The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 969: High expectations

 Chapter 969 is very demanding

I don’t know at all. What Yan Xiangluo said was weak and not fast enough, compared to her previous life and facing the devil.

  If any of the heavenly masters present were to compete with her, they would be ashamed.

 The current effect is that although everyone knows **** the clone demon, everyone is more worried than happy.

Under such circumstances, a clone of the Demon Lord was able to take away Qin Suyue's soul. So how powerful is the Demon Lord?

They can't even fight a cloned demon. If one day they face the demon lord himself, they won't be as vulnerable as ants.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't have as many ideas as they did, because he knew very well how powerful the Demon Lord was, and it was useless to think too much. He could only improve his strength as soon as possible, and then go to Jiuzhongtian, where they found the holy objects, to find a real way to get rid of the Demon Lord. . This is their journey to eliminate demons, and it has just begun.

 But they can only know that it is useless to talk to these people present, and he cannot say it because of the restrictions of the mainland level.

"Just run away. She can't return to Jiuyuan Continent without her body. At least Jiuyuan Continent is safe now." Ji Jiuzhong's words matched perfectly with Yan Xiangluo's, a warning and a comfort.

After finishing speaking, Ji Jiuzhong faced everyone, "This time everyone has seen with your own eyes how powerful the demon is. What you are facing today is just the person who has been given some magic power by the clone demon. The magic power they possess is not comparable to that of the demon master." , even compared to the clone demon, I think everyone should also know how difficult the task of eliminating demons is."

Ji Jiuzhong paused and looked at everyone's expressions before continuing, "We, as a couple, will find a way to go to Jiuchongtian later, and then open the passage between Jiuyuan Continent and Jiuchongtian so that more people can go to Jiuchongtian."

 Everyone looked at Ji Jiuchong in shock, especially the four current palace masters of Yunshang Palace. They couldn't help but ask, "Do you have a way to go to Jiuchong?"

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at the four people. Their purpose was obvious. After all, going to Jiuzhongtian was the wish of all the monks in Jiuyuan Continent.

"Yes, but I don't know yet whether it can be successful. It is not suitable for the general public because the requirements are very high. First, the cultivation level must be at the peak of the ninth level of tribulation. In fact, this person must have the three skills of array master, Xuanwen master, and weapon refiner at the same time. And the level must be above the **** level.”

 Everyone was discouraged as soon as Ji Jiuzhong's request came out. Such conditions could not be found in the entire continent.

No, everyone looked at Ji Jiuzhong in shock. Could it be that he has all three of these things, and they are all above the **** level?

He is only twenty-two years old, how can he practice so many skills at the same time and practice them to the extreme?

"Don't be disappointed, everyone. As long as we go to Jiuchongtianjiu, the first thing to do is to open the passage between Jiuyuan Continent and Jiuchongtian. At that time, people with sufficient cultivation level can go to Jiuchongtian through the passage, which is safer. "

Ji Jiuzhong ignored their thoughts and then stated his final purpose.

"I hope that all of you present can truthfully publicize what you saw today when you return to your respective turfs, and encourage the monks of the Nine Yuan Continent to work hard to improve their cultivation. You must know that if you really face the devil one day in the future, Even if the battlefield is not in Jiuyuan Continent, none of us can escape."

Ji Jiuzhong's words made everyone look solemn. They knew that what Ji Jiuzhong said was the truth.

 But even if they practice hard, it will be difficult for them to reach the level of their husband and wife in a short period of time.

Even if they go to Jiuzhongtian, they still need time to grow up, but will the Demon Lord wait for them to grow up?

What role will they play if they really face the Demon Lord one day?

Ji Jiuzhong, who has been in a high position for a long time, naturally saw their thoughts at a glance, "When everyone picks up materials, the flames are high, and it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. I don't need to explain these principles. Everyone should understand." Everyone's eyes lit up, yes, there are many of them. Ah, how can you lose your fighting spirit before you even fight? You have to work hard no matter what.

 After saying this, Ji Jiuzhong stopped talking about the demon lord and said to Mu Zixian, "Immediately arrange for people to go to the outer city to inform the situation, arrange for people to clean the battlefield, and start the banquet again."

Ji Jiuzhong gave instructions in an orderly manner.

 While everyone was still immersed in their own thoughts, the Black Feather Guards had already neatly carried away all the corpses and disposed of them.

In less than a stick of incense, the entire inner city has been cleaned, all the ruined red silk carpets and red lights have been hung up again, and the same meals as the previous banquet have been served again, all cooked by the spiritual chef , the sound of joy also rang.

 It was as if the previous battle with the doppelgänger had never existed.

Did Ji Jiuchong already know that Qin Suyue would come during their wedding? Everyone has doubts in their hearts, otherwise someone has prepared a backup for their wedding banquet.

Ji Jiuzhong spoke to his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and then to Ge Tianjun, and left it to them to entertain the guests at the banquet. Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo walked hand in hand to their bedroom.

Everyone looked at the backs of the two people, and there was an indescribable feeling in their hearts, as if the two people were slowly walking out of their world.

 But they can't catch up even if they want to.

Juan Anluo and Qi Hao watched their departing figures with admiration, planting a powerful seed in their little hearts that they wanted to become people like their elder sister and brother-in-law (master).

Yu Chengye's heart was really relieved at this moment. No matter how he got rid of the demon in the future, now that the clone demon was solved, he immediately warmly greeted everyone to sit down again.

Today is the wedding of Ji Jiuchong and Yan Xiangluo. On such a happy day, even though they have experienced a life and death battle, the young couple are so calm. People like them who have lived hundreds or thousands of years naturally cannot be too cowardly.

 There is nothing else they can do to cheer up the young couple, but they can still do it. Making today's big day lively is the only thing they can do for them now.

People's mentality has changed, and their way of getting along has also changed. Compared with the previous banquet, this time everyone blessed the two of them from the bottom of their hearts. The guests at each table drank happily with each other, and it was more lively and harmonious than before.

 The people in the outer city became even more excited after knowing what happened in the inner city. Look, the city lord and his wife of Jiuyuan City are so powerful. Even the demon clones were destroyed by their city lord's wife.

 Suddenly, the entire outer city was even more excited than the inner city. Cheers, celebrations and people running around telling each other about the joy could be seen everywhere.

How many years, or even ten thousand years from now will this happen, wherever there is a wedding in Jiuyuan Continent, people will talk about today's grand occasion.

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