The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 967: Such a big fate

Chapter 967: Such a big fate

How could Shiwo let him break free? Naturally, he used all his strength to suppress the demon lord.

However, even though the Demon Lord only came as a clone, Ji Jiuzhong and the three of them were also very powerful and couldn't defeat him.

 Hence, as the Demon Lord struggled violently and trembled, the stone nest kept changing its position.

The fire beads cooperate very well. No matter where the stone nest is moved, the fire beads are firmly underneath it, and the flames always wrap the stone nest completely.

Shiwo's color changed visibly to the naked eye. This was the first time that Yan Xiangluo had seen this happen to Shiwo.

 It can be seen that this is the first time that Shiwo has encountered a difficult challenge in his refining career.

The entire Jiuyuan City felt like it was roasting on hot coals, and Ji Jiuzhong and Ge Tianjun, who were so close to them, couldn't stand the scorching heat. Even with their spiritual power, their skin began to turn red.

Ji Jiuzhong couldn't spare the time to use the isolation mysterious pattern. It felt like my body was going to burn as soon as I released my strength.

Because Yan Xiangluo is the owner of the fire bead, the flames of the fire bead cannot harm her and she cannot feel the heat at all.

Yan Xiangluo came to her senses only after seeing the situation of the two of them, and immediately shouted, "Jiuchong, brother, you guys should stay away quickly."

Ji Jiuzhong and Ge Tianjun heard this and knew that they could not stay any longer, otherwise the Demon Lord would be refined without them knowing, and they would be refined as well.

 Sure enough, in terms of physical bodies alone, their physical strength is incomparable to that of demons.

Therefore, as soon as Yan Xiangluo shouted, the two of them retreated to the distance quickly and swiftly.

Withdrawing to where everyone was, Ji Jiuzhong finally made free time, raised his hand and released a mysterious isolation pattern to block everyone.

The temperature of the flames suddenly weakened. Although it was still very hot, everyone felt better, at least able to hold on.

They also have a deep understanding of the Ji family's Xuanwen technique. It is indeed so powerful that it is beyond their reach. There is indeed a reason why those Xuanwen masters have wanted to obtain Ji's seal for thousands of years.

The Xuanwen master doesn't want such a powerful Xuanwen technique.

However, at this time, none of the Xuanwen masters among them had the idea of ​​coveting the Ji Seal, because they knew very well that coveting the Ji Seal was equivalent to seeking death.

Who is Ji Jiuzhong's opponent now? Not to mention how powerful his Xuan Wen technique is, even his cultivation level is not something they can challenge.

Juan Anluo walked up to her brother-in-law and looked at her brother-in-law with admiration. Look, so many strong men are not as powerful as his brother-in-law.

Of course, the most powerful one is his sister, and his brother-in-law can only be ranked second. Ruan Anluo's eyes fell proudly on her sister.

 Look, my sister is still very powerful and can catch even the devil.

Yan Xiangluo's consciousness focused on Qin Suyue's body in the stone nest.

Sure enough, it is the body of the clone demon. It is indeed very powerful. The flames of the fire beads are just a small cluster of them, not to mention the full-strength flames. If other things touch it, they will be wiped out. However, Qin Suyue's body is still intact. .

Yan Xiangluo thought about it, the fire beads and flames she usually used to make elixirs were only one inch long.

 This comparison shows how powerful the demon's body is.

Yan Xiangluo is very curious, isn't the demon's body also grown from human flesh? How can it be so powerful just because it is a demon?

 It’s not normal. Although Qin Suyue's body has not been burned, her clothes and hair are not that strong. Now Qin Suyue is naked and bald. It is really eye-catching to look at. Fortunately, other people can't see it, otherwise It's really embarrassing.

However, Yan Xiangluo also admitted that Qin Suyue's figure was really voluptuous, no wonder Liu Yu didn't dislike it.

Yan Xiangluo knew that Liu Yu felt extremely disgusted as soon as Qin Suyue appeared. He was very curious about how he fell in love with this woman in the first place.

 Thinking about the many women I had in the past, I am afraid that none of these women were serious, and I felt even more disgusting.

There is a reason why Yan Xiangluo despises herself, and the reason is all on him.

 Liu Yu had already given up on women, but now he was a little disgusted with women, so much so that he would never touch women again.

Yan Xiangluo was not as calm as she appeared on the surface at this time, and was very anxious in her heart. If the flames of the fire beads cannot refine Qin Suyue's body, then they can only find a way to trap her.

  However, there is a clone of the Demon Lord in Qin Suyue's body, so it is not easy to trap her.

what to do?

Yan Xiangluo's little head was spinning rapidly. At this moment, she saw Qin Suyue's soul body in the demon lord's clone. Although it was only for a moment, she could see clearly that Qin Suyue's soul body seemed to be asleep.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up, why did she get so confused? The body belongs to Qin Suyue. As long as Qin Suyue's soul body is destroyed, the body will naturally lose its role as a demon clone.

Even though the demon lord's clone is inside, because it is not his body, although Qin Suyue's body can be used, it cannot increase the strength of her body.

It is not easy to refine Qin Suyue's body. Without the body, no matter how powerful the demon lord's clone is, what can he do?

Thinking of this, Yan Xiangluo immediately communicated with Shi Wo, "Wo Wo, I want to use the power of the heavenly master to go in and destroy Qin Suyue's soul. Don't stop my power from entering."

 “Okay, Master.” Shiwo responded immediately.

As expected, the demon's body is so difficult to refine. This is the first time it has encountered something so smelly and so difficult to refine.

 It seems that it also needs to improve its strength, otherwise what will happen if it encounters the Demon Lord himself in the future.

Shiwo encountered something that couldn't be refined for the first time in his previous life, and finally thought about improving his strength.

Yuan Xiangluo didn’t even know that Shiwo could improve his strength.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know what Shiwo was thinking. Seeing that it agreed, she immediately mobilized her soul-controlling power and took action quickly.

She knew very well that she only had one chance for Qin Suyue, whose body was occupied by the demon lord. If the demon lord discovered her, she would not have another chance to destroy Qin Suyue's soul.

But no matter how fast she was, when Qin Suyue's soul showed a painful expression, the Demon Lord still discovered her intention.

 It only takes a moment for Qin Suyue's soul to disappear.

After the Demon Lord noticed Yan Xiangluo's intention, he knew that it was impossible to kill Yan Xiangluo during this trip. He quickly made a decision, and Qin Suyue's soul wrapped in magic power disappeared.

Yan Xiangluo's soul-controlling power has already strangled Qin Suyue's soul. She can destroy Qin Suyue's soul with just one force. Her movements only require one or two breaths, but she is still possessed by the demon in such a short period of time. The master noticed and took away Qin Suyue's soul.

Yan Xiangluo lamented that she was too weak and felt a little regretful at the same time. Why did Qin Suyue have such a long life? Even though she was like this, her soul could still be taken away by the demon. Could it be that her soul still had any use?

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