The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 957: Wedding (1)

Chapter 957 The Wedding (1)

This is Ji Jiuzhong's wish, and it will come true tomorrow. He is not as calm as he seems on the surface.

Ji Zimo smiled and said, "You are lucky to have met Luo Yatou. You are not alone on the road of life. There are people who accompany you on the road of cultivation. There are too few partners like you who can walk hand in hand."

“I also feel very lucky.” Ji Jiuzhong looked at the stars in the night sky with tenderness in his eyes.

Ji Zimo looked at the prosperous Jiuyuan City and asked, "What will happen here in the future?"

 After they went to the Nine Heavens, it was unlikely that they would come back here in the future. After all, their cultivation level did not allow them to stay on the lower continent.

This is the territory of the Ji family, but now there are only two of them, the Ji family, and they have to leave here.

Looking at the prosperous Jiuyuan City, Ji Zimo couldn't imagine feeling lonely again. After all, this was the place where Ji's family once lived.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "This is our home, and we will come back."

Ji Zimo was stunned, "Are you sure we can come back and live here forever?"

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "Of course I am sure, this is the Ji family, the home of me and Luo Luo, and also the home of our children in the future."

Ji Zimo didn't know why Ji Jiuzhong was so sure, but he knew one thing very well. Ji Jiuzhong could do what he said, so there must be something he didn't know.

"It seems that I will be here to check on your child's life from now on." Ji Zimo said in a relaxed and playful tone.

Ji Jiuzhong laughed when he heard ancestor Zimo joke for the first time, "I'll try my best to keep you busy."

"Well, I'll wait." Ji Zimo smiled, as if he saw a few children laughing and running in this dull palace. At that time, the Ji family really recovered.

The two of them sat on the roof of the hall until dawn. Then Ji Jiuzhong went down to bathe and change clothes, and began to follow the wedding rituals.

At this time, in Yan's house, Yan Xiangluo was also dug out of the bed by her mother early. After taking a bath, Mrs. Quanfu, invited by her mother, combed her hair and changed clothes. Her only best friend Fang Xi'er was busy beside her. Touch the ground.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the alluring face in the mirror. She combed her hair into a woman's bun and put on a phoenix crown, which made her even more beautiful.

 She felt like she was in a dream. Today she was really going to marry Ji Jiuchong, and the wish of the two lives was finally coming true.

It wasn't until An An came running to tell them that the wedding team had arrived at the door of the house that Yan Xiangluo heard the noisy joy outside the house and had the real feeling that she was really going to marry Ji Jiuchong.

 I got up and was led by the maid to the main hall to say goodbye to my parents.

Not only were his parents sitting in the main hall, but also his ancestor Mu Changling and his master Deng Changze. Ge Tianjun stood aside, waiting to carry Concubine Xiangluo out the door.

Yu Xiangluo saluted them one by one, and finally kowtowed to her parents.

Even though they knew that their daughter was married and it was no different from her parents’ family, the eyes of Juan Chengye and his wife were still filled with tears.

Juan Anluo didn't feel sad at all. After all, he followed his own family when he entered the palace. He didn't think there was any difference between his sister marrying and not marrying.

 She is a little jealous that Ge Tianjun can carry his sister out. If he were a few years older, he would be the one carrying his sister out.

There is no way who could have made him only six years old.

Ji Jiuchong came in with the wedding guests. He first greeted the elders, then looked at Yan Xiangluo and said, "Luoluo, I'm here to pick you up."

This sound could be said to have exhausted all the tenderness in his body.

Yan Xiangluo responded through her head, "Yeah."

Ge Tianjun squatted down and said, "Luoluo, I will take you out."

 “Okay.” Yan Xiangluo lay on Ge Tianjun’s back. Ge Tianjun picked her up steadily and walked out.

Yu Chengye and his wife couldn't help but shed emotional tears. Even Mu Changling and Deng Changze felt sad.

I have realized in my heart that the mood of marrying a daughter is different from marrying a daughter-in-law.

Ji Jiuchong actually wanted to do it by himself. Why should his wife be carried by another man? But he also knew that it would be a good thing for Luoluo to let his brother Ge Tianjun get married on his back.

So no matter how unwilling he was, he endured it.

After leaving the palace, all the people watching the ceremony were stunned when they saw that it was the Demon King Ge Tianjun who came out carrying Yuan Xiangluo on his back.

Although they all knew that Demon King Ge Tianjun was Yan Xiangluo's step-brother, they never expected that Demon King Ge Tianjun would condescend to carry Fan Xiangluo's sister to get married.

The woman who can be marrying by the demon king may be incense all over the world, that is, Ge Tianjun, the blood of the demon world, has no treatment.

Even if they are related by blood, who dares to let the devil carry him?

Ji Jiuchong did not use a sedan chair to pick up the bride, but a luan chariot. He wanted to give Luoluo the best he could.

When Ge Tianjun landed in front of Luan Jia carrying Ruan Xiang on his back, Ji Jiuzhong immediately picked him up and put him on Luan Jia.

Ge Tianjun was speechless, he was so impatient, what could he do if he sent his sister up?

But considering that today is their wedding, they shouldn’t embarrass Ji Jiuchong. After all, there are so many big shots in the spiritual world watching.

Ji Jiuzhong also sat next to Yan Xiangluo. He had no idea of ​​riding a horse to welcome the bride. He just wanted to sit with Luo Luo.

Under the wide sleeves, Ji Jiuzhong held Yan Xiangluo's hand. It was not the first time he held the soft, boneless hand, but he never felt like he did today.

 It was like she was finally his.

Even though Yan Xiangluo had her head covered, she could not see out at all. She could vaguely see the people and things outside.

Turning her head slightly to look at Ji Jiuzhong, he was wearing the red wedding dress she had seen that day. This was the first time she had seen him wearing red clothes.

Ji Jiuchong usually likes to wear white brocade robes embroidered with silver dark patterns. Now that he has changed the color, his whole temperament has changed.

Noticing that Yan Xiangluo was looking at him, Ji Jiuzhong also turned to look at her, staring at each other through their heads.

Ji Jiuzhong's voice came to Yan Xiangluo's ears, "Does it look good?"

Yan Xiangluo knew what he was asking, asking herself if he was good-looking. She immediately became nervous. How could he ask him such a question with so many people? Then she sensed that he was transmitting sound, and her face immediately turned red. Fortunately, it was through her head. Gaiji Jiuzhong couldn't see it.

 “Humph.” Yan Xiangluo gave him one word via voice transmission.

Ji Jiuzhong suppressed his smile, "That's good-looking."

Yan Xiangluo's face turned redder. Is it because she got married? Does this person have thick skin?

“Watch your image.” Yan Xiangluo said through gritted teeth.

Ji Jiuzhong immediately smiled, "Luoluo is as cute as ever."

Not to mention how embarrassed Yan Xiangluo was, the people who came to watch the ceremony were shocked when they saw Ji Jiuzhong's smile. After all, they had always seen Ji Jiuzhong's indifferent expression. Now when they saw his smile, it was still so bright. ’s smile, can you not be shocked?

How much do you like it, so that it changes so much when you welcome the bride?

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