The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 952: Remember at any time

Chapter 952 Remember me at any time

Huo Jingbai’s family is in the restaurant business and he is very talkative. Coupled with the accumulated experience in dealing with different people over the years, it is easy to find topics that the other person is interested in.

Hence, it was quite pleasant to chat with Liu Yu. After chatting for a while, Huo Jingbai discovered that Liu Yu knew a lot.

It is really different from the rumored twilight young master who loves beauty.

The main reason is that Huo Jingbai never looks at problems superficially. In his opinion, although Huo Jingbai is surrounded by beautiful women, none of them say anything bad about him, and there is no rumor that he treats that beauty badly.

On the contrary, although he has many women, there are still many beautiful women who want to be his woman, which is not simple.

However, Huo Jingbai knows how to control the rules when dealing with people, so he will naturally not ask some offensive words based on the rules.

Because they were all here to attend the wedding banquet, special and detailed protection was implemented during the wedding banquet in Jiuyuan City, but future guests could not be confined to one place and prevented from moving around.

Hence, a notice was posted outside Jiuyuan College, which clearly stated where all guests could move around as they pleased.

 Actually, after careful inspection, except that they are not allowed to enter the palace and are not allowed to disturb people in the residential area, they can walk around at will. They can also visit the experience tower, but they are not allowed to enter.

Including the Ji Garden where the Ji family worships their ancestors, where only the blood of the Ji family could walk up the steps, they can all go and see who has the strength to walk up to the main hall where the ancestors of the Feng Ji family are worshiped. However, there are rules. There must be no noise during the whole process and there must be respect. When someone arrives at the main hall dedicated to the ancestors of the Ji family, whether they go up the steps or directly from the side road, they must burn incense to show respect. Otherwise, there will be a penalty divided by the rules of Xuanwen control.

Ji Zimo has already done this without Ji Jiuzhong taking action. They cannot allow people to disrespect the ancestors of the Ji family.

Without exception, everyone who came here was full of curiosity and awe of the Ji family. Therefore, after settling in, they all went out for a walk. When they saw the rules, no one dared to break them.

Because they know very well that maybe this is the only opportunity in their lives to enter the inner city of Jiuyuan City, and it is also the only opportunity to enter Ji Garden. After all, ordinary people from outside Ji Garden cannot enter, even those who live in the inner city. Neither can.

It is the experience tower. Unless you can become a teacher or student of Jiuyuan Academy, even then you will not let them wander around as they like now.

The only two places in Jiuyuan City that attract them most, besides the Jiuyuan Palace, are the Experience Tower and Ji Garden.

They passed by the training tower on the way to Jiyuan, so they would go into the yard where the training tower was installed to take a look at the mysterious training tower.

When Liu Yu and his group walked to the training tower, they happened to see a black feather guard who had gone in for training come out.

The Black Feather Guards who came out were shocked when they saw so many strangers outside. After asking the guards guarding the training tower, they found out that these people were guests attending their master's wedding, and the master allowed them to wander around as they pleased.

Thinking that they could only stroll around casually and had no chance to go into the training tower to practice, the Black Feather Guards who came out suddenly felt that their status had improved a lot.

So what if you are the young master of the mainland, the young master of a family, or the heir to a sect? It's not as good as the training conditions of an ordinary black feather guard like me in Jiuyuan City.

 Only those who have entered the experience tower know how magical it is for their experience.

Have you ever heard of any training place that can improve your cultivation talents? This training tower not only improves their cultivation level, combat strength and experience, but also improves their cultivation talents and their realm. For a monk, it needs All experiences can be satisfied here. Although it was his first time to enter, he had already reached the third level. Although his talent was not the best, it was considered average among the Black Feather Guards.

Although there are extremely talented Black Feather Guards, they are in the minority after all. If he is self-aware and doesn't compare with people like that, wouldn't that be making himself uncomfortable?

 Looking at the Black Feather Guards who came out of it and left in high spirits, everyone was envious and wished they were one of the Black Feather Guards.

“I wonder if Black Feather Guards will accept people like us?” someone said in a teasing tone.

 In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that he is telling the truth, but they also know that the Black Feather Guards of Jiuyuan City never recruit anyone from outside. They are all descendants of the royal family who once loyal to the Jiuyuan Dynasty.

The soul oath sworn by their ancestors is that the four generations of ancestors, grandsons, and grandsons will never betray the human emperor blood of the Nine Yuan Dynasty.

 Only such people will be trusted and used by Ji Jiuzhong.

Since they cannot become Black Feather Guards, some women think that their descendants can become Black Feather Guards. Therefore, many women want to marry Black Feather Guards. In this way, their own family will also have support, and no one dares to bully the Black Feather Guards' in-laws. And his future children are candidates for Black Feather Guards. Regardless of whether they can become Black Feather Guards or not, they are eligible to enter the training tower to practice.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't know that because he generously allowed these people to visit the inner city, women in Jiuyuan Continent were proud to marry Heiyuwei, and Heiyuwei had no worries about marrying a wife.

 After all, marrying a Black Feather Guard is equivalent to entering a family loyal to the Emperor, and their descendants can enjoy the best cultivation resources in the entire Nine Yuan Continent.

 And because of this effect, the population of Jiuyuan City has prospered, and Jiuyuan City has become more and more prosperous.

Liu Yu looked up at the training tower. It was nine stories high and had a golden appearance. He instantly thought of Yan Xiangluo's weapon, the Changling Spear, which was also golden.

He wondered if it was because Yan Xiangluo liked golden things that the training tower looked like this.

 Thinking about it carefully, Yan Xiangluo's preferences are really different from those of normal girls.

For example, she only likes to wear bright red dresses. Which teenage girl would like to wear such a bright color. Don’t they all like white, pink, apricot, light green, etc. These colors make girls look gentle and delicate when worn.

 The weapons used are also long swords that look very fairy-like.

But her weapon was shining like it was made of gold, and it looked tacky no matter how you looked at it.

However, she was wearing a bright red dress and dancing with the long golden spear. Not only did she not feel tacky at all, on the contrary, she looked bright and moving.

Liu Yu was stunned and found that he seemed to think of Yan Xiangluo at any time after the continental competition. It was obvious that he had nothing to do with her, it was just his **** after one glance.

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