The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 953: What's the difference

Chapter 953 How big is the gap?

Even the time to meet Yan Xiangluo was only a few times, and they all passed by in a hurry.

 Most of the information about her was obtained from the news, so why did she lose heart?

Liu Yu couldn't imagine that Yan Xiangluo had done nothing to him and he was still in such deep trouble. What would happen to him if she showed some affection towards him?

"We can only see if we are not qualified to enter the training tower. Would you be interested in walking the steps of Ji Garden together, young master?" Huo Jingbai said to Liu Yu.

Liu Yu retracted his chaotic thoughts and said, "Ji Garden used to be a place that only the blood of the Ji family could visit. It was a place that could only be visited once in a lifetime except for the Emperor of the People. I also wanted to see it."

 The group left the courtyard of the training tower and walked towards Ji Garden.

When I arrived at Ji Garden, I was immediately shocked by the simple and luxurious appearance of Ji Garden. After thousands of years, Ji Garden still looks like a new one.

The gate of Jiyuan is wide open, and people are crowded inside. After all, they all want to walk up the legendary steps.

Liu Yu stood at the foot of the steps, looking up at the high worship hall. Not only him, but all the people who came here felt an inexplicable sense of awe just by taking a look at it.

It was at this time that they truly realized how powerful the Jiuyuan Dynasty was ten thousand years ago. Such a royal family actually paid the price of almost annihilation to save the people of Jiuyuan Continent.

To be fair about this matter, if it were placed in any of their families, they would not be able to guarantee that they would be able to do such a righteous act.

For this reason alone, people from the entire continent should come to Ji Garden to offer a stick of incense to the ancestors of the Ji family.

Although there are many people in Jiyuan, it is quiet and not crowded. They all consciously line up and walk up the steps. But the magic is that, without exception, no one can take the middle road and can only walk on both sides of the steps. road.

From time to time, everyone's eyes will fall on the road carved with complicated patterns in the middle. They know very well that only the emperor and his wife can walk on this road.

  No one made a discordant sound, and there were many people walking up the steps.

It’s just that everyone walked very slowly. The higher you go, the fewer people there are. The tallest person has only reached nearly two-thirds of the height. He is already sitting on the steps to rest. It seems that there is still room to go up. Not too big anymore.

It is said that every human emperor in the Jiuyuan Dynasty can reach the top. Liu Yu thought in his heart that since Ji Jiuzhong inherited the human emperor's bloodline, he must also be able to reach the top.

 I just don’t know where Yan Xiangluo can go?

What he didn't know was that Yan Xiangluo had also reached the top, and she reached the top very easily.

Liu Yu wanted to see how big the gap was between himself and Ji Jiuzhong, so he stepped on the steps.

As soon as he stepped on it, he felt the repulsive force on the steps. This force was not enough to hinder him from moving forward. Liu Yu was not in a hurry and walked up steadily step by step.

 He knew very well that the resistance would get stronger the further up he went, so there was no point in rushing.

Liu Yu walked halfway up the steps in one breath. At this time, he had reached his limit and had to rest for a while before he could continue walking.

 He turned around and sat down on the steps, looking at the people below who continued to climb up. Many people went down without even climbing halfway up. Then go up to the main hall from other passages to offer incense to the ancestors of the Ji family to show respect. Liu Yu felt something was changing in his body. He was surprised. The experience of this step was really magical. It actually changed the body from the inside out.

 He suddenly turned his head and looked up. If he could walk to the main hall, what kind of changes would he make?

This thought lasted only for a moment, and then he smiled bitterly in his heart. Even among the descendants of the Ji family of the Nine Yuan Dynasty, only the Human Emperor could reach the top. Do he have the talent?

 Liu Yu doubted himself for the first time in his life.

But he was also competing with himself in his mind. He wanted to know how big the gap was between himself and Ji Jiuzhong.

 Having almost rested, he continued to walk up. This time, every step he took consumed almost all of his spiritual energy. In other words, every time he took a step, he had to rest for a while to recover his spiritual energy.

 The amazing thing is that I can recover my spiritual power very quickly while sitting on the steps. If the normal spiritual energy was exhausted, it would take an elixir or an hour or two to recover most of it, but on the steps, it would take less than a quarter of an hour to recover.

Liu Yu was happy too early. As he continued walking, he realized why it was difficult to reach the main hall.

Because with each subsequent step, the time it takes to recover his spiritual power will be longer, and when he steps on another step, the resistance will be stronger. Until he consumes all his spiritual power and cannot step up a step, that is when he climbs the step. The limit.

There are black feather guards busy in Ji Garden, because the wedding ceremonies are all completed here. After paying homage to Tiandi Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo, they want to sacrifice their ancestors.

 Therefore, Ji Garden is also decorated very festively.

The same was true for Ji Yuan in the previous Jiuyuan Dynasty. Only the emperor of the Jiuyuan Dynasty could wear red when he was married. However, the emperors of the Jiuyuan Dynasty all got married before the successor emperor. Therefore, this is the first time in Ji Yuan's history that he wears red.

Even Ji Zimo saw Ji Yuan in red for the first time.

Black Feather Guard didn't pay attention to these people who came to climb the steps. Normally, they would have the opportunity to come. It just required a limit on the number of people and time. They had all climbed before, and no one had climbed to the top. Only the most talented people could climb up. Two thirds of the way up.

Ji Jiuchong naturally knows how lively Ji Garden is. Since they are allowed in, he will naturally let them enjoy themselves. He has posted a notice outside Ji Garden that Ji Garden will not be closed at night before the wedding. Jiyuan will be closed the night before the wedding to prepare for the wedding the next day.

 That night, Ji Jiuchong hosted a banquet for sixteen mainland lords and heads of various sects, as well as city lords and heads of several major families who came to attend the wedding banquet.

Although it was a banquet for them, everyone also understood that this was a big gathering of all the high-level forces in the entire Jiuyuan Continent. Not only did they gather the powerful people from all the continental forces in the spirit world, but they also entertained them with Ji Jiuzhong. There is Ge Tianjun, the king of the demon world.

 Hence, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a large gathering of high-level forces across the entire continent.

 The banquet was held in the imperial palace, which was also the place where the Nine Yuan Dynasty originally entertained courtiers and held banquets.

Ji Jiuzhong and Ge Tianjun sat at the top of the table. No matter whether they were divided according to host and guest, cultivation strength, or strength, they sat at the top, and no one objected.

Ji Jiuzhong first thanked them for coming to attend his wedding with Luoluo, and then said something about the devil.

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