei family's status in the mainland is still very important, and it is better not to offend them. Although with Luoluo's strength, the Wei family would not openly offend her even if they were dissatisfied, but after they leave, what will happen to the safety of their father-in-law, mother-in-law and An An? As for the Long family in Jiuyuan Continent, he didn't consider it at all.

 They cannot hide in Jiuyuan City forever.

The three of them came to the main entrance of Yunshang Palace. This was the first time for Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo to come to Yunshang Palace.

"It was built like a fairy palace." Yan Xiangluo said with emotion.

Demigod Wei Lan looked at Yunshang Palace and said, "Oh, I just borrowed the light from the spiritual energy on the mountain."

"That's true." Yan Xiangluo agreed with this point. Without the aura of the mountain, no matter how luxurious the Yunshang Palace was built, it would not have such an effect.

"You two, please come in." Someone from Yunshang Palace was already standing at the door to greet them.

The two of them walked in together with Demigod Wei Lan.

Demigod Wei Lan asked the man, "Is it settled?"

The man immediately lowered his voice and said, "We argued for a long time, and none of the four of them gave in. In the end, the four of them jointly served as the palace master, and each was responsible for one thing."

"Huh?" Wei Lan was stunned. He didn't expect such a result. There will be four palace masters in the future of Yunshang Palace?

Thinking about it carefully, this is fine. In this way, the power of Yunshang Palace is divided into four parts, and no one can be powerful. If he cannot monopolize power, he will not be led astray.

However, there are also disadvantages to this, that is, it is impossible for Yunshang Palace to become the number one force again.

You think about it, no matter who gets power, they will never let it go again. The family behind them has to intervene. Yunshang Palace will not be so conservative in the future.

The people in Yunshang Palace are all above the **** level. If they are divided into gangs, will they still practice wholeheartedly?

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo naturally heard it, and the result surprised them.

Ji Jiuzhong thought they had two palace masters, one and one, but he didn't expect that they would directly divide Yunshang Palace into four palaces.

This is equivalent to splitting Yunshang Palace. Its original strength has been reduced, but now it is divided internally. Yunshang Palace cannot even keep its title as the second largest force.

Ji Jiuchong shook his head in his heart, Yunshang Palace was really going downhill this time.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up. Since the Yunshang Palace can be divided, wouldn't it be okay to build more training places here?

No one has stipulated that this is the territory of Yunshang Palace.

 In this case, other people who want to come to practice can be allowed to practice. There are so many places in front and behind Yunshang Palace, up and down, all the way to the Nine Heavens Passage, where people can actually live and practice.

 Those who focus on cultivation do not need many luxurious cultivation venues. The mainland needs a lot of strong people. This is a fact.

Ji Jiuzhong saw Yan Xiangluo's sparkling eyes and knew that she had another evil idea, but it was not convenient to tell her now, so she didn't ask.

Yunshang Palace is indeed very luxurious, and every part is exquisite. Walking all the way there really feels like walking in a fairy palace.

After walking for a while, they finally arrived at the main hall. When they saw four chairs lined up with four people sitting on them, both Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong twitched the corners of their mouths.

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