The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 970: Suitable for the occasion

Chapter 970: Suitable for the occasion

Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo returned to the palace holding hands, and their battle robes changed again into their wedding attire.

 There was no one in the palace, and the people watching outside consciously stayed away.

Ji Jiuchong has already given the order, and no one is needed to serve him.

Even the wine glasses for combining the wine were prepared by him and carefully refined by him. They were two identical red wine glasses with auspicious clouds and wishful thinking.

In this life, he only hopes that everything goes well for them. The simplest wish is also the most difficult to realize, but in this life he will try his best to realize it.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the empty wine glass that Ji Jiuzhong brought, and she could tell at a glance that it was from his hand. The color was her favorite and the style was beautiful. But for Henan wine, you can't just have a wine glass, right? Where's the wine?

  Looking at him with apricot eyes, he asked, "Where's the wine?"

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her with soft eyes, "On our wedding day, we will naturally drink Henan wine brewed by Luoluo himself."

Hua Luo Luo added, "Just drink the peach blossom wine brewed by Luo Luo."

Yan Xiangluo heard him mention peach blossom stuffing and immediately understood what he meant.

The peach blossom wine Ji Jiuzhong was talking about was the wine brewed from the peach blossoms in the peach blossom forest below the cave where they first met after breaking off their engagement.

Thoughts that the first time they met after breaking off the engagement was when Ji Jiuzhong was suffering from fetal poisoning, and he saved him, thus starting their marriage in this life.

At that time, she was watching the peach blossoms blooming beautifully in that forest, and the fragrance particularly attracted her, so she collected the peach blossom petals and made peach blossom stuffing.

She made a lot of wine, but she didn’t drink much. There was a lot of wine.

●Today, drinking peach blossom wine brewed from the peach blossoms there seems to be the right time and the occasion.

"Okay." Yan Xiangluo took out a small jar of peach blossom wine.

Ji Jiuzhong took it, opened the seal and poured two glasses of wine. The mellow wine sloshed in the exquisite red wine glass, and the rich peach blossom aroma mixed with the aroma of the wine filled their noses.

This wine has been brewed for three years. Although it is not considered to be aged for many years based on the year, the wine itself has surpassed the aging process after being hand-made by Yan Xiangluo, who is an excellent cook.

The rich spiritual energy in the wine hit her face. Even Ji Jiuzhong, who knew that she was extremely skilled in cooking, was a little surprised by the mellow aroma and spiritual energy contained in the wine.

If they didn't say it, no one would know that such a rich, mellow and spiritual wine has only been produced for three years.

The two linked arms and watched each other take a sip of wine, then exchanged wine glasses and finished the wine.

Xiangxiang's previous life is not good for the amount of alcohol. Ji Jiuzhong watched Yan Xiang Luo's cheeks dyed with Hongxia, which is more gorgeous than the blooming peach blossoms. The red lips are more seductive than the peach blossom mother who have just been drinking.

 After two lives, the two of them are finally truly together. It would be false to say that they are not excited, but they have thousands of things to say in their hearts, but at this time, they cannot say a word.

Ji Jiuzhong put down the glass of wine and kissed her lips gently. Yan Xiangluo closed her eyes and kissed her affectionately, completely connecting the two hearts.

Ji Jiuzhong stretched out his arms and hugged his beloved tightly.

The two hugged each other like this. Outside the window of the palace was the brightly lit Jiuyuan City. People in the entire city and powerful men in the entire continent were celebrating their wedding.

 This is a scene they didn’t dare to imagine when they first came to Jiuyuan Continent a few months ago.

The power of faith worshiped by the people of Jiuyuan City continues to enter their bodies, especially Yan Xiangluo, because she was the last person to refine Qin Suyue. The power of faith she received today is greater than that of Ji Jiuzhong. need more. Only then did she realize why she was able to suppress the Demon Lord even if she wasn't there after her master gave her the task of suppressing the Demon Lord.

 Mainly it is the power of these beliefs.

 Therefore, as the power of faith increases, Yan Xiangluo clearly senses that the sealing power of the holy object has increased.

The room in the palace was gentle. Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand and lowered the bed curtain, blocking out the noise and celebration outside, as if they were the only two people left in the world.

At this time, the demon lord's clone that escaped from Qin Suyue's body has returned to the main body, so the loss is less. If the clone is destroyed, his magic power will be lost a lot.

Qin Suyue's soul body was thrown to the ground by the Demon Lord. The Demon Lord no longer controlled her soul body, and Qin Suyue slowly woke up.

As soon as she woke up, Qin Suyue was confused. Isn't this the place where the Demon Lord was sealed? Why is she here again?

 I have already returned to Jiuyuan Continent. How did you get here?

"Get up as soon as you wake up." came the cold voice of the Demon Lord.

Qin Suyue trembled, stood up quickly, and looked at the Demon Lord. It was still a **** mass, and she couldn't see what it looked like.

"Devil Lord, where is Yan Xiangluo? Have you killed her? What is the power in her body that can destroy magic power?" Qin Suyue asked several questions in a row.

The Demon Lord was already very aggrieved, but she felt even more aggrieved after hearing Qin Suyue's questions. She couldn't answer any of the questions she asked.

 He is a dignified demon lord, but he was defeated to such an extent by taking action himself. He has never been so cowardly.

At this time, Qin Suyue has not realized that she is only in a soul body state.

The Demon Lord’s gloomy, hoarse and extremely unpleasant voice said mockingly, “Don’t you realize there’s something wrong with you?”

Qin Suyue was stunned. What could be wrong with her? She felt that her body was so light and comfortable as she had never felt before. How could something be wrong with her body when it was so comfortable?

But the Demon Lord asked her this, so there must be something wrong. He lowered his head to look at herself, and she was so shocked that she opened her mouth wide and didn't close it for a while.

She was completely naked without any clothes. The most important thing was that she found that her body was light and airy, not because it was comfortable, but because it was not a physical body at all.

Qin Suyue stretched out her hand tremblingly and touched her body. Sure enough, she felt nothing. What shocked her even more was that she had no hair at all and was bald.

 What happened? How did she become like this?

It was already ugly enough to be a doppelgänger, but now he has become bald and even has no body.

 The state of her soul body indicates her state before death. Did she die so miserably?

“Demon Lord, what’s going on?” Qin Suyue asked in horror.

Didn’t she just lend her body to the Demon Lord for a while? Why did he become a soul body?

The Demon Lord's voice sounded again, "As you can see, you are already dead, and your body has been burned by Yan Xiangluo's alchemy furnace. The reason you are still standing here is because I brought you back, otherwise You're out of your mind right now."

Qin Suyue was stunned after hearing the Demon Lord's words. She quickly realized that it seemed that the Demon Lord had used her body to not only fail to kill Yuan Xiangluo, but also to destroy her own body.

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