The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 935: Already arrived

 Chapter 935 has arrived

Yan Xiangluo felt that this scene was like the heads of the Shanzhai she mentioned in another life. The aloof Yunshang Palace suddenly seemed to have fallen from the clouds to the mortal world.

Even the demigod Wei Lan was speechless. The little attachment he had to Yunshang Palace completely disappeared when he saw the four people sitting there side by side.

 It’s time to leave Yunshang Palace.

When the four of them saw Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo coming in, they looked at each other and stood up.

After all, this is a world where the strong are respected. Both Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo have higher cultivation levels than them, so the four of them have no capital to be arrogant in front of them.

Ji Jiuzhong coughed slightly, "What have you decided to do?"

 The four of them said in unison, "It's been discussed."

Just like the students answering the teacher's questions, the four of them also felt a little embarrassed, and then they motioned to one of them to speak.

“We have already written the announcement and will post it everywhere. We also need Mr. Ji’s photo stones. We will engrave several photo stones and send them to various continents to inform the entire continent.”

Ji Jiudian nodded and said, "Bring the image stone and I will make a replica."

He then added, "It's faster this way."

The four of them also knew that what Ji Jiuzhong said was true. After all, he was at the ninth level of transcending tribulations, and he could indeed engrave faster than anyone else.

They each took out two shadow stones, and Ji Jiuzhong immediately finished carving the eight shadow stones together.

Ji Jiuzhong thought that their announcement method was too slow and asked, "I can help announce it. This will save you trouble and ensure that people across the entire continent can see it."

After hearing this, the four people discussed it and said, "Then I'll trouble Mr. Ji."

Ji Jiuzhong was not unhappy with their title. Although according to his cultivation level, they had to call him Great Power, for some unknown reason they still called him Mr. Ji, but he didn't care.

 The announcement they had written and the image on the recording stone were released directly with the order of the Emperor of the People. In an instant, the entire Jiuyuan Continent was shocked when they saw the announcement from Yunshang Palace and the image.

 Even the demon world can see it.

 The Human Emperor's Order has grown stronger with Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation, and now the Human Emperor's Order can cover the entire Jiuyuan Continent.

 In the Demon Palace, the Demon King's close ministers said dissatisfiedly, "Your Majesty, has Ji Jiuzhong crossed the line?"

Ge Tianjun looked at the image in the sky and said, "I think too much. He just wants people in the spiritual world and the demon world to know how arrogant and powerful the real demon is."

He met Ji Jiuzhong only once, but he knew very well that Ji Jiuzhong was not a power-hungry person and had no interest in dominating the world.

  She would not provoke a war between demons and spirits, that’s why she said this.

 The ministers were a little surprised that the king actually spoke for Ji Jiuzhong. Could it be that he was really overthinking it.

Fu Qingfeng, Ge Tianjun's adviser, looked at the images and announcements in the sky, and then thought about Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo's wedding. He had been wary of Yan Xiangluo before, worried that she might have thoughts about his king, and even secretly He wanted to borrow a knife to kill her, but now that he thinks about it, it seems that he is being sentimental. He really regards the king as his brother, and he already has someone he likes.

 Have to admit that the man she likes is better and more powerful than their king.

How long has it been, just over half a year, and they have actually reached the peak of the ninth level of transcending tribulation from the clan level. There has never been anyone with such evil talent in history. The most important thing is that Yan Xiangluo is also such a devilish person, so even a person who can't understand her has to admit that they are a good match.

Ge Tianjun said, "Get ready, demons are everywhere, and it is the responsibility of monks throughout the continent to eliminate demons."

Ge Tianjun turned around and went back. His adopted sister was getting married, and he had to think about what gifts to give her. His whole brother couldn't embarrass his sister.

Luoluo has already communicated with him and hopes that he will attend her wedding. Her brother is still young and she hopes that he will send her out.

Ge Tianjun agreed without hesitation.

Fu Qingfeng advised him to put safety first and not recommend him to go, but he directly rejected it because he would have safety issues in his sister's territory.

 Besides, did he, the king of the demon world, not go to his only sister's wedding because he was afraid of life and death?

Not only do I want to go, but I also want to go there with great fanfare to support my sister.

After Ji Jiuzhong helped Yunshang Palace send out the announcement and photos, he left with Yan Xiangluo. The two of them did not go back to Jiuyuan City directly, but went to Xianyun Sect.

They are getting married, so they naturally have to invite Mu Changling and Deng Changze in person.

Yuan Xiangluo still wants to keep her master and master in Jiuyuan City to celebrate the New Year, and there are some things she needs to discuss with her master Mu Changling.

After they left, Demigod Wei Lan went back to his residence, tidied up his belongings, took one last look at the place where he had lived for a long time, and turned around to leave.

Instead of saying hello to the four palace lords of Yunshang Palace, he asked the medicine boy to tell the four palace lords after he left that he had gone back to the Wei family and would never come back.

Wei Lan left Yunshang Palace without any regrets. If someone had said that he would leave Yunshang Palace this morning, he would not have believed it, but things were so unpredictable.

Demigod Wei Lan left Yunshang Palace and went directly to Jiuyuan City. He wanted to find out about Yan Xiangluo's bloodline as soon as possible.

This also resulted in the fact that before Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong returned to Jiuyuan City, the demigod Wei Lan had already arrived.

Although Demigod Wei Lan has always had news about Jiuyuan City, this is his first time here. He looked at the prosperous Jiuyuan City in shock. Was it built on the legendary ruins?

So fast?

Had I not known that it was built not long ago, some people would have believed that it was an ancient city.

 Wei Lan walked to the city gate with mixed emotions. The gate was very strictly checked, and no one could enter without a pass order or a resident identification card.

Fortunately, Demigod Wei Lan had an invitation from Yan Xiangluo. He took out the invitation, and the Black Feather Guard guarding the door immediately invited him to rest in the teahouse, and then someone went to the inner city to confirm.

 After a while, Mu Zixian came to pick him up, "I've met the demigod Wei Lan."

Wei Lan glanced at Mu Zixian, who was wearing a red robe, and guessed his identity. Now who knows that among Ji Jiuzhong's right-hand men is Mu Zixian, who likes to wear red robes. He is an alchemist and a cultivator. He also has excellent talents, and most importantly, his brain is extremely easy to use and he is also very good at talking.

Nowadays, when you meet someone, hearing about them is worse than seeing them. Being polite is different from the rumors.

 “Controller Lao Mu personally came to pick him up.” Demigod Wei Lan heard the people from the Black Feather Guard call Mu Zixian “Consultant Mu”, so he also called him that.

“Wei Lan is so polite, just call me Zixian.” Mu Zixian said with a smile.

Only then did Demigod Wei Lan see the appearance of the legendary Mu Zixian. He didn’t care about a title. He looked at the man following Mu Zixian and said, “Who is this?”

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