The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 954: Cleanse spiritual roots

Chapter 954 Cleansing the Spiritual Roots

Other than that, Ji Jiuzhong did not mention anything else during the entire banquet, especially the division of power that was the most sensitive in the hearts of everyone present.

Before the Lords of each continent came, they thought that Ji Jiuzhong would take the opportunity to confirm that Jiuyuan City was the number one force in the spiritual world of Jiuyuan Continent, and even if the Jiuyuan Dynasty was not restored, they would still confirm their status. They never expected that Ji Jiuzhong would even mention the capital from the beginning to the end. Never mentioned it.

Although the banquet was held in the Jiuyuan Palace, Ji Jiuzhong did not have any thoughts or actions of being arrogant and using his strength to overwhelm others. He was even polite from beginning to end.

Everyone went to the banquet with uneasiness, then ate the most delicious spiritual banquet in history, drank the most delicious spiritual wine, and finally left the banquet in a daze, not understanding what kind of person Ji Jiuzhong was?

Let's say he doesn't pay attention to power. He has reached the pinnacle of strength in a short period of time. If he wants power, it is just a matter of words. It can be said that he values ​​power, but he has not shown any intention to dominate the mainland.

Xiangluo did not attend the banquet. In the evening, she went to the courtyard where Liu Niang and the others lived, and looked at the bodies of the couple, mainly looking at their talents.

To be honest, the talents of both of them are indeed not very good. In the eyes of Yan Xiangluo, with their spiritual level cultivation at their age, such talents are equivalent to useless materials.

However, Liu Niang was kind to her mother and younger brother. If it hadn't been for Liu Niang, her brother would not have been able to survive smoothly, and her mother would not have survived for so many years, giving her a chance to save her mother.

 She doesn't want her parents and younger brother to be together, because this kindness affects her mood. Therefore, she wanted to repay this kindness to her mother and brother before leaving.

 The most fearful thing for cultivators is an unstable state of mind.

 She thought over and over that the best way to repay her kindness was to change their cultivation talents so that they could go further in their cultivation and become stronger.

Especially Liu Niang, her medical skills are indeed good, but because there is no flame, she cannot make elixirs.

Yan Xiangluo didn't have much time, so she thought she had nothing to do in the two days before the wedding, so she chose tonight to help Liu Niang and his wife improve their talents, and at the same time help Liu Niang contract the strange fire.

Liu Niang's body can't bear the powerful flames, otherwise she can separate a sliver of the fire bead's flame for her to contract, so that the effect of her alchemy will be better in the future.

Yan Xiangluo had no choice but to settle for a low-level alien fire.

The strange fire was obtained by his father. Even though it is a low-level strange fire, it is not that easy to find. After their family got together, Yu Xiangluo said that he would have the opportunity to contract the strange fire to Liu Niang so that she could become an alchemist. , Yan Chengye began to pay attention.

This strange fire was obtained by him in the first training ground. If he hadn't thought that Liu Niang could make a contract, Chengye, such a low-level strange fire, would not have even bothered to bring it back.

 At the end of the banquet, Ji Jiuzhong and Ge Tianjun came back and saw the excited Liu Niang playing with fire in the yard.

Her husband stood aside and looked at her with a doting look on his face.

Ge Tianjun has already met them today and knows that this couple with extremely poor children are the benefactors of their adoptive mother and An An. Luo Luo wants to repay this kindness by helping them like this.

You can sense the changes in the aura of the couple, and you can see that their cultivation talent levels have indeed improved a lot, but even with their improved talents, their highest cultivation level cannot break through to the **** level.

  But this result is already a surprise among the surprises for the couple.

Ge Tianjun was also shocked. Is a person's talent so easy to change? Why didn't he know?

Ge Tianjun faced the happiness of ordinary people for the first time, and suddenly felt that the more ordinary people are, the easier it is to obtain happiness and joy.

The two of them walked to Yan Xiangluo, and Ji Jiuzhong asked in a low voice, "How did Luo Luo change their cultivation talents?"

Yan Xiangluo said, "It's very simple. I just removed the impurities in their spiritual roots."

Ge Tianjun asked in surprise, "Can the impurities in the spiritual roots be removed?" Yan Xiang nodded, "I don't know if others can, but I can, but if you want to remove the impurities in the spiritual roots, you must first trust the other party. I can do it.”

Ge Tianjun understood that since the impurities in the spiritual roots were to be removed, the impurities must enter the opponent's Dantian, and he also had to attack his spiritual roots. This was not something that ordinary people could trust.

Ge Tianjun looked at Liu Niang and his wife again. Perhaps it was because they had been living in a small mountain village and their thoughts were simple that they could trust Luo Luo so easily and give their Dantian to Luo Luo.

 Not to mention others, it was those people at today's banquet. He could guarantee that no one would trust Luoluo like this, even though they knew that Luoluo's medical skills and alchemy skills were very powerful.

When Liu Niang and his wife saw Ji Jiuchong and Ge Tianjun coming, they left with great discernment and went back to their own yard to get excited.

After Liu Niang and his wife left, Ge Tianjun asked, "Luoluo, can everyone's spiritual roots remove impurities in this way?"

Yan Xiangluo said, "As long as there are impurities in the spiritual root, it can be removed, but the level of the spiritual root itself when it awakens cannot be changed."

Ge Tianjun stretched out his hand and said, "Luoluo can't be partial, show me to my brother."

Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched, "Brother, are there still impurities in your spiritual roots?"

It’s easy to imagine the talent of a person who can become a demon king. If there are impurities in his spiritual roots, how could he have cultivated to such an extent.

 “What if?” Ge Tianjun said without giving up.

This time, even Chengye and his wife were speechless. They really didn't expect that Demon King Ge Tianjun would trust their daughter so much.

Thinking that his life was saved by his own daughter, it’s not surprising.

Yu Xiangluo has no choice but to show it to Ge Tianjun.

“Brother, let your body be empty, don’t put up any resistance.” As Yan Xiangluo spoke, the power of his spiritual consciousness entered Ge Tianjun’s body through his hands.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yu Chengye looked at each other, helpless. The two brothers and sisters really regarded this place as a safe place, and they actually started joking.

 The two of them stayed by their sides quietly, just in case.

 Although they also know that it is safe here, they will not take it lightly.

Ge Tianjun naturally sensed the changes in the two of them, and felt warm in his heart. Sometimes they trust each other.

Yan Xiangluo's spiritual consciousness reached Ge Tianjun's Dantian smoothly. Ge Tianjun's Dantian was filled with black aura, which was indeed different from the Dantian of spiritual cultivation.

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised when she saw his Nascent Soul. She didn't expect that her step-brother's Nascent Soul was so cute. He must have been a cute little boy when he was a child.

Soon Yan Xiangluo's attention fell on Ge Tianjun's spiritual root tree. Unexpectedly, Mo Xiu's spiritual root tree was also black.

 But this black color is not offensive at all. On the contrary, it gives her a feeling of vitality.

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