The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 971: new body

 Chapter 971 New Body

 Speaking of her soul being shattered, how could she, a cloned demon, have an afterlife? Otherwise, why would she work so hard to live in this life?

 Qin Suyue is not a stupid person, otherwise she would not be where she is now.

Since the Demon Lord expended his strength to bring her soul body back, it must be because he is still useful, otherwise the Demon Lord's temperament would have simply swallowed up the power of her soul body. He couldn't wake up and just disappeared into ashes.

“What did the Demon Lord ask his subordinates to do?” Qin Suyue asked directly.

She knew very well that there was no need to discuss feelings with the Demon Lord, only value. As long as she was still valuable, the Demon Lord would not give up on her.

And the Demon Lord doesn’t like a stupid person. What the Demon Lord needs is someone who can do things for him. Therefore, she has to show her intelligence in front of the Demon Lord so that she can continue to be used by the Demon Lord and she can continue to live.

As expected, Qin Suyue's words made the Demon Lord somewhat satisfied, "I have enough brains and I didn't waste the power I expended in rescuing you."

Qin Suyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief that she had made the right bet.

  "I will do my best to serve the devil." He has shown his intelligence, and now he has to show his loyalty.

Has to admit that Qin Suyue guessed the devil lord's thoughts most likely.

The Demon Lord laughed twice. If she hadn't been sealed here and couldn't get out, a weak clone like her would be needed to do things.

 He ​​gave her so much magic power, but she didn't even kill Yan Xiangluo. This shows how weak her strength is. If no one can use it, how can she serve in front of him, so he can just use it.

Although he thought so in his heart, he directly stated his purpose with his mouth.

“Yan Xiangluo will definitely find a way to go to the Nine Heavens next. I will send you to the Nine Heavens first so that you can have a new body and an identity again. Do you know why I am sending you to the Nine Heavens?”

Qin Suyue was extremely excited after hearing this. She could have a body and identity again, and it was still in the ninth heaven that was beyond her reach. This was like a big pie falling from the sky and hitting her.

But she was not dizzy with joy, let alone lost her mind. She knew that the devil's arrangement must be because Yan Xiangluo was going to Jiuchongtian and allowed herself to deal with Yan Xiangluo.

But to be honest, she didn't have much confidence in herself when dealing with Yan Xiangluo. This time, she realized the gap between herself and Yan Xiangluo when they had a formal relationship.

 But she would not say this out loud, and if she did, there would be nothing left.

“When my subordinates go to Jiuchongtian, they will secretly recruit some people to do things for them. As long as Yanxiang falls to Jiuchongtian, my subordinates will try their best to find ways to kill her and prevent her from getting stronger in Jiuchongtian.”

The reason why Qin Suyue is sure that she will definitely kill Yan Xiangluo is because she knows very well that she does not have the strength, and she does not know the identity and strength of the body that the Demon Lord has found.

She has already seen Yan Xiangluo's talent. Even if she goes to Jiuchongtian, she is definitely a genius among geniuses. Even if she returns her identity, she may not be her opponent.

However, if she went early, she could prepare in advance. This time, she was not going to do it herself, so she didn't believe it. She was hiding in the dark and scheming, so she was no match for Yu Xiangluo.

Qin Suyue made the right bet again, and the Demon Lord was very satisfied with her reaction.

"Yes, you are very self-aware. You can't kill her. You just need to tell me all her information anytime and anywhere to stop her powerful speed. It is best to allow her to cultivate within three years without any problems. Big improvement, it would be better if I had the chance to kill her."

Although the Demon Lord said this, he had no hope of letting Qin Suyue kill Yan Xiangluo. “Yes.” Qin Suyue responded immediately.

The more obedient she looks, the more obedient she will be.

"Your soul body carries magic power. The body I found for you is a demon cultivator, which can hide the magic power, but you have to be careful." The devil finally reminded her.

Qin Suyue's heart trembled, "If my subordinates know this, they will definitely be careful."

The Demon Lord said nothing more and raised his hand, a black breath penetrated into Qin Suyue's soul body, and Qin Suyue's soul body slowly floated up.

 Suddenly a sense of gravity pulled her, Qin Suyue fainted instantly, and her soul body disappeared in front of the demon lord.

The Demon Lord sighed, "I hope she can be of some use."

 Before she fainted, Qin Suyue wanted to curse in her heart. Did she have to faint? Couldn't she face it happily?

When Qin Suyue woke up again, she found herself lying on an exquisite antique bed. She was born in a wealthy family and had seen wealthy families when she came to Jiuyuan Continent. Naturally, she could tell at a glance that this new body family Very wealthy.

 Touched the soft brocade quilt and looked at the flowing bed curtains, everything told her that she really had a body and identity again.

 Suddenly, her head hurt violently. She stretched out her hands to cover her head and closed her eyes in pain.

 After a while, Qin Suyue let go and slowly opened her eyes. It turned out to be the memory of this body.

Qin Suyue was very excited. She was very satisfied with the identity of this body. It was something she could not ask for before, and it was very suitable for her to deal with Yu Xiangluo.

 At this moment, the voice of the Demon Lord sounded in her mind.

"Remember, whatever you want to do, no matter where you are, I can recall your soul body at any time. Remember, don't provoke the heavenly master, your soul body is different from the physical appearance."

Qin Suyue's excitement was instantly extinguished by a basin of cold water. How could she forget that she only entered this body as a soul body? The Celestial Master could tell that.

“Demon Lord, don’t worry, I will be careful.” Qin Suyue immediately expressed her stance.

Then he asked cautiously, "Devil Lord, the soul of this body will not come back, right?"

The Demon Lord sneered, "I will take action and not a single trace of her soul will be left."

Qin Suyue was completely relieved after hearing the Demon Lord's words. The soul of this body had been completely destroyed by the Demon Lord, and she didn't have to worry about this body being snatched away again.

"Although I am here to help you, it will take some time for your soul to truly integrate with your body. It is best to find some soul-solidifying elixirs to assist you. Also, only part of her memory is left. The specific life You have to act according to your own circumstances. I have done everything I can do for you, and the rest is up to you." The Demon Lord reminded Qin Suyue.

Only then did Qin Suyue realize that the memory she had just acquired was not all of this body, and her soul had not yet been completely integrated with this body. It seemed that she had to be more careful.

"Yue'er, are you feeling better?" A woman's worried voice came. Immediately, Qin Suyue saw a woman who looked sixty-seven percent like this body walking in.

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