The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 959: Wedding (3)

Chapter 959 The Wedding (3)

Especially those who came from Tianqian Continent, they were flattered by the treatment. They waited until they were treated because of Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo. They were proud and at the same time conscientiously restrained themselves so as not to disgrace Tianqian Continent. .

Therefore, people from the Tianqian Continent are the most popular among people from lower continents. As long as they know that they are from the Tianqian Continent wherever they go, they will be very enthusiastic and take the initiative to tell them about the legend of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong.

Therefore, people from Tianqian Continent can know all the information about Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong without spending any money.

At this time, not everyone in the outer city was happy for Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo.

When Qin Suyue saw the white bird flying in the sky, she gritted her teeth with hatred in her heart. How could Yan Xiangluo get such support, and yet she lived like a mouse, and it was very difficult to be invisible to others.

At this time, she wished it would get dark immediately. She wanted Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuchong to be held high during the day and fall down hard at night.

The other one is Yu Ge, no, he should be called Wei Changyu now.

After the fusion of soul and body, Wei Changyu's original talent declined sharply. In addition, Yu Ge's temperament and way of dealing with others were very unpleasant. The disciples of Qinglun Mountain did not want to see him, and even his own His two brothers also complained about him.

 With the sect elders out several times, they didn't make any achievements at all. After their cultivation level fell, they never came back. The overt ridicule and insinuation made his whole person more and more gloomy. Even his father, the head of Qinglun Mountain, had no choice but to let him go.

This time he learned that Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuyuan were getting married. He borrowed the help of his father. Qinglun Mountain also had a station in Jiuyuan Waicheng, so he was able to come to Jiuyuan City.

However, small sects like Qinglun Mountain can only stay in the outer city and are not qualified to enter the inner city.

He has seen Mu Zixian, Changfeng, and Jin Yutang going out to do business several times in the past few days. They still looked majestic, and their auras were so strong that Yu Ge couldn't tell their cultivation levels.

 When he saw the white bird coming to court again today, he really realized how wrong he had been.

Even if he likes Qin Suyue, there is no need to ignore the orders and wishes of his master Ji Jiuzhong and attack Ruan Xiangluo again and again because of her.

  Why was it that I couldn't think about it so much? If my master didn't want Qin Suyue and I treated her better, I might really have a chance to get her.

 And now, like Changfeng and the others, I will not fall into such a situation.

 But there is no regret medicine for him in this world. He doesn’t know yet that a bigger blow is coming later.

After Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo completed all the rituals in the palace, they became a real couple. Ji Jiuzhong lifted her hijab, and Yan Xiangluo's stunning face was revealed.

Everyone exclaimed in low voices. They all knew that Yan Xiangluo was extremely beautiful, but today she was extremely beautiful with the phoenix crown on her. Everyone's eyes were fixed on her, and they couldn't bear to blink.

Ji Jiuzhong held her hand and walked down the steps, got on the car again, and headed to Ji Garden.

There were hidden guards on both sides and behind Luan Jia, and black feather guards were guarding both sides along the way.

The birds in the sky automatically followed them towards Ji Garden, and everyone was amazed.

Everyone followed Luan Jia. Ji Yuan was different from the past. Although the red decoration was very festive today, everyone felt a lot more solemn inexplicably.

Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo held hands and walked up the steps that everyone had climbed in the past few days.

Everyone looked at them nervously, wondering how high they could reach. Although they knew that Ji Jiuzhong had inherited the Human Emperor's heritage, he would definitely be able to reach the top, but Yuan Xiangluo might not be able to reach the top.

 Besides, they know very well how much spiritual energy it will consume to walk up this step. Is it okay to consume spiritual energy like this on the wedding day? Ji Jiuchong doesn’t want to have a bridal chamber?

While everyone was thinking differently, Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo walked up easily, always maintaining the same pace and speed.

 We reached the top in one breath. Everyone was stunned. They were surprised when Ji Jiuzhong walked up, but how could Yan Xiangluo walk up so easily?

Liu Yu smiled bitterly when he saw this scene. It turned out that not only was he far behind Ji Jiuzhong, but he was also far behind Yuan Xiangluo.

 How overestimated was your past self?

 Has she always been a joke in Yan Xiangluo's heart?

 Liu Yu was not hit by Ji Jiuzhong, but he was indeed hit by Yan Xiangluo today.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo walked into the Ji Garden Hall hand in hand. This was the second time they entered the hall. This time was different from the previous time. Last time, Yan Xiangluo was not considered the daughter-in-law of the Ji family.

 The tributes have not stopped since Ji Jiuchong came here, and today's tributes are especially abundant.

The two of them offered incense to their ancestors, and then Ji Jiuchong personally informed the ancestors that they were married and that Xiangluo was Ji's wife.

 After they came out of Ji Garden, the white birds sang in unison again, and then reluctantly flew away from Jiuyuan City.

 The outer city and people outside the city knew that the wedding ceremony was completed.

 The two returned to their bedroom in the palace, and the next step was the wedding banquet. After they came back, the wedding banquet started and lasted until after dinner.

At this time, there was no ambiguous atmosphere in the palace. Ji Zimo and his wife, Juan Chengye, Mu Changling, and Deng Changze were all there.

Of course, they are all in the main hall of the palace.

 “Why is there no movement yet?” Deng Changze asked.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his eyes and said, "We should take action only after dark."

 While he was speaking, he gave each of them a set of armor that he had newly refined. "This armor can resist the erosion of evil spirits. You should put it on now."

They are not polite. After all, they have never really faced off against the devil, so it is always better to be careful.

"Don't be nervous, I've already planned it. As long as she takes action, she won't be able to escape." Ji Jiuzhong looked at the serious expressions of several people and said.

Yan Xiangluo said, "Dad, let me send An An and Xiao Hao into my Pangu space."

Yu Chengye thought for a while and said, "Although they are young, such a crisis does not happen all the time. It is good for them to let them experience it personally."

Deng Changze also said, "What your father said makes sense, we can't protect them forever, we have to let them grow up on their own.

Yan Xiangluo nodded when he heard the words, "Okay."

But he secretly told Yun Tuan and Zhe Tian to keep an eye on the two of them and protect them.

The whole Jiuyuan City was very lively. There were banquets in the inner city, and people in the outer city became lively themselves.

Ji Jiuzhong stood up and said, "The banquet has started for a while, I want to go out to socialize."

Several people also got up and followed Ji Jiuzhong out to entertain the guests.

At this time, black aura appeared in the darkness of Jiuyuan City.

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