The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 956: Very good taste

Chapter 956: Excellent vision

Yan Xiangluo curled her lips, "It's just that our positions are different. I'm helping you simply because you are someone my brother trusts. As long as you continue to be loyal to my brother in the future."

Fu Qingfeng immediately said, "This subordinate's life belongs to the King, and I will never betray the King."

Yan Xiangluo didn't say much. After clearing Fu Qingfeng's spiritual roots, Fu Qingfeng actually broke through the third level in a row. Now he can be said to be the subordinate with the highest cultivation level around Ge Tianjun.

 He thanked him again excitedly.

Yan Xiangluo didn't care, and said to Ji Jiuchong, "Call Zixian, Changfeng, and Yutang, and I'll clean up their spiritual roots as well."

The day after tomorrow is their wedding, and there should also be a battle with the demon army gathered by Qin Suyue. Since there is a way to improve their cultivation level today, they will not miss it.

 Therefore, the people living in Jiuyuan Academy have been standing in their respective courtyards, watching the light of promotion falling continuously from the palace.

They were all shocked in their hearts, why so many people in the palace concentrated on breaking through and advancing tonight? If they didn't have some means, they wouldn't believe it, then it might be a coincidence that so many people rushed together to break through.

 However, no one can find out the news in the house.

 Long Moran and his wife were very excited today, not because they had advanced again, but because they finally returned the favor to Liu Niang and his wife. Liu Niang and his wife were the benefactors of their mother and son, and it had always been Long Moran's wish to do something to repay them.

Now that this wish has come true, I feel relaxed.

Yan Xiangluo did not go back to the yard where she lived, but chatted with her parents in their yard.

“Mom, are Liu Niang and the others willing to stay in Jiuyuan City?” Yan Xiangluo asked, leaning on her mother’s arms.

 Long Moran sighed, "I invited them to stay, but they refused."

 “Why?” Yan Xiangluo asked in confusion.

The couple stayed in Jiuyuan City, with their parents protecting them and no one dared to bully them, so their life was naturally much better than before. Moreover, it is more convenient for Liu Niang to practice medicine and alchemy.

"They said they couldn't bear to leave that small village." Long Moran said with nostalgia in his tone.

Yan Xiangluo was startled, and then understood. The couple should know that even if he helped them change their cultivation talents, they were not cultivators at the same level as their parents, and they would not be able to make it to the end.

It would be better not to be together in the first place, so that they still miss each other. I am afraid they are also worried that they will be blinded by wealth and glory, and will no longer be able to maintain their true feelings and become the people they once disdained.

Yan Xiangluo hugged her mother's arm comfortingly and rested her head gently on her shoulder. "This is good. Everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle. Their choice shows the vision of their parents." Excellent, I have not misjudged them. No matter where they go in the future or how long they live, as long as every step they take in life is what they want without regrets."

"Well, what Luoluo said makes sense." Long Moran smiled and patted his daughter's hand.

She herself is a heavenly master, so she naturally knows about the reincarnation of cause and effect. She showed Liu Niang and his wife their destiny. Although it is not a destiny of wealth and wealth, they can live a safe and smooth life. Who can say that such a destiny What’s not good?

This is also a fate that many people can’t get even if they ask for it.

At this time, all the continental masters of Jiuyuan Academy were discussing the banquet with their own advisers.

Both Ji Jiuzhong and Demon King Ge Tianjun have broken their original understanding of the two.

The Demon King is not arrogant either. Both of them are young and talented, but their mental state is definitely much higher than them. It is no wonder that the two of them can achieve such achievements at such a young age.

 But they are still puzzled, what is the current situation of the spiritual world forces in Jiuyuan Continent? What did Ji Jiuzhong think? In fact, even if he wanted to restore the Nine Yuan Dynasty, they, the lords of the continent, would not object. After all, with a king who was the strongest in the continent, their spiritual world would not be a mess. Haven't you seen that the demon world has been very stable for thousands of years? It's because they have a demon king who controls the overall situation.

They discussed it for a long time without coming to any conclusion. In the end, they all thought that they should wait until the wedding is over to have a formal talk with Ji Jiuchong!

You can't be so confused. It's not easy for the lords of the continent to get together even once.

Liu Yu didn't go back all night, but that night he sat on two-thirds of the steps, unable to go any further and unwilling to go back.

After knowing the gap between himself and Ji Jiuzhong, it was impossible for Liu Yu not to be hit, but it was not unacceptable. Liu Yu sat on the steps and practiced all night.

Liu Yu discovered that although he was still unable to move up a level, he had found a breakthrough opportunity that had not appeared for a long time.

 He simply waited here to advance.

 As a result, we waited until the early morning of the next day. Many people witnessed Liu Yu's breakthrough and advancement. Liu Yu broke through three levels in a row.

The news spread throughout the inner city in an instant, and soon people in the outer city also knew about it.

Those who have reached the limit of climbing steps suddenly gain motivation. Since they cannot climb up, they simply sit where they are and start practicing, hoping that they can also find a chance to break through.

Therefore, for the next whole day, there were lights of breakthrough and promotion in the sky over Jiyuan. They were just here to attend the wedding, so why did they all advance collectively?

 This makes people who already think that the Ji family is very mysterious are even more in awe.

At the same time, I understand that even if only Ji Jiuzhong is left in the Ji family, he is still a person who needs to be looked up to by the world.

Thousands of years have passed, and the ruined Ji Garden still has its original role after being rediscovered.

 Even Ji Jiuzhong did not expect such an effect.

Ji Zimo was not surprised at all. He has not exposed his identity to the public these days, mainly because he does not want to cause trouble.

 Let people know that he is a member of Ji's family thousands of years ago, or that Luo Yatou resurrected his body. Wouldn't it bring trouble to Luo Yatou?

 Hence, except for a few close people, no one knows Ji Zimo’s true identity.

In the dead of night, the gate of Ji Garden was also closed, and those people reluctantly left Ji Garden at the last moment.

Ji Jiuchong did not stay in the palace this night, but in the palace. Tomorrow he would leave from the palace to pick up Luoluo.

 So, Ji Jiuzhong and Ji Zimo sat side by side on the roof of the hall at night, looking at the inner and outer cities that were still as bright as day.

 Because of the wedding tomorrow, many people have no rest at night.

"Why don't you rest? You're so excited?" Ji Zimo asked, looking into the distance.

Ji Jiuchong's phoenix eyes were shining brightly, "I finally married Luoluo, how can I not be excited?"

Although Ji Jiuzhong's tone was calm, Ji Zimo could also hear the excitement in it.

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