The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 958: Wedding (2)

Chapter 958 The Wedding (2)

Liu Yu stood in the crowd and his eyes fell on Yan Xiangluo. From her wedding attire, it was clear how much thought Ji Jiuzhong had put into it.

 This is the most luxurious wedding dress he has ever seen.

 Because he saw that it was not made by hand, but refined.

Who would put effort into refining a wedding dress that can only be worn once on the wedding day, but Ji Jiuchong did this, probably for the sake of Xiangluo.

It can be seen how heavy the fragrance is in his heart.

If he knew that this wedding dress was made by Ji Jiuzhong in his previous life, I wonder if his mood would be even more uneasy.

When he saw the bright smile on Ji Jiuzhong's face, Liu Yu admitted that even though he had let go, he was still sore.

He wished that he was the one sitting with Yan Xiangluo today. He knew very well that his wish would never be fulfilled in this life.

Liu Yu took a deep breath and suddenly felt how stupid he was before, changing women was like changing clothes.

Based on this, when he first met Yan Xiangluo, even if nothing bad happened, she still looked down on him.

 What she wants is to be with one person for the rest of her life. In her eyes, she should be a very dirty type of man.

 In an instant, his thoughts changed. Liu Yu felt that he could no longer change women with peace of mind. He even lost interest in women.

Although there is a big gap between Ji Jiuzhong and Ji Jiuzhong, it does not mean that he has no room for improvement. He will also become a strong man at the ninth level of the Jiuyuan Continent, but it will be later.

 In an instant, Liu Yu knew the direction of his future efforts.

After Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong sat down, everyone discovered that there was a row of spiritual pets squatting in front of Luan Jia. It was Yun Tuan and the four great beasts, five of them squatting neatly in front.

That's not all, the sky covered the Luanjia and the vines instantly covered the top of the Luanjia. Purple-gold flowers bloomed, turning the Luanjia into a float.

Originally, Yan Xiangluo didn't want them to come out, but they all opposed it together. If they didn't show up at the master's wedding, it would be a shame for them.

Yanxiang was speechless, so she let them all come out.

 Unexpectedly, Zhetian turned their wedding car into a float, which was very unusual but also very warm.

Everyone opened their mouths in surprise. They actually contracted a divine plant. Who is this divine plant?

That's not all, a palm-sized bird landed next to the clouds, turning the five into six.

 Everyone's lips twitched. They really didn't expect that these two people had contracted so many spiritual pets.

Isn’t it said that one person can only contract spiritual pets all the time? How come they have contracted so many spiritual pets? The most important thing is that so many spiritual pets look weak and there are no war beasts?

They have never seen the two of them using war beasts when fighting. Even Ji Jiuzhong did not use war beasts when he participated in the continental competition.

 Under the curious gaze of everyone, the procession to receive the bride headed for the palace.

 The wedding rituals are all completed here. After worshiping heaven and earth, they go to Ji Garden to worship the ancestors of the Ji family. All the wedding rituals are completed.

The gate of Jiuyuan Palace was wide open, and a bright red carpet was spread from the entrance of the palace to the palace. It was also the busiest day in the palace. The hidden guards brought from Tianqian Continent all put on bright red robes. The hidden guards who had become Ming Guards did not wear masks. Those who were not Ming Guards all wore silver masks with red peonies carved on them. A group of men with different With flavor.

 They are the main force in organizing weddings and are busy everywhere.

Changfeng, Mu Zixian, and Jin Yutang carried out the ritual steps in an orderly manner under the command of Ji Zimo.

The clothes of the Black Feather Guards are uniformly black. To celebrate today, they all put on a red cloak, tied a red belt around their waists, and had a red flower on their heads. A group of majestic guards suddenly appeared. Become gentle.

 Standing neatly on both sides of the red carpet, although not holding weapons, people still dare not look down upon them.

Luan Jia didn't listen. After entering through the main entrance, he didn't stop until he reached the steps in front of the main hall.

Ji Jiuzhong went down first, and then handed his hand to Yan Xiangluo. Yan Xiangluo put her hand in his slender hand and walked down with his strength.

The two of them were not holding any red silk, but were walking side by side hand in hand, stepping up the steps towards the main hall step by step.

Ji Zimo stood above and watched the two people in bright red wedding clothes coming hand in hand with soft eyes. This was the first happy event for the Ji family after ten thousand years. From this moment on, the Ji family really began to recover.

Behind them were the guests watching the ceremony. There were sounds of joy and the sky was clear. Just when they were about to walk to the front of the hall, the sounds of various birdsong came from the sky. Everyone looked up in shock and saw various colors in the sky. Birds flew in flocks.

But because Jiuyuan City has a barrier, they have to come in and can only hover above the barrier where Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong are, forming a big circle and flying.

This time everyone really couldn't calm down. This scene can only be experienced by a true king. Isn't it true that not only Ji Jiuzhong is the destined successor of the Human Emperor, but also Yu Xiangluo is also the destined phoenix?

Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo were also surprised. They did not expect a white bird to come to the wedding.

 The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and walked up the last step hand in hand.

Ji Zimo was also shocked, and then smiled. Sure enough, these two children were not ordinary people.

He waved his hand and a rich voice came out, "The wedding ceremony has begun."

The sound of joy suddenly became longer and longer. Yan Xiangluo felt that the ceremony was too complicated, but Ji Jiuzhong simplified it. If the ceremony of the human emperor's wedding was more complicated than this.

 It can be finished from morning to night.

From the beginning to the end, the birds in the sky did not leave. Until they finished worshiping the heaven and the earth and completed all the rituals, the birds were still hovering in the sky.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this magical scene.

People in the outer city who could not see the ceremony with their own eyes were shocked when they saw the white bird hovering in the sky. In an instant, the news spread to Jiuyuan City. People who received the news from all over the mainland wanted to see it with their own eyes. Ordinary The teleportation profound patterns, teleportation array disks, scrolls, etc. that were reluctant to be used were all taken out and used.

 So much so that there were more and more people outside Jiuyuan City, which was already crowded.

Those who saw this miraculous scene with their own eyes still cannot forget it many years later. When they tell their children and grandchildren, it is as if it happened yesterday.

From this moment on, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were regarded as destined people by the people of Jiuyuan Continent, and no one looked down on them because they came from the lower continent.

Because of this, Jiuyuan Continent no longer dares to look down upon people from lower continents.

Xueyuan of the Dusui Continent receives people from the Continent, and no family dares to force them.

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