The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 955: Ninefold Nascent Soul

 Chapter 955 Nine Layers of Nascent Soul

Yan Xiangluo carefully examined Ge Tianjun's spiritual root tree and found some impurities. These impurities were not impurities in the spiritual root tree itself, but were formed after he recovered from injury and repeated the cycle.

“It’s true, brother, the spiritual root tree will feel a little uncomfortable later, but don’t resist, otherwise it will hurt your spiritual roots.” Yan Xiangluo said to Ge Tianjun.

"Okay." Ge Tianjun really didn't expect that Yan Xiangluo could really enter his Dantian. After all, he was a demon cultivator, and Yan Xiangluo was a spiritual cultivator. He had long discovered that his sister was not afraid of demonic energy.

 It’s just that I didn’t expect that she would not be afraid to such an extent.

Yan Xiangluo uses the vitality of her own wood power to remove impurities from the spiritual roots. The strong vitality of the spiritual root tree will not leave any impurities behind.

Ge Tianjun's spiritual roots don't have many impurities, so they are removed quickly.

Just a few moments of breathing, Ge Tianjun did feel a moment of discomfort in his spiritual roots, because Yan Xiangluo reminded him, and he held back, otherwise it would be easy for him to resist instinctively.

Yan Xiangluo withdrew her spiritual consciousness from Ge Tianjun's Dantian, and then said, "Brother, you should be promoted soon."

Yan Xiangluo sensed that Ge Tianjun's Dantian was full of power, and there was only one opportunity left to break through.

 Ge Tianjun had already sensed the opportunity for a breakthrough, and quickly walked to the side and sat down cross-legged.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yu Chengye had no choice but to continue to protect the law.

A black light fell over Yu’s house. Even though it was night, the black light was very dazzling. Everyone came out to look at the sky above Yu’s house.

 Even without asking them, they knew that this was Demon King Ge Tianjun who was advancing.

 Only those who have advanced to the level of demon cultivators have black light.

 But the promotion lasted a bit long, and they were all puzzled. When they saw Ge Tianjun the next day, they realized that the reason for the long time was because he had broken through three levels in a row.

Fu Qingfeng felt even more complicated when he saw his king breaking through three levels in a row. The person he had always had evil intentions actually helped the king so much.

Not only did he save the king twice before, but he also helped the king advance.

 He is a villain, alas!

Ge Tianjun was also surprised. He really just wanted his sister to show him if there were any impurities in his spiritual roots. He didn't expect that there were indeed any impurities in his spiritual roots. After being cleared, he continued to break through the third level.

 Originally, he was at the third level of Overcoming Tribulation, but now he is at the sixth level of Overcoming Tribulation, and the gap between him and his sister and brother-in-law has narrowed.

Long Moran and Jue Chengye's eyes also lit up. The spiritual roots of Ge Tianjun's cultivation level had impurities, so what about them?

 Want to try them all.

Yan Xiangluo saw the helpless expressions in their eyes, but she was also a little annoyed that she had not thought of cleaning their spiritual roots in this way before.

“Don’t look at me like that. Come one by one if you want to cleanse your spiritual roots.” Yan Xiangluo said to them.

Then he glanced at Ancestor Zi Mo and said, "Ancestor Zi Mo, please stop fussing, there won't be any impurities in your spiritual roots."

Ji Zimo nodded. He had just experienced the fusion of body and soul, and Luo Yatou had cleaned it up for him.

 “I’ll guard it for you.”

After all, there are forces and powerful people from the entire continent in Jiuyuan Inner City now. Who can guarantee that they don’t have any intentions? It’s better for him to guard them personally.

“Then there is ancestor Lao Zimo.” Yan Xiangluo said with a smile.

After finishing her words, Yan Xiangluo looked at her mother, Ji Jiuchong and her younger brother and asked, "Who comes first?" Yan Chengye said, "I will come first."

Although he gained a lot from entering the first place of training this time and made a huge breakthrough in cultivation, he also suffered a lot of injuries. It doesn't take much to think about it to know that there are impurities in his spiritual roots.

 My daughter will leave after the Chinese New Year and there is not much time. If I want to have such an opportunity next time, I have to wait for my daughter to come back.

And he also wanted to feel what it felt like to have his spiritual roots being cleansed.

Has already cleaned the spiritual roots for Liu Niang, his wife and Ge Tianjun, and Yan Xiangluo cleans the spiritual roots for her father very well, and the speed is faster.

Unexpectedly, Yan Chengye also broke through again immediately. Although it was only level one, he had just returned from the first training ground and had broken through several major levels.

 Long Moran saw that her husband had been promoted again, and she was eager to try and see if she could advance.

 As a result, she also advanced.

 This also made them realize that if there are no impurities in the spiritual roots, they can actually break through more.

When it was Ruan Anluo's turn, Ruan Xiangluo looked at her brother's spiritual roots differently. An'an's spiritual roots were so clean. No wonder his spiritual roots were all transparent.

Yan Xiangluo thought that her brother's destiny must be related to his destiny. She didn't say anything, but just told her brother that he had been practicing for a short time and his spiritual roots were very clean and free of impurities.

Juan Anluo is still a little disappointed. He also wants to be able to advance again after cleaning his spiritual roots.

“Jiu Zhong, it’s your turn.” Yan Xiangluo waved to Ji Jiu Zhong.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her gestures and felt like he was her pet, but he still walked over obediently.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuzhong's spiritual root, and then at his Yuanying. Wow, how could the little Jiuzhong be so beautiful and cute? It made her want to kiss and hug him.

If it weren't for Ji Jiuzhong's Dantian, she would have done it.

 He felt sorry secretly, and then paid attention to his spiritual root tree. Sure enough, Ji Jiuzhong's spiritual root tree also had impurities, quite a lot, which should have been leftover from his previous injury.

Thinking that his spiritual roots have so many impurities and he has broken through to this level of cultivation. If there were no impurities, he would have reached this level of cultivation long ago.

After cleaning up the impurities in Ji Jiuzhong's spiritual roots, Ji Jiuzhong naturally did not break through and advance because he had reached the highest level of cultivation restricted by the mainland. However, he could feel that the power in his Dantian had doubled. If he had ascended, For a moment, this is a guarantee of success.

After everything was cleaned up, Yan Xiangluo looked at Fu Qingfeng who had been standing aside. She said to Ge Tianjun, "Brother, does your subordinate need to clean up his spiritual roots? If he trusts me."

Hearing this, Ge Tianjun looked at Fu Qingfeng and said, "Qingfeng, thank you Luoluo."

Fu Qingfeng never thought that such a good thing could happen to him, because he knew that Yan Xiangluo had always known that he didn't want to see her, and even hated her.

Therefore, although I was envious that they could let Yan Xiangluo clean up her spiritual roots, I didn't feel that I had such treatment at all.

After hearing what the king said, Fu Qingfeng hurried over and saluted, "Thank you, Miss."

·After finishing his words, he said in an apologetic and sincere tone, "I'm sorry before, it's just because of my villainy."

Fu Qingfeng’s apology came from the bottom of his heart. After saying it, Fu Qingfeng felt much better both physically and mentally.

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