The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 968: Hiding deeply

Chapter 968: Hiding deeply

As expected, the body strength of the cloned demon who lost his soul body lost the physical strength of the demon. Qin Suyue's body was instantly burned by the stone nest.

It is indeed gone, not even a trace of ashes.

Shiwo was already angry that he could not refine Qin Suyue's body, so how could he leave a trace of ash on her.

The stone nest quickly returned to its original size, and the fire beads automatically returned to Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo raised her hand to take back the stone nest and fire beads.

Even though Qin Suyue's soul escaped, it was not that nothing was gained. She found a way to kill the cloned demon.

That means the Heavenly Master cooperates with the monks with the fire spiritual root. The Heavenly Master is responsible for killing the soul body inside, and the fire monk is responsible for destroying the corpse and eliminating traces.

Yan Xiangluo, dressed in a bright red shirt, stood in the night sky. Everyone in the inner city and the outer city could see her. After a moment of silence, the outer city was the first to cheer.

People in the outer city didn't know the details, so they naturally thought that Yan Xiangluo had refined the demon. She had saved the entire Nine Yuan Continent. How could they not be excited.

From this moment on, Yan Xiangluo had another name besides the name of the miracle doctor, the God of War. For a time, her limelight surpassed that of Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiuchongfeng's eyes were full of smiles. In this life, his girlish charm was even more prosperous. For a moment, the image of him standing in a high position but unhappy in his previous life appeared in front of his eyes.

Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes. He would never allow his girl to live like that again in this life, not anyone else.

Yan Xiangluo turned to look at Ji Jiuzhong. The two looked at each other and smiled from a distance. Yan Xiangluo came from the air. Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand to break his isolation pattern and reached out to catch her.

Such a scene is so beautiful that people can’t bear to break it out loud.

Juan Chengye, Long Moran, and Ge Tianjun looked at the two of them with smiles. The two little ones, Juan Anluo and Qi Hao, raised their heads and looked at them with starry eyes.

 Everyone around them felt deeply the unspeakable affection between the two.

Liu Yu, who was behind the crowd, felt sad as he looked at the two incomparable figures.

 But at this moment, he understood what mutual love is and what the happiness of love is. It was something he had never dared to hope for. At this moment, he understood that it was not impossible to have it, but he just needed to fight for it.

 If you want to be happy in the relationship between a man and a woman, you must first keep yourself clean, and secondly, treat each other sincerely.

 It’s a pity that he failed to do both of these things.

Hence, Yan Xiangluo's eyes never stopped on him.

 In fact, he also knew in his heart that even if he did it, Yan Xiangluo would not belong to him.

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo came to the high continent from the low continent together, and they have experienced too much together.

Especially after experiencing so many tests of life and cultivation in Jiuyuan Continent, they can still stay together firmly. Their feelings for each other are so deep that they can no longer be described as sincere.

Liu Yu was envious in his heart.

I also know that such feelings are too precious in the world. Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong and said excitedly, "Jiu Zhong, I know how to destroy the clone demon."

Everyone was surprised. They all saw Yan Xiangluo take out the alchemy furnace and also saw the whole process of the alchemy furnace being burned by fire. They all thought that Qin Suyue was just burned and trapped in the alchemy furnace. They didn't expect it at all. It was completely burned.

Therefore, when he heard her say that there was a way to eliminate the doppelgänger, he couldn't help but asked out of curiosity, "Miracle doctor, did you really eliminate the doppelgänger? What method did you use?"

Yan Xiangluo looked at everyone and said, "I also discovered it during the refining process, but not everyone can do it. There must be a heavenly master and someone with a flame who can cooperate."

“Heavenly Master?” Everyone said in unison.

They all reacted immediately and looked at Yan Xiangluo with disbelief, "Is she the miraculous doctor or the heavenly master?"

After all, she had just dealt with the clone demon by herself. They all saw her flames, but they really didn't notice that she used the power of the Celestial Master.

Even the Celestial Masters among them didn't notice that Yan Xiangluo had used the Celestial Master's power. The main reason was that the flames of the fire beads were too strong, and Ji Jiuzhong's isolation mysterious pattern made them not aware of it at all.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "What's wrong with me being a Heavenly Master? My mother is a Heavenly Master."

Everyone was shocked again and turned their attention to Long Moran. This woman looked gentle and gentle and had never shown any special talents. In their eyes, she was just the mother of the miracle doctor Yu Xiangluo. Now they knew that she was actually a human being. The most noble professional heavenly master that people envy.

Thinking that Yan Xiangluo's father, Chengye, was the first place in the last continental competition, and his current cultivation level can be regarded as a strong man in the mainland.

Thinking again about Yan Xiangluo's younger brother, although he was only six years old, he was a little genius with good cultivation and strength. Then everyone suddenly realized that there was no one in this family who was simple, and they were all hidden.

Ji Jiuzhong pulled the conversation over, "Luoluo, tell me how the heavenly master and the person with the flame can cooperate to kill the clone demon."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the people who were obviously curious and explained, "The flame I used to refine the clone demon is the flame of the Five Elements Pearl Fire Pearl. Everyone should know how powerful the Five Elements Pearl is, but even the flame of the Five Elements Pearl It can only burn Qin Suyue's clothes and hair, without causing any damage to her body."

Everyone also saw what happened just now, but they didn't know that the flames of the fire beads could not do anything to the body of the clone demon.

Yan Xiangluo continued, "So, I thought about how to destroy her body. After all, destroying her body is equivalent to killing the clone demon, so I used the power of the Heavenly Master to check Qin Suyue's body."

 Everyone admired her for being so calm under such circumstances.

“I saw her soul body being controlled by the demon lord’s clone and she was unconscious. I had an idea and thought that if her soul body was destroyed, her body would lose the role of the demon clone.”

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the people talking with a smile. The lively and real people were right in front of him. He knew that they were different in this life from the previous one.

"It turns out that my idea was indeed correct. Unfortunately, I was weak and not fast enough for the Demon Lord to escape. Not only that, he also took away Qin Suyue's soul."

Yan Xiangluo explained what happened as simply as possible, and everyone was shocked.

Knowing that although Qin Suyue's body was destroyed, her soul was taken away by the demon, this was still a hidden danger.

Yan Xiangluo told them deliberately, not to let them think that she would have nothing to worry about after killing Qin Suyue, just to let them understand that the devil is powerful and everywhere.

When everyone heard Yan Xiangluo say that she was weak and not fast enough, they all thought she was talking about her Celestial Master being weak.

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